Japan Spring Trip:Part 5

DAY 5:Kyoto

Budget Summary
- Ginkakuji Temple Entrance Fee 500JPY
- subway,railway line, city shuttle bus all covered by Kansai Thru Pass.

so today we all relax sikitt. no need to wake up as early as 430 and terus siap siap like days before. plan nya kalau ikut itinerary harini nak pergi jalan jalan and sightseeing dekat :

-Ginkakuji Temple
-Philosopher's Path
-Kiyomiduzera Temple
-Gion district 
-Fushimi Inari Shrine

from umeda station , pergi kyoto naik hankyu line( masa ni dah start boleh pakai kansai thru pass tu ) .Today kitaorang plan nak naik city shuttle bus so we went to tourist information centre yang located outside the kyoto station building. kalau tak tahu tanya jea mana mana officer yang ada pakai uniform tu . sure they can speak english and tell u where is the place.

rupanya bila sampai sana, ada banyak sangat city shuttle bus yang dah beratur haha. bila tanya dekat information centre ( kitaorang cakap nak pergi Ginkakuji Temple duluu sebab kata azwa better pergi jauh first then nanti sampai lah ke attraction place yang dekat dengan kyoto station . according to the lady , kitaorang kena ambil city bus Raku100 and whenever we want to go the next destination , ambil the same bus number. 

Ginkakuji Temple + Gion District + Kiyomiduzera Temple 
well , i can say that i really like the city shuttle bus dekat situ sebab bus tu ulang alik area area situ jea nak tunggu pun tak lamaa . paling paling pun kitaorang tunggu dalam 5-10 minutes ( sbb bus akan frequently ada every 10 mins) . lepas tu tak susah pun nak cari tempat bus stop Raku100 sebab dekat area area tourist spot tu ada board besar like a map beritahu where is the bus stop :D  From Ginkakuji Temple sampai lah ke Kiyomiduzera Temple we only took the same bus . last sekali dia bawa kitaorang balik ke Kyoto Station :)

Ginkakuji Temple is actually a villa belonged to a shogun during 15th century. bila beliau retired, he went to this hill's area and build the villa (*tahu pun sebab baca brochure ;p ) sekarang dah jadi world heritage site . on the way nak ke this temple ada macam macam kedai sourvenirs ! we were like wowww banyak nya kedaiii :O .

this is daifukumochi. a japanese sweet. dalamya ada macam macam inti . sedapp! :D
Philosopher's Path/Walk

bila dah turun from Ginkakuji Temple, on you left side, you will see this path tepi sungai . ini lah philosopher's path. actually sebenarnya kalau musim bunga sakura tengah full bloom, you can see a lot of sakura's flowers blooming dekat path ni. tapi masa kitaorang lalu dah takdee . too bad takde rezeki :)

Gion District 

we went to all places that we listed but we didnt enter the Kiyomiduzera Temple sebab kekangan masa and you have to bayar the entrance fee. tak tahu berapa fee tapi masa kitaorang datang, temple tu tengah under construction. plus on the way nak pergi temple tu sendiri dah buat kitaorang semput macam kena asthma . hahahaha . nak pergi  temple, you dont expect it to be dekat bawah sederet dengan kereta. the location tu mesti atas gunung .. or at higher place >< .

bila dah back to Kyoto Station, we went to Kyoto Tower Building untuk solat zuhur and asar terus. dekat kyoto tower building tu ada prayer room dekat tingkat 3. tapi nak masuk prayer room ni kena beritahu dekat tourist centre at the same floor, show passport dekat diorang and isi borang. *complicated ...... zzzz 

Fushimi Inari Shrine
then , after solat asar tu we went to one of Azwa punya wishlists - Fushimi Inari Taisha Shrine. haha . masa tu dah 430 and on the way nak pergi sana, we stopped sekejap untuk lunch  ( pukul 430 baru lunch ? lol ;p ) masa tengah lunch tu , there was a family 3 beranak ni duduk dekat area kitaorang . Suddenly, the mother , tanya kitaorang dari Indonesia ke? agaknya sebab dia terdengar kitaorng cakap Melayu . then we said that we were from Malaysia . then she and her son started to ask us how long we have been staying here? cuti ke ? blablablabla ;p  *tak dengar dah azwa borak apa dengan dia sebab me tengah layan angin sejuk. dah start petang so makin sejuk >< 

masa dah sampai dekat shrine tu kitaorang macam terkejut jugak laa eh tak kan sini je? i mean mana benda oren yang banyak banyak tu kan ? sekali jalan ke depan lagi, ohhhhh jauh lagi do! hahaha ! tadi tu kaki bukit je do! nak tengok benda tu kena naik atas lagi hahaha . i just realized that the shrine was located on a mountain ! padanlah aunty tu kata lama lagi nak sampai. LULZ -,- around 700 baru lah turun . maksudnya kitaorang busy naik sambil shooting tu dekat 2 jam. maigaddd tak sedar lama macam tu :O

Before balik , singgah Skywalk dekat Kyoto Station kejap. hehe .


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