Lots of Love,

When i was placed in a new condition ,scent of surrounding , colors of cloud , and where everything is mostly new , i thought that i may not be able to coop with it . however , i still keep in faith that everything is gonna be okay :) . 

I may not feel the life as a university student like i used to - cafe , lift ,casual attire , vast area , professor madya  but i  Allah tells  me that i amm being protected from the evil and injustice of the world . that was one of thing that i'm sure enough on reason why my destiny is  in KOLEJ MARA KUALA NERANG , KEDAH :)

the situation and the system were mostly unlike the uni's system . everyday, students are compulsory to wear formal attire in class  . irony , university was totally different where students wear the formal attire only on monday ( the first day of a week )  . on the next days, they are allowed to wear any casual clothes they love as long as it follows the uni's rules  .

in kolej mara kuala nerang, another thing that i thank is that our meals are organisely made by the 'dewan selera' . we shouldnt worry about how much money we are going to spend for the food because here the food is free .

Besides that, there are lots of events in conjuction with the important days such as Sambutan Hari raya Aidilfitri , Sambutan Hari Kemerdekaan and Iftar Ramadhan.Like in every schools , we , as college students were still given a chance to feel the same things as yours . we still celebrate the merdeka day - counting the moment of 12 o clock and we still have the reception / open house of Hari Raya.Somehow , i agree with Allah that every test there is always a good things behind :)

From left : Ezza , Balqis , Hidayah , Me and Ainal

if there is no celebration like this , we may not closer to each other or even have a word eventhough we are classmates . we may not together feel the sadness and missing our family at home . we may not laugh out loud with the comedy act by our friends on stage while we were sitting on the floor of hall .  

My classmates , M3 .

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