Japan Spring Trip:Part 2
DAY 2 ( Universal Studio Japan )
Budget Summary
- 3 days kansai thru pass and 2 days osaka amazing pass=8,500JPY
Budget Summary
- 3 days kansai thru pass and 2 days osaka amazing pass=8,500JPY
- universal studio japan ticket 7,600JPY
ok pasal ticket USJ ni kan , i tak de la tahu detail about the ticket but i know there were different types of usj tickets
1. ticket biasa beli dekat counter usj *we fall in this categeory haha
2. online ticket ( maksudnya beli thru website , then claim the ticket masa dekat counter usj bila sampai osaka)
3. ticket yang dah dibeli thru agent travel yang based nya dekat malaysia . ada je agent travel yang jual ticket usj. good things when u buy this ticket in advanced is nanti sampai usj tak perlu lah beratuq panjang mcm kami , but lepas tu i dont know how they let you in. sama ada bagi masuk awal ka, still beratur dekat entrance gate macam kitaorang ke.
4. vip ticket . ticket ni of course mahal than ticket biasa. tapi privilage nya you get to enter the park awal ( park opens at 9.00 pagi ) and get to naik semua ride dalam usj park tu dengan cepatnyaa . nama pun vip kan. oridinary ticket kalau naik ride tu kena beratur panjang. paling lama kitaorang beratur 1 jam. hehe . biasalah tuu nama pun USJ >< . tapi how to get the vip ticket maap yea saya pun tak tahu, but you guys boleh google to know details :)
that early in the morning, azwa told us that kawan dia terkejut dgr plan kitaorang nak pergi usj and beli ticket dekat sana. masa tu kitaorang dah terfikir patut ke eh beli ticket online. tapi masa tu pun dah nak gerak and macam rushing so kitaorang macam pasrah je laa. datang awal and beratur je nanti . but somehow,hani and fatin dah gerak ke sana. yang terkejut nya, hani beritahu dalam group ws yang she and fatin were the first yang sampai dekat counter! pehh hahaha! counter tak buka lagi kutt ;p. by the time kitaorang sampai tu,hani dengan fatin yang beratur paling depan siap duduk lagi haa :O
so nak cakap dekat sini , possible jea dapat ticket on the spot dekat counter kalau korang datang awal ke sana :) i suggest you to come an hour before counter buka. tapi lepas beli ticket tu , kitaorang kena beratur lagi untuk masuk ke entrance park tu since park opens at 9 am. the reasons kena beratur tu sebab nanti bila nak masuk, kena scan the ticket, lepas tu you can keep the ticket tu. because nak naik any rides tak perlu dah tunjuk ticket to PIC :)
memula tu plan jugaaa nak masuk WWHP dulu tapi sebab other rides pun macam best jugaa so we decided to naik all kind of rides dekat luar before masuk Harry Potter. so antara rides yang kitaorang naik is Hollywood Ride, Spiderman, Flying Dragon of Jurassic Park ( ni yana and azwa je naik sebab me az hani and fatin were too scared to ride it! haha ). website ramai suruh kitaorang pergi Jaws but then tak pergi sebab ride tu is in water park. takut basah confirm malam nanti gigil.
to me, i am so happy and grateful sebab dapat pergi Wizarding World of Harry Potter! from the moment we entered the Hogsmeade sampai lah ke Hogwarts Castle my god it was the best experienced i ever had! :D korang memang kena pergi sendiri and feel it by yourself sebab the exprience was really really awesome , amazing . tak boleh nak describe with words :'). *rasa nak nangis jap hahaha.
the 4K3D ride tu yang paaling best lah sebab you get to feel the experienced Harry Potter terbang sana sini main Quidditch Game dia >< . group RTJ suruh try Butter Beer dekat Hogsmeade . diorang cakap sedap gilaaa tapi bila dah beli tu em boleh laa tahan. takde la sedap gila ok ;p.
that early in the morning, azwa told us that kawan dia terkejut dgr plan kitaorang nak pergi usj and beli ticket dekat sana. masa tu kitaorang dah terfikir patut ke eh beli ticket online. tapi masa tu pun dah nak gerak and macam rushing so kitaorang macam pasrah je laa. datang awal and beratur je nanti . but somehow,hani and fatin dah gerak ke sana. yang terkejut nya, hani beritahu dalam group ws yang she and fatin were the first yang sampai dekat counter! pehh hahaha! counter tak buka lagi kutt ;p. by the time kitaorang sampai tu,hani dengan fatin yang beratur paling depan siap duduk lagi haa :O
so nak cakap dekat sini , possible jea dapat ticket on the spot dekat counter kalau korang datang awal ke sana :) i suggest you to come an hour before counter buka. tapi lepas beli ticket tu , kitaorang kena beratur lagi untuk masuk ke entrance park tu since park opens at 9 am. the reasons kena beratur tu sebab nanti bila nak masuk, kena scan the ticket, lepas tu you can keep the ticket tu. because nak naik any rides tak perlu dah tunjuk ticket to PIC :)
Wizarding World of Harry Potter
okay everyone ada bucketlist masing masing kan. me, the reason why i nak pergii sangat universal studio sebab this is the only universal studio yang ada Wizarding World of Harry Potter! sebenarnya USJ ni lama opened to the public but at that time Wizarding World of Harry Potter ni takde lagi. last 6 years baru lah it opened to public. when i read through certain website pasal USJ ni memang ada cakap this Wizarding World of Harry Potter is one of the reasons why ramai sangat orang nak datang universal studio Japan . lol.
memula tu plan jugaaa nak masuk WWHP dulu tapi sebab other rides pun macam best jugaa so we decided to naik all kind of rides dekat luar before masuk Harry Potter. so antara rides yang kitaorang naik is Hollywood Ride, Spiderman, Flying Dragon of Jurassic Park ( ni yana and azwa je naik sebab me az hani and fatin were too scared to ride it! haha ). website ramai suruh kitaorang pergi Jaws but then tak pergi sebab ride tu is in water park. takut basah confirm malam nanti gigil.
the 4K3D ride tu yang paaling best lah sebab you get to feel the experienced Harry Potter terbang sana sini main Quidditch Game dia >< . group RTJ suruh try Butter Beer dekat Hogsmeade . diorang cakap sedap gilaaa tapi bila dah beli tu em boleh laa tahan. takde la sedap gila ok ;p.
Butter Beer |
waniiii, i think it'd be better if you could write the fees both in rm and yen
ReplyDeleteohh ha okay okayy bolehh