UITM puncak alam will be missed :)

Feels like yesterday i was packing all the clothes up into the locker in my room at uitm puncak alam,
Feels like yesterday the siswa and siswi were having their orientation - Minggu Destini Siswa,
Feels like yesterday i was strolling with my the-only-lovely friend  Shafiqah Diana in the evening and watching our favourite movie Breaking Dawn Part 1 until late night,
Feels like yesterday i was at the lecture hall , sitting besides my fellow friends and laughing at those jokes made by them .
Feels like yesterday i was having my dinner at the Rafflesia  , gossipping about what we have been through on the whole day while stalking at some HANDSOME guys . HAHA :PP ,
Feels like yesterday i went for a hangout with my beloved classmates , C6 at Setia City Mall and we ended up stranded from 6 pm until 11 pm - waiting for a bus to take us back .
Feels like yesterday i was stepping on TANGGA KEJAAYAAN and complaining the tiredness i felt . 
Feels like yesterday i heard 'untuk dia' by najwa latif and sleeq from someone's phone during lecture . HAHAHA .
Feels like yesterday i was having prudently discussion on lab report with group's members at the cafe .

Alas , it was 'yesterday' and never be 'today' or 'tomorrow'  .

I always thank to Allah  because all the things that had happened in uitm puncak alam were the most colorful 'paper' that i ever had in my 18 years of life . thats why i never feel regret of leaving palam together with the memories inside it .  Everyday is  just so happening until i speechless on telling what are the best things that i have in palam  .  From my room , my house ,the cafe  , the 200 stairs  to the lecture hall . Every locations has their own stories and secrets untold . To me , the most remarkable locations that i love were lecture hall , my room and  the cafe even though the cafe has driving me up the wall sometimes!  :) .

Frankly , I dont feel bored during lecture time instead i feel glowing because the wide lecture hall with sparkle lights and cool air cond always help me from fall asleep and focus on the lecturer better :) . besides,  i have a lot of lovely friends from different classes whom love to make stupid jokes and easy banter which then make the lecture happening . Moreover , what has amazed me a lot was that they have  this high enthusiatism when it comes to share the knowledge with the others . In the midst , they love teaching and they have the sympathy for those who almost lost the track . Love towards knowledge has killed the shyness eventhough they are at distance from lecturer . Because for them , less understand is not  a good thing when learning . I hope this explain a lot why i reluctantly leaving uitm puncak alam so much .

Slowly i am trying to accept the fact that uitm puncak alam is not my destiny to success in what i choosed to study . At the same time i thank to Allah that He has showed and given a smooth way to achieve my dream - a DR.  to be  . insya allah  :).

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