Japan Spring Trip:Pre Tips :)
#NowPlaying Berakhirlah Sudah-Atmosfera.
Assalamualaikum guys. This entry is to story about my Japan Spring Trip along with itinerary :D
Plan nak ke Japan ni memang dah lama. That time, i was looking for travel partner. Mula tu tak plan pun nak pergi Japan ( just like when i'd didnt plan to go Korea itupun sebab balqis yang ajak kalau tak memang duduk kt rumah laa cerita dia haha ) .Tak ingat lah pula macam mana boleh terjumpa azwa and yana yg masa tu mcm plan juga nak vacation. me is jenis yang tak kisah pun nak travel dengan sesiapa as long as i know that persons well. thats why bila azwa and yana nak jenjalan tu i tak kisah nak join sekali, first i think because they are my fellow friends and i kenal them even though not too close camtu.
1. jadi point nya nak cakap kat sini, nak travel mesti kena ada travel partner and they must be somebody yang you are comfortable with, yang ada ciri ciri kempimpinan macam azwa , yang pandai bahasa and tulisan mandarin macam liyana onn hehe ( kalau jenis nak travel solo tu lain cerita lah eh haha )
2. find a suitable date .
in our case , sebab kitaorang dah plan nak pergi Japan , so of course laa we chose to vacate masa final break . luckily our final break selalu nya akan start masa bulan april or may so we can predict masa ni dekat Japan tengah spring and nice weather untuk holiday kat sana . hehe
3. choose the best fare for ticket flight .
airasia sentiasa buat promotion . usually every two months diorang akan buat promo . takde lah sampai nak tunggu dua bulan but the promotion tu memang frequent lah nak cakap . haha .
tapi boleh jeaa kalau plan nak pergi osaka , but balik malaysia from tokyo . ikut suka you all laa. and you can also choose which airlines to reach there. not only airasia, others like malaysia airlines and vietnam airlines pun bolehh :) i had friends yang pergi tokyo but balik malaysia from osaka guna vietnam airlines but diorang kena transit juga la.
it is very important to choose the best fare and as cheap as possible sebab masa tu boleh lah nak kira budget bebetul untuk trip nanti . (after you tolak ticket flight , how much budget left for the trip and accomodation ) macam i, i always set a budget trip. so this time due to economy problem , currency pun tinggi therefore budget nak pergi japan pun agak tinggi sikit compared to masa pergi korea dulu ( rm3,300 ) . this time nak pergi japan i increase the budget up to rm3,500.
4. find a good accommodation to stay
ok to explain further apa maksud good accomodation ni . accomodation tu mestilah affordable price and sesuai . contohnya kalau korang rasa this trip jenis yang pergi pagi lepas tu balik malam so macam tak sesuai if nak beli apartment for your stay. so i suggest you untuk cari guesthouse with affordable range dalam rm35-rm40 per night per person . as usual , kitaorang akan cari guesthouse dekat airbnb website . second , dekat mana guesthouse tu located . like far from the city kee or agak agak 10mins nak ke city if reach by train ke. macam kitaorang sebab nak jenjalan ke osaka dan kawasan sekitarnya , so kitaorang search guesthouse dekat osaka. luckily there was one guesthouse ni yang cheap price and tak berapa jauh sgt pun nak ke osaka city ( 20 mins by train ). and always always make sure that your guesthouse tu located near to train station .
we were so lucky that guesthouse kitaorang ni tak sampai 3 minute pun nak ke train station :) . so each time balik malam tu takde la rasa penat sangat sebb rumah dekat je dgn train station. we have friends yang ikut sekali travel with us, ( they booked flight ticket and hotel quite late sebab diorang baru plan nak join ) so nak dijadikan cerita , diorang booked this one guesthouse ni . rupa rupanya it turned out that rumah tu 1km from the nearest train station . mcm terkejut juga la masa first time pergi guesthouse diorang stay tu . gilaa lama kut . jalan fro imamiya station to their house took about 15 minutes :O. diorang pun masa dah sampai japan baru figure out the prob but couldnot do nothing about it. kesian juga sbb dah la hari hari kitaorang balik malam and quite dangerous for their safety too! so lessons learnt . masa nak choose accomodation tu , i know you guys are looking for a cheap one but for your own safety , baca dulu the description about the guesthouse. first thing first , cari how far it from the nearest train station :)
5. search and list down attractions places or wishlist.
