What We Do Masa Dalam Train

First time masuk train dari airport nak ke guesthouse, i got this feeling that mesti kena pandang pelik punya because we were wearing scarf . and my guts were true. ever since kitaorang sampai Osaka sampai nak balik , mesti akan ada one to two person in that train staring at us macam nak tembus mata ,. hahaa 😁😁. weird right but that really happened to us 😔

it's not a big thing pun tapi saja laa nak cerita about their perceptions. tapi tak semua buat macam tu sebab most of the time they just ignored us and buat hal masing masing :').  sampai nak batuk dalam train pun segan sebab train senyappp sangat -.-  lain gila dengan malaysia.

there was one time when i was standing with Liyana. sebab takde seat so kitaorang berdiri je. all of sudden . all of sudden okay . serious i wasnt expect 'this' would come from seorang yang innocent macam Liyana Onn 😜😜

"Japanese guy kalau handsome , memang handsome betul kan? lelaki yang duduk belakang awak tu handsome lah"

me : ??? toleh sikit belakang , saw that guy. HAHAHAHHAHA . SHE WAS RIGHT ! >< macam im siwan doeeee! :O  *eem korang google lah sendiri siapa im siwan tu;p after that , kitaorang giggling macam orang gila dekat situ. sekali sekala cuci mata hehehehe 💓💓💓


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