
Showing posts from 2017

Osaka Budget Summary

19th April - 26th April 2017 Currency Rate : 40.6 Budget rm3500.00 Expenses: Malaysia (RM) AirAsia Flight Ticket - rm1088.08 (baggage 20kg return,in flight meals return,travel insurance) Accomodation AirBnb, Tennojichokita Abeno-ku: RM263.75/person/for 7 nights Nasi Impit and Berahim : RM12.00 (shared among 6pax ) *Total: RM 1363.83 Japan (Yen) 3 daysKansai Thru Pass                                                 5200jpy 2 days Osaka Amazing Day Pass                                   3300jpy Sagano Romantic Train                                                    620jpy Universal Studio Japan             ...

In Japan, Discipline is an Etique :)

tunggu train, line up nak scan ticket after turun train , line up masuk tandas, line up  and what makes them berfikiran high class as a developed country is..  they did not cross the road sesuka hati like us. termasuk lah school children budak budak sekolah menangah . they use zebra crossing and they even line up sebelum nak melintas. haha.  on the tar road, ada banyak zebra crossing and every 2 minute macam tu traffic light dekat zebra crossing tu functions, masa mula mula datang tu serious, i was in a little cultural shock "eh nak cross je boleh tak ? jauh la zebra crossing tu " " takpe , just take the zebra crossing .. takde siapa pun cross sesuka hati atas jalan"

Japan Spring Trip:Part 6

Day 6 : Osaka Tour Budget Summary - transportation,subway line around osaka city,bay area with osaka amazing pass - Osaka Castle Entrance Fee : Free with Osaka Amazing Pass ( admission fee is 600JPY) - Osaka Castle Gozabune ( Boat Ride ) : Free with  Osaka Amazing Pass ( admission fee adult 1,500JPY ) - Tempozan Ferris Wheel : Free with Osaka Amazing Pass ( fee 800JPY) - Santa Maria Cruise : Free with Osaka Amazing Pass ( fee 1,600JPY) - Osaka Kaiyukan Aquarium : Discount 100JPY with Osaka Amazing Pass. ( Fee 2300JPY , after discount , me paid 2200JPY) Osaka Castle How to get there boleh pergi dekat website ni,  . Today we packed our own lunch for the last time :D Tak tahu laa orang lain macam mana but to me, when it comes to historic place macam ni i like to read the history about it. it's really fun kut. sebab castle ni sejarah dia bertingkat tingkat so agak lama juga kitaorang dalam tu. mula mula enam enam orang ada , le...

What We Do Masa Dalam Train

First time masuk train dari airport nak ke guesthouse, i got this feeling that mesti kena pandang pelik punya because we were wearing scarf . and my guts were true. ever since kitaorang sampai Osaka sampai nak balik , mesti akan ada one to two person in that train staring at us macam nak tembus mata ,. hahaa 😁😁. weird right but that really happened to us 😔 it's not a big thing pun tapi saja laa nak cerita about their perceptions. tapi tak semua buat macam tu sebab most of the time they just ignored us and buat hal masing masing :').  sampai nak batuk dalam train pun segan sebab train senyappp sangat -.-  lain gila dengan malaysia. there was one time when i was standing with Liyana. sebab takde seat so kitaorang berdiri je. all of sudden . all of sudden okay . serious i wasnt expect 'this' would come from seorang yang innocent macam Liyana Onn 😜😜 "Japanese guy kalau handsome , memang handsome betul kan? lelaki yang duduk belakang awak tu handsome lah...

Japan Spring Trip:Part 5

DAY 5:Kyoto Budget Summary - Ginkakuji Temple Entrance Fee 500JPY - subway,railway line, city shuttle bus all covered by Kansai Thru Pass. so today we all relax sikitt. no need to wake up as early as 430 and terus siap siap like days before. plan nya kalau ikut itinerary harini nak pergi jalan jalan and sightseeing dekat : -Ginkakuji Temple -Philosopher's Path -Kiyomiduzera Temple -Gion district  -Fushimi Inari Shrine from umeda station , pergi kyoto naik hankyu line( masa ni dah start boleh pakai kansai thru pass tu ) .Today kitaorang plan nak naik city shuttle bus so we went to tourist information centre yang located outside the kyoto station building. kalau tak tahu tanya jea mana mana officer yang ada pakai uniform tu . sure they can speak english and tell u where is the place. rupanya bila sampai sana, ada banyak sangat city shuttle bus yang dah beratur haha. bila tanya dekat information centre ( kitaorang cakap nak pergi Ginkakuji Temple duluu sebab...