it is very crucial for you to at least down places that you wish to visit. good things bila kita list down ni at least better than daripada tak search apa apa langsung and nak tunggu dah sampai sana baru nak tahu nak pergi mana . make a good itenerary, study attraction places to betul betul .macam kitaorang , we plan to jalan jalan area osaka , kyoto , kobe and nara because these places ni dekat dekat jea and boleh reach by train . for this 1 week trip , kitaorang tak plan nak pergi tokyo and return to malaysia from there sebab satu kekurangan budget . second we planned that seminggu tu memang nak cover area osaka kyoto kobe and nara (provided that if you plan it wisely :)
sources nak tahu attractions places ni senang jea . boleh google maa. hehe but i recommend this page/website http://www.japan-guide.com/e/e2157.html to search top attractions dekat Japan . in fact , we plan our itinerary based on this website jea sebab dah complete . it helps you by listing down top attractions places sekali dengan how to go there sekali dengan entrance fee of that places .
6. study about Japan.
haha macam scary je kan bunyi dia. study medic pun tak lepas , nak suruh study pasal negara orang . lulz tak de aa nak suruh korang study pasal sejarah ke apaa . but what i meant by studying about this country is disebabkan kita nak pergi ke negara orang ni so you have to learn a lil bit about their culture. google sikit sikit jea apa yang dos and donts bila dekat sana. they are also asian people , so bab bab hormat and bow ni should not be a big problem to us sebab itupun budaya kita juga .
maybe boleh la spend sikit masa untuk study bahasa diorang sebab most of the Japanese couldnt speak english except yang kerja dekat tourist information centre at dekat train station and airport . itu pun diorang faham basic english je tauu . yang complicated tok sah dok tanya pasal diorang pun tak kan paham . this was one of our challenges bila dekat sana where we had troubles speaking english with the citizens . we asked the directions in english but they reply in japanese . memang tak faham haha
7. be familiar with the railway/subway lines and study about travel passes .
in malaysia , we have only a few jea railway lines . in fact tak sampai 10 lines pun so senang la nak hafal . tapi dekat Japan , they have about 20 different railway and subway lines with different company yang uruskan ! masa tengok peta railway ( dapat masa dekat kansai tourist information center ) tu memang buta mata kejap tengok weh . it was too complicated and plenty! macam macam colour to indicate the lines! in fact, sebab banyak sangat lines kan , i had trouble in remembering railway line nak balik guesthouse. osaka loop line tu memang bebetul loop sampai duduk seminggu pun belum tentu boleh faham hahaaa. kalau boleh masuk juga dalam itinerary on how to reach places yang kita nak pergi bila naik train .
sepanjang dekat sana , we use 'Japan Travel' app untuk memudahkan perjalanan from one place/train/subway station to other station . sebab dia dah siap beritahu nak pakai railway apa , nak change train dekat station mana , which exit and fare for each route. it did a great help to us :) credit to liyana onn for recommend this app to us.
for your information, disebabkan japan ni is a developed country so they are so tourist friendly. sebab tu besides ada card touch n go macam kita ( they use icoca card ) , they provide variety of travel passes . travel passes ni ada banyak function tau . it can be macam card touch n go kau , at the same time boleh jadi ticket discount untuk certain top attractions/places ( example like kansai thru pass and osaka amazing pass ) but the selection of those passes are depends on where you want to go ( cth : either nak jenjalan area osaka for the whole one week or nak cover osaka kyoto kobe nara(kansai area ) or nak cover osaka lepas tu nak pergi kobe and nara je ). sebab tu sebelum bercuti , plan the itinerary wisely and thoroughly so that you can see which areas/places you nak pergi and which pass nak pakai dekat area tu . for example, if nak cover osaka for one week , tak berbaloi kalau nak beli kansai thru pass sebab nya this pass not only boleh cover area osaka, you can use this pass on all subways and railways lines (except JR line ) area kansai! (osaka-kyoto- kobe- nara ) . so ada pembaziran dekat situ :) . check this website http://www.osaka-info.jp/en/plan/practical_information/travel_passes/ for further information :)
8. prepare your own outfit, expenses and foods.
since japan is not a muslim country , so probability nak dapat jumpa kedai or restaurant halal tu is like 30 percent . itu pun kalau that halal restaurant tu dekat dengan area kita . kalau jauh? kalau memang tak sempat nak pergi pun sebab seharian berjalan ? in case travel sendiri ni memang kena fikir cara nak isi perut sendiri sebab memang takde masa nak cari halal restaurant dekat sana . so prepare lah food apa nak bawa siap siap . roti ke , air kotak milo yang kecik kecik tu kee , biscuits. pepandai lah plan apa makanan nak bawa for alas perut.
