
Showing posts from 2012


we have done our research . yeahh ! thank u oh Allah :) we only did in couple of weeks . not 'only' but we 'determined' :) so , in this oppurtinity ,allow me to type down the names that have helped us out with the best effort they  have ever given and  i felt sooo appreciated of what they have done :) THEY ARE :) Prof. Zulkiflle bin Leman - a lecturer in Mechanical Engineering Department Abu Hatim bin Ibrahim - he is one of  prof zul's postgraduate students . now studying Master in Mechanical Engineering . Gooduck abang ! :) Puan NorHasni - Sc officer in Chemical Engineering  Department Kak Maslinda - technician in chemical lab  Mei Yi - student Master of Chemical Engineering. thanks for taught us how to use bombcaloric meter :D

Hangout With DakDak KMKN

since it was the  last day  TWILIGHT SAGA  BREAKING DAWN PART 2   showed off , 5 TH DECEMBER 2012 , sooo here we are in MIDVALLEY MEGAMALL :DDDDDD . oh apparently , they were my friends in KMKN  . coolioooo ,  was it ? :) how the plan be made ? it was all about TWITTER ! it was Mia Nasir whom twit about this breaking news. and so Iqmalo and me commented the status  . lastly , Mia set the date and place to meet up . we spread the news to others who free to go along with us . hehehehe :D  From left, kobe,jelin,iqmal,amir hamzah,*tak igt nama, me, mia, *tak igt nama, and teo. The front : from left, pah, sani, adila hanani hehe ;p


L ots of Love, When i was placed in a new condition ,scent of surrounding , colors of cloud , and where everything is mostly new , i thought that i may not be able to coop with it . however , i still keep in faith that everything is gonna be okay :) .  I may not feel the life as a university student like i used to - cafe , lift ,casual attire , vast area , professor madya  but i  Allah tells  me that i amm being protected from the evil and injustice of the world . that was one of thing that i'm sure enough on reason why my destiny is  in KOLEJ MARA KUALA NERANG , KEDAH :) the situation and the system were mostly unlike the uni's system . everyday, students are compulsory to wear formal attire in class  . irony , university was totally different where students wear the formal attire only on monday ( the first day of a week )  . on the next days, they are allowed to wear any casual clothes they lo...

UITM puncak alam will be missed :)

Feels like yesterday i was packing all the clothes up into the locker in my room at uitm puncak alam, Feels like yesterday the siswa and siswi were having their orientation - Minggu Destini Siswa, Feels like yesterday i was strolling with my the-only-lovely friend  Shafiqah Diana in the evening and watching our favourite movie Breaking Dawn Part 1 until late night, Feels like yesterday i was at the lecture hall , sitting besides my fellow friends and laughing at those jokes made by them . Feels like yesterday i was having my dinner at the Rafflesia  , gossipping about what we have been through on the whole day while stalking at some HANDSOME guys . HAHA :PP , Feels like yesterday i went for a hangout with my beloved classmates , C6 at Setia City Mall and we ended up stranded from 6 pm until 11 pm - waiting for a bus to take us back . Feels like yesterday i was stepping on TANGGA KEJAAYAAN and complaining the tiredness i ...

C6 Will Always Be In My Heart :)

Love can touch us one time and last for a life time . that's why i long to hear  the Titanic soundtrack everyday :) After 12 hours , yet i still remembered those moments :) ni comments kawan2 yang aku dapat daripada group c6 punya hangouts :) Watashiwa Aisyah : dah x blh nk tengok..sedih... Afif Syahmi : ni hangout perpisahan azam,wan n wani atau perpisahan ngan bob! penuh gambar dia je.. Dyanaa Razali:   jealous == Hanim Md Nordin : Saya TERAMAT sedih sebab tak boleh pergi SCM!! Ainn Pikahh : Aku tak kan pernah lupa hari ni :) Aku dgn Sha dah nampak bas ! OMGG , BAS RAPID BAS RAPID :D * sambil tu berkejar kejar mcm itik   . haishhh buruknya anak dara lari2 kejar bas dengan baju lawa2 .HAHAA ! :D  at the same time kteorg nampak erika and farah dah berlari lari kejar bus  .kah kah . okayy fineee missed out the bus =.= . second time pun sama . fine ! sabar je laa. Seriously dah  lmmbat so Sha...

A Friend In A Need Is A Friend Indeed

This is my story about my friendship with the happy go lucky and enthusiastic person that i have ever met and thought to bestfriend with her . Our friendship started when we were at the only young age of 11. Frankly ,  i was grateful that by the time our friendship was tied , it was  the month of  the barakah Ramadhan of year 2005 . I  felt a little lonely to perform tarawikh on the second night of Ramadhan  .I was alone by myself . i  had nobody to accompany and perform prayers with me . My mother couldnt do so as my brothers and sister were all like little chickens which  in betweens 3 to 4 years old . On that second night , while i was thinking blurly with whom i'd wish to go for , suddenly i got a phone call . it was from her  and she asked me if i could go to perform the prayers together with her . Allah is just the Most Punctual Help . By the time i need it , He gives it  :) . and he proved it by gave me...


Yes ! i was in a shopping spree fever today and this feeling was dread ! hahaha ;pp Aduhhh pagi pagi lagi dah sakit perut ? Tahann sampaii laaa aku sampai BDR TASIK SELATAN Feeling lost and pain at the same time , i went to this small shop which everyone know what kind of shop i referred to . I found someone   , a guy who was arranging the goods at of one the corners of the shop . i gave my 'salam' through my thin icy sexayy eyessss . hahahaha .I knew that my tounge gets tied .So i was a little speechless at the first sight . wani : errr , tumpang tanya , toilet dekat mana ye ? guy : with a lazy expression he had - toile ? dekat bts lah . wani : knowing that he was not interested of being interviewed about where was the toilet, so i asked little silly question - ooo kena naik atas ke ? guy : ha ah  . wani : okay , thanks  * pusingg je terus aku buat muka -___________________- Based on the convers...

Happy Birthday , Aiman Genius !

Peace be upon you  :) . The day was very exhausted yet we really have a blast ! :D It was 25th of April 2012 . I get up very early in the morning . It was an unusual habbit - i went straightly to the bathroom after subuh prayer . It was a rare since the last time i did that everyday when i was in SESERI . At the same time , i was waiting for a miracle - a 'help' .I was thinking to take a taxi at first but abah told his will  to drop me by at the kl sentral instead :) . Thank you , abah :) As usual , i would be the last person present. As i arrived, a question have popped out in my mind " eh ini kl sentral keeee KLIA ?  *cuak cuak cuak =.= " After the 'pop' has left , i realised that i was being fooled simply by the KLIA DROP-BY signboard . hahahaha ;pp .  by the time abah and i were searching for where -to-drop-by  , our car stopped by a policeman. I was getting on my nerves! The blood suddenly...