Family Day 2017 Part 1
assalamualaikum guys :D today is a bright day and may allah gives us his Barakah on this sunny day :)
ok lah nak terus buka cerita pasal our batch day yang dah pun berlangsung dengan jayanya ( alhamdulillah ) on 21st January 2017 :)
the last time i involved myself jadi AJK was masa dinner farewell untuk budak budak vinayaka . this time i tak tahu pun rahul was recruiting volunteers for batch programme until i read whatsapp ( nasib baik i buka ws that night ;p) from tsam . " wani , jum laaa jadi volunteer untuk family day :D "
sekali buka fb , oh ha ah laa rahul baru post an hour ago . HAHA .
masa kelas district , i knew that i couldnt come to first meeting masa tu but i cepat cepat pesan to syaza ( since she was our group wakil yg datang ) to letak my name under any AJKs but NOT UNDER GAME . hahahaha . jahat kan tp nak buat macam mana LOL ;p . so last last dapat lahh jadi AJK GIFT :D .
from the second meeting sampai lah ke final meeting kan , all i can say is to get the approval from the admin to run the event was not easy guys . but somehow bila tengok balik from the moment our proposal got rejected at the first place , problem with the event venue masa tu , a lot of critics and ideas and objections ( fahmi lah paling banyak bising . opss sorry fahmi wehihihi ;p ) from member of the floor , shortage of time , shortage of fund to run the event , lepas tu dengan keadaan cuaca yang kejap hujan 2 3 tiga hari lepas tu panas kejap lepas tu hujan balik . a lot of worries came to our mind as the volunteers at that time :')
lepas tu bila dah ada venue , we had to endure problems with transportation . masa tu dah alamak tak kan nak suruh batchmates drive sendiri from ipoh to lumut ? tak fikir lagi nanti tiba tiba one of the cars yang convoi tiba tiba rosak kee . didnt you think that safetiness also one of the factors ?
luckily laa RCMP ni baik hati sikit , beri us two buses . therefore , we decided that AJKs must drive on their own . penting jugak laa sbb AJKs tak boleh sampai lambat to lumut kann . heh ..
one week before the event , proposal approval still pending . masa tu we the volunteers macam dah nak give up pun ada . nak continue to buy things ( especially ) pun tak boleh sebab tak tahu how much college able to give sponsor at that time .
tapi kan , betul lah manusia hanya mampu merancang . tp yang menentukan nya is the only Creator , Allah SWT . tak tahu lah kenapa even thou rasa macam ah nak give up , meeting pun ada la dua tiga kali cam hambar je sbb tak tahu nak proceed with apa ( siap plan nak ajak year 1 , year 2 , year 3 lagi ok kononnya nak puaskan hati college to make this event as college punya event -,- ) , dengan ainal and yani yang siap buat cerekarama lagi " in case tak jadi family day , kita tukar jadi dinner "
dia ingat tempah ballroom hotel tu dua jam je ke ? HAHAHAH .
tapi ntah macam mana . masa tu hari jumaat , ye lah jumaat kan penghulu segala hari . * apa kaitannya wani ? * . then after jumaat prayer kut , ntah macam mana , tiba tiba yazreen ke rahul ? update dekat group whatsapp regarding the proposal . ALHAMDULILLAH proposal dah pass ! syukur weh masa tuuu . gembira nya Allah jea yang tahu . ha lepas tu kepoh la group whatsapp nak beli tu nak beli ni , confirm kan venue . group whatsapp pun busy macam pasar ><
ok lah nak terus buka cerita pasal our batch day yang dah pun berlangsung dengan jayanya ( alhamdulillah ) on 21st January 2017 :)
the last time i involved myself jadi AJK was masa dinner farewell untuk budak budak vinayaka . this time i tak tahu pun rahul was recruiting volunteers for batch programme until i read whatsapp ( nasib baik i buka ws that night ;p) from tsam . " wani , jum laaa jadi volunteer untuk family day :D "
sekali buka fb , oh ha ah laa rahul baru post an hour ago . HAHA .
masa kelas district , i knew that i couldnt come to first meeting masa tu but i cepat cepat pesan to syaza ( since she was our group wakil yg datang ) to letak my name under any AJKs but NOT UNDER GAME . hahahaha . jahat kan tp nak buat macam mana LOL ;p . so last last dapat lahh jadi AJK GIFT :D .
from the second meeting sampai lah ke final meeting kan , all i can say is to get the approval from the admin to run the event was not easy guys . but somehow bila tengok balik from the moment our proposal got rejected at the first place , problem with the event venue masa tu , a lot of critics and ideas and objections ( fahmi lah paling banyak bising . opss sorry fahmi wehihihi ;p ) from member of the floor , shortage of time , shortage of fund to run the event , lepas tu dengan keadaan cuaca yang kejap hujan 2 3 tiga hari lepas tu panas kejap lepas tu hujan balik . a lot of worries came to our mind as the volunteers at that time :')
lepas tu bila dah ada venue , we had to endure problems with transportation . masa tu dah alamak tak kan nak suruh batchmates drive sendiri from ipoh to lumut ? tak fikir lagi nanti tiba tiba one of the cars yang convoi tiba tiba rosak kee . didnt you think that safetiness also one of the factors ?
luckily laa RCMP ni baik hati sikit , beri us two buses . therefore , we decided that AJKs must drive on their own . penting jugak laa sbb AJKs tak boleh sampai lambat to lumut kann . heh ..
one week before the event , proposal approval still pending . masa tu we the volunteers macam dah nak give up pun ada . nak continue to buy things ( especially ) pun tak boleh sebab tak tahu how much college able to give sponsor at that time .
tapi kan , betul lah manusia hanya mampu merancang . tp yang menentukan nya is the only Creator , Allah SWT . tak tahu lah kenapa even thou rasa macam ah nak give up , meeting pun ada la dua tiga kali cam hambar je sbb tak tahu nak proceed with apa ( siap plan nak ajak year 1 , year 2 , year 3 lagi ok kononnya nak puaskan hati college to make this event as college punya event -,- ) , dengan ainal and yani yang siap buat cerekarama lagi " in case tak jadi family day , kita tukar jadi dinner "
dia ingat tempah ballroom hotel tu dua jam je ke ? HAHAHAH .
tapi ntah macam mana . masa tu hari jumaat , ye lah jumaat kan penghulu segala hari . * apa kaitannya wani ? * . then after jumaat prayer kut , ntah macam mana , tiba tiba yazreen ke rahul ? update dekat group whatsapp regarding the proposal . ALHAMDULILLAH proposal dah pass ! syukur weh masa tuuu . gembira nya Allah jea yang tahu . ha lepas tu kepoh la group whatsapp nak beli tu nak beli ni , confirm kan venue . group whatsapp pun busy macam pasar ><
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Be Original . Cause you are cool as who you are :) |
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