at the same time , try to plan something yang akan memudahkan perjalanan kita and at the same time menjimatkan duit. ,macam kitaorang sepanjang seminggu dekat sana we packed our own lunch . maksudnya , kitaorang beli nasi impit and brahim paket siap siap from here bila dekat sana , setiap hari kitaorang bawa bekal jea . bila ada spot baik nak makan, we sat and ate together . nampak macam kesian kan tapi tu laa kemanisan travel . good thing is you'll learn how to survive sis. serious cakap :)
spring in japan maksudnya sejuk okay . even though weather was nice and sunny , tapi angin kuat dia peghhh memang cucuk cucuk tulang ni haa sebab sejuk haha. the weather range during spring seasons ni as low as 10 sampai lah 22 degree. biasa sejuk gila ni start late evening sampai awal pagi . lepas tu masuk noon , dah rasa panas sikit even though agak windy with 22 degree but trust me you wouldnt want to wear any jacket pun time noon tu. just that bila dah late evening masuk malam tu , memang kena ada jacket or sweater to wear sebab sejukkkk :P . i dont recommend you to beli jacket bulu bulu memahal dekat universal traveler ke apa sebab time spring that kind of 'jacket' wear mcm tak suitable sebab dah la berat and tebal . lepas tu kalau pakai time noon , maigadd panas weh . so just bring jacket nipis or sweater pun dah cukuppp :) ataupun you can buy sweatshirt ada hoodies ke takde ke ikut sukalah (H&M ada jual ) . pakai tu pun dah cukup daaa sebenarnyaa. itupun kalau korang jenis tahan sejuk . so masa pergi tu rasa menyesal jugak laa bawa jacket bulu bulu mine tuu sebab by 4th day kt sana i wore sweater jea sampai balik malaysia . buat berat luggage wehh ;p
9. check weather forecast
ok this one pun penting juga sebab masa you all nak buat itinerary tu, weather forecast sangat lahh kena ambil tahu. harini hujan ke, cloudy ke, rainy ke, sunny day ke . i learnt a lot during previous vacation dekat Korea, where we didnt check the weather forecast . it turned out that hari masa pergi Everland tu hujan pulak ya allah. memang dari pagi sampai malam nak ride mengigil tak habis habis LOL;p balik guesthouse je kitaorang terus check weather forecast esok pagi. lessons learnt :)
reason nya sebab kalau korang check weather forecast at least korang boleh lah elakkan pergi tempat tempat yang nak bersightseeing or pergi universal studio japan on rainy day :) .
alhamdulillah masa sepanjang kitaorang dekat sana, sejak sampai sampai lah a day before balik weather was so good and sunny. only hari nak balik malaysia je hujan renyai renyai :D *refer dekat weather forecast memang kata hari last day dekat osaka rainy :)
10. rent a pocket wifi
banyak dah website kata Osaka ada banyak je free wifi . dalam train la, in shopping mall la. sepanjang dekat sana i've tried so many times nak connect dengan wifi dekat sana tapi failed. there was only one place je boleh dapat free wifi. kansai international airport -.- itupun effort juga laa nak dapatkan internet . derr.
jadinya nak cakap dekat sini , wifi memang kena selalu ada sebab possible jea tiba tiba you get lost dekat tengah tengah jalan and masa tu kena pakai google map. time ni laaa kena ada unlimited internet so that google maps boleh digunakan .
so tanya dekat tuan guesthouse korang ada tak disediakan pocket wifi. pocket wifi ni device yang easy to carry,ke mana jea 24 jam and wireless . cuma bila battery habis kenalah charge en haha . kalau tuan rumah takde pocket wifi, boleh rent pocket wifi siap siap dekat airport klia 2. sebab kawan kitaorang yang tak stay sekali tu , tuan rumah takde pocket wifi , so they rented the pocket wifi siap siap , ambil dekat klia 2.
dekat sana google map dengan internet memang sangat diperlukan . if takde dua benda ni, you may find trouble laa nak pergi ke attraction places tu sebabnya attraction places dekat sana bukan dekat takat jalan kaki sebelah train station. haha. certain places like Nijo Castle, Fushimi Inari Shrine tu might need a google map sebab agak jauh sikit kena jalan lepas exit from subway.
