Family Day 2017 Part 2

 apa feedback from AJK Gift eh .? hehe

em berpuluh puluh kali dah kitaorang masuk kedai 'K' tu pikir perah otak nak beri apa as a token of appreciation .biasalah concept tsam kan ' one for all ' hehe . after a few cadangan and nasihat from volunteers yg lain , so we decided to buy a water bottle.

masa dah beli water bottle tu i had to keep them  senyap senyap dalam bilik for two weeks . dah la bilik sebelah ellina . silap silap buka sikit je pintu kantoi lah en sebab plastik beso besoo ;p . then on minggu yang nak family day tu , after end of district posting , rasa lega gilaa sebab dah boleh concentrate on hias all the water bottles tu . honestly, that night my room was super mess with that things haha ;p. kalau nak tahu , yang dok ikat ribbon sampai beratus ratus bottles tu cheq laa yang buat. haha ;p . syaza and cem sibuk gunting kain for head band ( katanya atas arahan cik fahmi . emphh -,-  )

masa last meeting on jumaat evening , semua mood happy jea . rasa terkejut pun ada sebab betul betul terjadi . haha . somehow , i salute to rahul because even though banyak circumstances and critics from the admin , time meeting dia tak pernah tunjuk muka tension . Dia punya rileks tu sampai masa tengah tense situation pun dia boleh senyum lagi . you are the best lah bro :D ketua macam ni lah yang kita nak ;p

but we believe there will always be a miracle . i kept praying that on family day nanti , ALLAH would make everything ran smoothly .. ( you know what i mean kan :') .. alhamdulillah , masa hari family day dekat lumut tu, satu hari tuu langit cerahh and tak hujan langsung ! like takde pun the sky  tunjuk any signs nak hujan or apa . macam tak percaya !:O but that was true and it happened !
lepas tu , the next few days after the event , hujan turun tak henti henti the whole day as if god was helping us and tahan that hujan from turun . bukan as if , memang allah tolong pun :)))
Come and visit Lumut . The beach view is nice with a perfect weather!! :D  #tourismperak2017  #malaysia  #trulyAsia


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