A Friend In A Need Is A Friend Indeed
This is my story about my friendship with the happy go lucky and enthusiastic person that i have ever met and thought to bestfriend with her .
Our friendship started when we were at the only young age of 11. Frankly , i was grateful that by the time our friendship was tied , it was the month of the barakah Ramadhan of year 2005 .
I felt a little lonely to perform tarawikh on the second night of Ramadhan .I was alone by myself . i had nobody to accompany and perform prayers with me . My mother couldnt do so as my brothers and sister were all like little chickens which in betweens 3 to 4 years old .
On that second night , while i was thinking blurly with whom i'd wish to go for , suddenly i got a phone call . it was from her and she asked me if i could go to perform the prayers together with her .
Allah is just the Most Punctual Help . By the time i need it , He gives it :) . and he proved it by gave me her so that i could perform prayers and tarawih at the mosque every night . Thank you , Allah .
Since it was the first time with someone whom you just knew , an hour with her was very blessful :) . when we had finished the tarawih , we had our moreh with the other friends that we bumped into before we straightly walking back to our home.
No one knows what are the secret inside cool and calm Ramadhan nights as the star resting peacefully on the sky and the moon smiling at the earth except Allah SWT .
During our way back home , we have chit chats and telling each other about our dreams . Deeply in heart i was sad because i thought that this would be the first and the last time moments i have with her . But then before she going back, she asked me if i could be her accompany and friend to perform isya' and tarawih together every night! i was happy to hear and agree until i speechless for some seconds .
And the next daysss , we went for isya and terawih together until the eid came to welcome us .
Day to day , our relationship became closer since we were also studying at the same school , Sekolah Kebangsaan Seksyen 1 , Bandar Kinrara .
And what made me happy was we also did the same thing during the Ramadhan next year , 2006 and that had made our friendship become closer and closer enough .
When i was in form 1 , i thought that i would be only the malay girl exist in 1 Efektif but my worries dissappeared when she also attend the same class with me ! :DD
During the though freshman year in secondary school has taught me a lot of things such as be self independant .
As times passed by ,i realised that she was sent by Allah to be my bestfriend forever :)
This proved when we were being together all the time and faced the hard and happy times together
For the next two years in the same class , our friendship has lasted for 4 years .
Maybe you think that we just being friends and we never had a fight .
The answer was NO .
We really had a fight during our relationship .Fight is one of the common things that will happen to all kind of relationship. Besides , friendship will never miss that . On the other hand , 'fight' has its good thing . Believe me , by naturally fight happened you would know which one is your enemy and which one is your true friend .
We had a fight once and since that i vowed to myself that i will always try to avoid ANY fight with her and be tolerate when there will be any misunderstandings between us and also always tell to myslef to accept THE WAYS SHE IS! YES! :) This is because when we had fight , i suddenly realised that this was not i want for in a sincere friendship ! NO ! She shapes me into an iron lady like i am now . She also shapes me into a real human and also live my spirit up like an energizer or a bottle of 101 PLUS when i wilt and get down!
As a human , i also want to feel loved by someone . When i was into a special relationship , she was the one whom counsel me and advice me .I made her one of my love doc besides Shazwani who experienced more about love than me. By the time i broke up , i was really down and hardly to fight the feeling of a big dissapoint and lost in broken love . At that time she became the saviour to mine and also the shield to fight the dissapoint feeling . It was hard as the PMR was just around the corner when i was tested . Not only her , but also the rest of my friends like Atiqah , Wafa and Hanis
She is everything to me.She is a true helper and i didnt know how to repay all her good deeds . Only Allah could repay her with the best rewards that she should get because of her good-hearted . Aminnn ;)
Now , we have turned 18 and without realised we have been friends for almost 7 years .
Since we are being friends , i barely seen her tears falling down .This is because she is just an enthusisatic , happy go lucky and a strong person .
She must know that she is the spark for all of us and the best counselor ever in our group since she is well taught about religion by both her parents .
I dont like to see her face down :( Because by the time she is getting down , there must be something that shake up her body thus making her feeling badly sad .
It was just like what happened this evening. We heard that she was having a sad time . So we try our best on called her up to check up her condition . Based on her voice , this told us that something wrong must happend to her .
Later , when we met , her eyes was sinking and her voice was shaking .She was about to cry! By the time we find a place to sit down , she bursted into thousands of tears showing that she couldnt hold that 'test' anymore! :(
She told us the truth besides all the hanged up calling , the unrepllied instant message and all the ignored chatbox . she said that she just want to have her own heal time .
For me , it was an extraordianary , very uncommon and should take a look upon the matters . like i told you before that i dont like to see her crying because i will feel the same way and decided to cry too! i always want to stand beside her and hold her hands if she feels like she wants to fall down .
After all , the purposes of life , i just want to see her happy and i would do anything to make her smile and laugh because that are what i wish for in this friendship . i always pray to Allah so He will give the strengh to her so that she will be patient with all the tests given to her life .Also i pray that this friendship will last till our last breath and live happily togehter in Jannah . Amiin :)
Lastly , the lucky girl name is NURUL SHAZANA BINTI AHMAD RAZMI .