Assalamualaikum guys. This entry is to story about my Japan Spring Trip along with itinerary :D
Plan nak ke Japan ni memang dah lama. That time, i was looking for travel partner. Mula tu tak plan pun nak pergi Japan ( just like when i'd didnt plan to go Korea itupun sebab balqis yang ajak kalau tak memang duduk kt rumah laa cerita dia haha ) .Tak ingat lah pula macam mana boleh terjumpa azwa and yana yg masa tu mcm plan juga nak vacation. me is jenis yang tak kisah pun nak travel dengan sesiapa as long as i know that persons well. thats why bila azwa and yana nak jenjalan tu i tak kisah nak join sekali, first i think because they are my fellow friends and i kenal them even though not too close camtu.
1. jadi point nya nak cakap kat sini, nak travel mesti kena ada travel partner and they must be somebody yang you are comfortable with, yang ada ciri ciri kempimpinan macam azwa , yang pandai bahasa and tulisan mandarin macam liyana onn hehe ( kalau jenis nak travel solo tu lain cerita lah eh haha )
2. find a suitable date .
in our case , sebab kitaorang dah plan nak pergi Japan , so of course laa we chose to vacate masa final break . luckily our final break selalu nya akan start masa bulan april or may so we can predict masa ni dekat Japan tengah spring and nice weather untuk holiday kat sana . hehe
3. choose the best fare for ticket flight .
airasia sentiasa buat promotion . usually every two months diorang akan buat promo . takde lah sampai nak tunggu dua bulan but the promotion tu memang frequent lah nak cakap . haha .
tapi boleh jeaa kalau plan nak pergi osaka , but balik malaysia from tokyo . ikut suka you all laa. and you can also choose which airlines to reach there. not only airasia, others like malaysia airlines and vietnam airlines pun bolehh :) i had friends yang pergi tokyo but balik malaysia from osaka guna vietnam airlines but diorang kena transit juga la.
it is very important to choose the best fare and as cheap as possible sebab masa tu boleh lah nak kira budget bebetul untuk trip nanti . (after you tolak ticket flight , how much budget left for the trip and accomodation ) macam i, i always set a budget trip. so this time due to economy problem , currency pun tinggi therefore budget nak pergi japan pun agak tinggi sikit compared to masa pergi korea dulu ( rm3,300 ) . this time nak pergi japan i increase the budget up to rm3,500.
4. find a good accommodation to stay
ok to explain further apa maksud good accomodation ni . accomodation tu mestilah affordable price and sesuai . contohnya kalau korang rasa this trip jenis yang pergi pagi lepas tu balik malam so macam tak sesuai if nak beli apartment for your stay. so i suggest you untuk cari guesthouse with affordable range dalam rm35-rm40 per night per person . as usual , kitaorang akan cari guesthouse dekat airbnb website . second , dekat mana guesthouse tu located . like far from the city kee or agak agak 10mins nak ke city if reach by train ke. macam kitaorang sebab nak jenjalan ke osaka dan kawasan sekitarnya , so kitaorang search guesthouse dekat osaka. luckily there was one guesthouse ni yang cheap price and tak berapa jauh sgt pun nak ke osaka city ( 20 mins by train ). and always always make sure that your guesthouse tu located near to train station .
we were so lucky that guesthouse kitaorang ni tak sampai 3 minute pun nak ke train station :) . so each time balik malam tu takde la rasa penat sangat sebb rumah dekat je dgn train station. we have friends yang ikut sekali travel with us, ( they booked flight ticket and hotel quite late sebab diorang baru plan nak join ) so nak dijadikan cerita , diorang booked this one guesthouse ni . rupa rupanya it turned out that rumah tu 1km from the nearest train station . mcm terkejut juga la masa first time pergi guesthouse diorang stay tu . gilaa lama kut . jalan fro imamiya station to their house took about 15 minutes :O. diorang pun masa dah sampai japan baru figure out the prob but couldnot do nothing about it. kesian juga sbb dah la hari hari kitaorang balik malam and quite dangerous for their safety too! so lessons learnt . masa nak choose accomodation tu , i know you guys are looking for a cheap one but for your own safety , baca dulu the description about the guesthouse. first thing first , cari how far it from the nearest train station :)
5. search and list down attractions places or wishlist.