Japan Spring Trip:Part 4

DAY 4:Nara and Kobe Budget Summary - subway,railway to Nara convered by Kansai Thru Pass - Nara Deer Cracker 150JPY - subway/railway to Kobe covered by Kansai Thru Pass while you guys purchasing the travel passes nanti, tourist information centre akan beri juga railway from there you can see railway/line apa nak pakai to go for your destination. nak hafal pun bolehhh ;p Nara Deer Park+Daikakuji Temple+Shrine  today we were going to Nara. after mengkaji Map Kansai Thru Pass tu, rupanya nak pergi ke sana senang jeaa hehe. thanks mr map ;) sampai je dekat Kintetsu Nara station, we sent straight to tourist information center. ok lagi satu yang i like about Japan is bila setiap kali kitaorang rasa sesat je there'll always ada tourist information center dekat train station and shopping mall :D amaze jugak laa as if they know that we get lost sometimes. bayangkan bila nak transit to other line, mesti akan lalu dekat shopping mall because the exit ada dalam shopping ma...

Japan Spring Trip:Part 3

DAY 3 (Kyoto) Budget Summary: - Sagano Romantic Railway 620JPY - Nijo Castle 600JPY -railway/subway/ to Arashiyama covered by Kansai Thru Pass by 730 am take train to osaka station. from osaka, walk thru the grand front osaka bridge untuk pergi ke umeda station  for about 200m? dekat jeaa :) . from umeda, ambil hankyu railway nak pergi Arashiyama :) Arashiyama Bamboo Forest went to Arashiyama Bamboo Forest. memang betul betul penuh satu bamboo dekat situ! haha. greenery scenic nice view ok. excited semua orang sebab dapat pergi sini .one of wishlists kitaorang kut. hehe. Arashiyama Bamboo Forest then pergi ke Sagano Romatic Station yang terletak tak jauh pun from area bamboo forest tu . but maybe a little bit confuse laa from bamboo forest nak pergi sana. kitaorang once sesat juga awal tu but thanks to en google map last last sampai juga dekat station tu. rupanya dokek jeaa. tak sampai 100m pun. means kalau dah jumpa that bamboo forest tu, just head to north and tak ...

Japan Spring Trip:Part 2

DAY 2  ( Universal Studio Japan ) Budget Summary - 3 days kansai thru pass and 2 days osaka amazing pass=8,500JPY  - universal studio japan ticket 7,600JPY ok pasal ticket USJ ni kan , i tak de la tahu detail about the ticket but i know there were different types of usj tickets 1. ticket biasa beli dekat counter usj *we fall in this categeory haha  2. online ticket ( maksudnya beli thru website , then claim the ticket masa dekat counter usj bila sampai osaka) 3. ticket yang dah dibeli thru agent travel yang based nya dekat malaysia . ada je agent travel yang jual ticket usj. good things when u buy this ticket in advanced is nanti sampai usj tak perlu lah beratuq panjang mcm kami , but lepas tu i dont know how they let you in. sama ada bagi masuk awal ka, still beratur dekat entrance gate macam kitaorang ke.  4. vip ticket . ticket ni of course mahal than ticket biasa. tapi privilage nya you get to enter the park awal ( park opens at 9.00 pagi ) and...

Japan Spring Trip:Part 1

Day 1 0800- morning flight airasia to Osaka. 1430 (waktu Malaysia) - arrived Kansai International Airport safely. Alhamdulillah :) .waktu dekat Japan is sejam awal , which was pukul 330 pm. masa sebelum pergi ada laa baca dekat group Road To Japan tu diorang kata be prepared sebab dekat bahagian customs check baggage maybe kena check sampai kena buka baggage semua. tapi bila kitaorang sampai haritu takde kena check pun. alhamdulillah hehe. az dah cuak sebab bag dia paling penuh dengan kotak kotak Brahim's haha. kata az, kalau Brahim ni pun kena rampas , tak makan wehhh nantii. ( masa tu dah fikir ya allah permudahkan lahh. haha ) . lepas tu kitaorang staright pergi kansai information centre to buy travel passes. disebabkan plan kitaorang seminggu tu would be 1 day to USJ 2 days to Kyoto 1 day to Kobe and Nara 2 days dekat Osaka, maka , we decided to choose 2 days kansai thru pass and 2 days osaka amazing pass. kansai thru pass boleh guna once we start our trip kyoto fo...