Lot of Love ,
Hazwani , Shazwani , Hanis , Wafa , Atiqah andd all the friends whom know you well :)
Our friendship started when we were at the only young age of 11. Frankly , i was grateful that by the time our friendship was tied , it was the month of the barakah Ramadhan of year 2005 .
I felt a little lonely to perform tarawikh on the second night of Ramadhan .I was alone by myself . i had nobody to accompany and perform prayers with me . My mother couldnt do so as my brothers and sister were all like little chickens which in betweens 3 to 4 years old .
On that second night , while i was thinking blurly with whom i'd wish to go for , suddenly i got a phone call . it was from her and she asked me if i could go to perform the prayers together with her .
Allah is just the Most Punctual Help . By the time i need it , He gives it :) . and he proved it by gave me her so that i could perform prayers and tarawih at the mosque every night . Thank you , Allah .
Since it was the first time with someone whom you just knew , an hour with her was very blessful :) . when we had finished the tarawih , we had our moreh with the other friends that we bumped into before we straightly walking back to our home.
No one knows what are the secret inside cool and calm Ramadhan nights as the star resting peacefully on the sky and the moon smiling at the earth except Allah SWT .
During our way back home , we have chit chats and telling each other about our dreams . Deeply in heart i was sad because i thought that this would be the first and the last time moments i have with her . But then before she going back, she asked me if i could be her accompany and friend to perform isya' and tarawih together every night! i was happy to hear and agree until i speechless for some seconds .
And the next daysss , we went for isya and terawih together until the eid came to welcome us .
Day to day , our relationship became closer since we were also studying at the same school , Sekolah Kebangsaan Seksyen 1 , Bandar Kinrara .
And what made me happy was we also did the same thing during the Ramadhan next year , 2006 and that had made our friendship become closer and closer enough .
When i was in form 1 , i thought that i would be only the malay girl exist in 1 Efektif but my worries dissappeared when she also attend the same class with me ! :DD
During the though freshman year in secondary school has taught me a lot of things such as be self independant .
As times passed by ,i realised that she was sent by Allah to be my bestfriend forever :)
This proved when we were being together all the time and faced the hard and happy times together
For the next two years in the same class , our friendship has lasted for 4 years .
Maybe you think that we just being friends and we never had a fight .
The answer was NO .
We really had a fight during our relationship .Fight is one of the common things that will happen to all kind of relationship. Besides , friendship will never miss that . On the other hand , 'fight' has its good thing . Believe me , by naturally fight happened you would know which one is your enemy and which one is your true friend .
We had a fight once and since that i vowed to myself that i will always try to avoid ANY fight with her and be tolerate when there will be any misunderstandings between us and also always tell to myslef to accept THE WAYS SHE IS! YES! :) This is because when we had fight , i suddenly realised that this was not i want for in a sincere friendship ! NO ! She shapes me into an iron lady like i am now . She also shapes me into a real human and also live my spirit up like an energizer or a bottle of 101 PLUS when i wilt and get down!
As a human , i also want to feel loved by someone . When i was into a special relationship , she was the one whom counsel me and advice me .I made her one of my love doc besides Shazwani who experienced more about love than me. By the time i broke up , i was really down and hardly to fight the feeling of a big dissapoint and lost in broken love . At that time she became the saviour to mine and also the shield to fight the dissapoint feeling . It was hard as the PMR was just around the corner when i was tested . Not only her , but also the rest of my friends like Atiqah , Wafa and Hanis
She is everything to me.She is a true helper and i didnt know how to repay all her good deeds . Only Allah could repay her with the best rewards that she should get because of her good-hearted . Aminnn ;)
Now , we have turned 18 and without realised we have been friends for almost 7 years .
Since we are being friends , i barely seen her tears falling down .This is because she is just an enthusisatic , happy go lucky and a strong person .
She must know that she is the spark for all of us and the best counselor ever in our group since she is well taught about religion by both her parents .
I dont like to see her face down :( Because by the time she is getting down , there must be something that shake up her body thus making her feeling badly sad .
It was just like what happened this evening. We heard that she was having a sad time . So we try our best on called her up to check up her condition . Based on her voice , this told us that something wrong must happend to her .
Later , when we met , her eyes was sinking and her voice was shaking .She was about to cry! By the time we find a place to sit down , she bursted into thousands of tears showing that she couldnt hold that 'test' anymore! :(
She told us the truth besides all the hanged up calling , the unrepllied instant message and all the ignored chatbox . she said that she just want to have her own heal time .
For me , it was an extraordianary , very uncommon and should take a look upon the matters . like i told you before that i dont like to see her crying because i will feel the same way and decided to cry too! i always want to stand beside her and hold her hands if she feels like she wants to fall down .
After all , the purposes of life , i just want to see her happy and i would do anything to make her smile and laugh because that are what i wish for in this friendship . i always pray to Allah so He will give the strengh to her so that she will be patient with all the tests given to her life .Also i pray that this friendship will last till our last breath and live happily togehter in Jannah . Amiin :)
Lastly , the lucky girl name is NURUL SHAZANA BINTI AHMAD RAZMI .
Lot of Love ,
Hazwani , Shazwani , Hanis , Wafa , Atiqah andd all the friends whom know you well :)