it is very crucial for you to at least down places that you wish to visit. good things bila kita list down ni at least better than daripada tak search apa apa langsung and nak tunggu dah sampai sana baru nak tahu nak pergi mana . make a good itenerary, study attraction places to betul betul .macam kitaorang , we plan to jalan jalan area osaka , kyoto , kobe and nara because these places ni dekat dekat jea and boleh reach by train . for this 1 week trip , kitaorang tak plan nak pergi tokyo and return to malaysia from there sebab satu kekurangan budget . second we planned that seminggu tu memang nak cover area osaka kyoto kobe and nara (provided that if you plan it wisely :)
sources nak tahu attractions places ni senang jea . boleh google maa. hehe but i recommend this page/website http://www.japan-guide.com/e/e2157.html to search top attractions dekat Japan . in fact , we plan our itinerary based on this website jea sebab dah complete . it helps you by listing down top attractions places sekali dengan how to go there sekali dengan entrance fee of that places .
6. study about Japan.
haha macam scary je kan bunyi dia. study medic pun tak lepas , nak suruh study pasal negara orang . lulz tak de aa nak suruh korang study pasal sejarah ke apaa . but what i meant by studying about this country is disebabkan kita nak pergi ke negara orang ni so you have to learn a lil bit about their culture. google sikit sikit jea apa yang dos and donts bila dekat sana. they are also asian people , so bab bab hormat and bow ni should not be a big problem to us sebab itupun budaya kita juga .
maybe boleh la spend sikit masa untuk study bahasa diorang sebab most of the Japanese couldnt speak english except yang kerja dekat tourist information centre at dekat train station and airport . itu pun diorang faham basic english je tauu . yang complicated tok sah dok tanya pasal diorang pun tak kan paham . this was one of our challenges bila dekat sana where we had troubles speaking english with the citizens . we asked the directions in english but they reply in japanese . memang tak faham haha
7. be familiar with the railway/subway lines and study about travel passes .
in malaysia , we have only a few jea railway lines . in fact tak sampai 10 lines pun so senang la nak hafal . tapi dekat Japan , they have about 20 different railway and subway lines with different company yang uruskan ! masa tengok peta railway ( dapat masa dekat kansai tourist information center ) tu memang buta mata kejap tengok weh . it was too complicated and plenty! macam macam colour to indicate the lines! in fact, sebab banyak sangat lines kan , i had trouble in remembering railway line nak balik guesthouse. osaka loop line tu memang bebetul loop sampai duduk seminggu pun belum tentu boleh faham hahaaa. kalau boleh masuk juga dalam itinerary on how to reach places yang kita nak pergi bila naik train .
sepanjang dekat sana , we use 'Japan Travel' app untuk memudahkan perjalanan from one place/train/subway station to other station . sebab dia dah siap beritahu nak pakai railway apa , nak change train dekat station mana , which exit and fare for each route. it did a great help to us :) credit to liyana onn for recommend this app to us.
for your information, disebabkan japan ni is a developed country so they are so tourist friendly. sebab tu besides ada card touch n go macam kita ( they use icoca card ) , they provide variety of travel passes . travel passes ni ada banyak function tau . it can be macam card touch n go kau , at the same time boleh jadi ticket discount untuk certain top attractions/places ( example like kansai thru pass and osaka amazing pass ) but the selection of those passes are depends on where you want to go ( cth : either nak jenjalan area osaka for the whole one week or nak cover osaka kyoto kobe nara(kansai area ) or nak cover osaka lepas tu nak pergi kobe and nara je ). sebab tu sebelum bercuti , plan the itinerary wisely and thoroughly so that you can see which areas/places you nak pergi and which pass nak pakai dekat area tu . for example, if nak cover osaka for one week , tak berbaloi kalau nak beli kansai thru pass sebab nya this pass not only boleh cover area osaka, you can use this pass on all subways and railways lines (except JR line ) area kansai! (osaka-kyoto- kobe- nara ) . so ada pembaziran dekat situ :) . check this website http://www.osaka-info.jp/en/plan/practical_information/travel_passes/ for further information :)
8. prepare your own outfit, expenses and foods.
since japan is not a muslim country , so probability nak dapat jumpa kedai or restaurant halal tu is like 30 percent . itu pun kalau that halal restaurant tu dekat dengan area kita . kalau jauh? kalau memang tak sempat nak pergi pun sebab seharian berjalan ? in case travel sendiri ni memang kena fikir cara nak isi perut sendiri sebab memang takde masa nak cari halal restaurant dekat sana . so prepare lah food apa nak bawa siap siap . roti ke , air kotak milo yang kecik kecik tu kee , biscuits. pepandai lah plan apa makanan nak bawa for alas perut.