Japan Spring Trip:Pre Tips :)

#NowPlaying Berakhirlah Sudah-Atmosfera. Assalamualaikum guys. This entry is to story about my Japan Spring Trip along with itinerary :D Plan nak ke Japan ni memang  dah lama. That time, i was looking for travel partner. Mula tu tak plan pun nak pergi Japan ( just like when i'd didnt plan to go Korea itupun sebab balqis yang ajak kalau tak memang duduk kt rumah laa cerita dia haha ) .Tak ingat lah pula macam mana boleh terjumpa azwa and yana yg masa tu mcm plan juga nak vacation. me is jenis yang tak kisah pun nak travel dengan sesiapa as long as i know that persons well. thats why bila azwa and yana nak jenjalan tu i tak kisah nak join sekali, first i think because they are my fellow friends and i kenal them even though not too close camtu. 1. jadi point nya nak cakap kat sini, nak travel mesti kena ada travel partner and they must be somebody yang you are comfortable with, yang ada ciri ciri kempimpinan macam azwa , yang pandai bahasa and tulisan mandarin macam liyana onn h...

Final Final Final


Family Day 2017 Part 2

 apa feedback from AJK Gift eh .? hehe em berpuluh puluh kali dah kitaorang masuk kedai 'K' tu pikir perah otak nak beri apa as a token of appreciation .biasalah concept tsam kan ' one for all ' hehe . after a few cadangan and nasihat from volunteers yg lain , so we decided to buy a water bottle. masa dah beli water bottle tu i had to keep them  senyap senyap dalam bilik for two weeks . dah la bilik sebelah ellina . silap silap buka sikit je pintu kantoi lah en sebab plastik beso besoo ;p . then on minggu yang nak family day tu , after end of district posting , rasa lega gilaa sebab dah boleh concentrate on hias all the water bottles tu . honestly, that night my room was super mess with that things haha ;p. kalau nak tahu , yang dok ikat ribbon sampai beratus ratus bottles tu cheq laa yang buat. haha ;p . syaza and cem sibuk gunting kain for head band ( katanya atas arahan cik fahmi . emphh -,-  ) masa last meeting on jumaat evening , semua mood happy je...

Family Day 2017 Part 1

assalamualaikum guys :D today is a bright day and may allah gives us his Barakah on this sunny day :) ok lah nak terus buka cerita pasal our batch day yang dah pun berlangsung dengan jayanya ( alhamdulillah ) on 21st January 2017 :) the last time i involved myself jadi AJK was masa dinner farewell untuk budak budak vinayaka  . this time i tak tahu pun rahul was recruiting volunteers for batch programme until i read whatsapp ( nasib baik i buka ws that night ;p) from tsam .   " wani ,  jum laaa jadi volunteer untuk family day :D " sekali buka fb , oh  ha ah laa rahul baru post an hour ago . HAHA . masa kelas district , i knew that i couldnt come to first meeting masa tu but i cepat cepat pesan to syaza ( since she was our group wakil yg datang ) to letak my name under any AJKs but  NOT UNDER GAME . hahahaha . jahat kan tp nak buat macam mana LOL ;p . so last last dapat lahh jadi AJK GIFT :D . from the second meeting sampai lah ke final  meeting kan...


l ast week , on public holiday ( Thaipusam ) , me and my family went to KL to shop for some kain ela untuk baju kurung  . mum's choices were so beautiful and worthy ( of course weh because the price is about rm120 per metre :O ) until she said that she is soo happy to wear it during Raya nanti .  sebabnya this year , we are going to celebrate Raya Aidilfitri belah abah in Terengganu , which also means that kitaorang tak payah masak . HAHAHA .  mama : yeayy tahun ni ma boleh pakai baju kurung lawa lawa . tak yah masakk . kalau balik teluk intan , takde chan aa nak pakai baju kurung . first day raya dah pakai tracksuit .  me : indeed ,ma indeed . *angguk angguk  Celebrating Raya in Mum's side is fun but at the same time tiring mann . i still remembered last year , me and mama had to wake up early in the morning and went to pasar ( after subuh ) to buy groceries for breaking fast dish . penat gila wehh tp it was a new experience to me lah and i enjoyed ever...