at the same time , try to plan something yang akan memudahkan perjalanan kita and at the same time menjimatkan duit. ,macam kitaorang sepanjang seminggu dekat sana we packed our own lunch . maksudnya , kitaorang beli nasi impit and brahim paket siap siap from here bila dekat sana , setiap hari kitaorang bawa bekal jea . bila ada spot baik nak makan, we sat and ate together . nampak macam kesian kan tapi tu laa kemanisan travel . good thing is you'll learn how to survive sis. serious cakap :)
spring in japan maksudnya sejuk okay . even though weather was nice and sunny , tapi angin kuat dia peghhh memang cucuk cucuk tulang ni haa sebab sejuk haha. the weather range during spring seasons ni as low as 10 sampai lah 22 degree. biasa sejuk gila ni start late evening sampai awal pagi . lepas tu masuk noon , dah rasa panas sikit even though agak windy with 22 degree but trust me you wouldnt want to wear any jacket pun time noon tu. just that bila dah late evening masuk malam tu , memang kena ada jacket or sweater to wear sebab sejukkkk :P . i dont recommend you to beli jacket bulu bulu memahal dekat universal traveler ke apa sebab time spring that kind of 'jacket' wear mcm tak suitable sebab dah la berat and tebal . lepas tu kalau pakai time noon , maigadd panas weh . so just bring jacket nipis or sweater pun dah cukuppp :) ataupun you can buy sweatshirt ada hoodies ke takde ke ikut sukalah (H&M ada jual ) . pakai tu pun dah cukup daaa sebenarnyaa. itupun kalau korang jenis tahan sejuk . so masa pergi tu rasa menyesal jugak laa bawa jacket bulu bulu mine tuu sebab by 4th day kt sana i wore sweater jea sampai balik malaysia . buat berat luggage wehh ;p
9. check weather forecast
ok this one pun penting juga sebab masa you all nak buat itinerary tu, weather forecast sangat lahh kena ambil tahu. harini hujan ke, cloudy ke, rainy ke, sunny day ke . i learnt a lot during previous vacation dekat Korea, where we didnt check the weather forecast . it turned out that hari masa pergi Everland tu hujan pulak ya allah. memang dari pagi sampai malam nak ride mengigil tak habis habis LOL;p balik guesthouse je kitaorang terus check weather forecast esok pagi. lessons learnt :)
reason nya sebab kalau korang check weather forecast at least korang boleh lah elakkan pergi tempat tempat yang nak bersightseeing or pergi universal studio japan on rainy day :) .
alhamdulillah masa sepanjang kitaorang dekat sana, sejak sampai sampai lah a day before balik weather was so good and sunny. only hari nak balik malaysia je hujan renyai renyai :D *refer dekat weather forecast memang kata hari last day dekat osaka rainy :)
10. rent a pocket wifi
banyak dah website kata Osaka ada banyak je free wifi . dalam train la, in shopping mall la. sepanjang dekat sana i've tried so many times nak connect dengan wifi dekat sana tapi failed. there was only one place je boleh dapat free wifi. kansai international airport -.- itupun effort juga laa nak dapatkan internet . derr.
jadinya nak cakap dekat sini , wifi memang kena selalu ada sebab possible jea tiba tiba you get lost dekat tengah tengah jalan and masa tu kena pakai google map. time ni laaa kena ada unlimited internet so that google maps boleh digunakan .
so tanya dekat tuan guesthouse korang ada tak disediakan pocket wifi. pocket wifi ni device yang easy to carry,ke mana jea 24 jam and wireless . cuma bila battery habis kenalah charge en haha . kalau tuan rumah takde pocket wifi, boleh rent pocket wifi siap siap dekat airport klia 2. sebab kawan kitaorang yang tak stay sekali tu , tuan rumah takde pocket wifi , so they rented the pocket wifi siap siap , ambil dekat klia 2.
dekat sana google map dengan internet memang sangat diperlukan . if takde dua benda ni, you may find trouble laa nak pergi ke attraction places tu sebabnya attraction places dekat sana bukan dekat takat jalan kaki sebelah train station. haha. certain places like Nijo Castle, Fushimi Inari Shrine tu might need a google map sebab agak jauh sikit kena jalan lepas exit from subway.
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