Happy Birthday , Aiman Genius !

Peace be upon you  :) .

The day was very exhausted yet we really have a blast ! :D

It was 25th of April 2012 . I get up very early in the morning . It was an unusual habbit - i went straightly to the bathroom after subuh prayer . It was a rare since the last time i did that everyday when i was in SESERI . At the same time , i was waiting for a miracle - a 'help' .I was thinking to take a taxi at first but abah told his will  to drop me by at the kl sentral instead :) . Thank you , abah :)

As usual , i would be the last person present. As i arrived, a question have popped out in my mind " eh ini kl sentral keeee KLIA ?  *cuak cuak cuak =.= " After the 'pop' has left , i realised that i was being fooled simply by the KLIA DROP-BY signboard . hahahaha ;pp .  by the time abah and i were searching for where -to-drop-by  , our car stopped by a policeman. I was getting on my nerves! The blood suddenly was flowing  rapidly in my bloodstream * Ya Allah , i wasn't putting the seatbelt! 0.0 . eh nak saman ke ? ohh he was  just doing his job - controlling the in and out of cars .Fuhh ! :)

Straightly , i went for  nani , mayam and safa whom had already waited patiently for me . sorry guys . i have no intention at all on making you guys waiting me for soo long . i thought that they were going to psycho me for being late but  they understood me instead . They are always  such loveliess :D
The busy KL Sentral
In lrt , we continued our chit chat , story tellling about what happened for the past few weeks since the last time we hanged out .

After arrived at taman melati, nani told that we should wait for MJ 's arrival . Within several minutes , MJ arrived with a taxi . While counting the hours , we were getting excited . We decided to buy some stuffs  like foods and drink . and so , after  a lot of steps , MJ suggested that me ,mayam and safa should set up the things like balloons and banner at the park . 

The park was nice . It was half huge than seseri's dm . *macam korang tahu besar dm seseri mana en  ? hahahaha ;pp . along next to park , there were lots of huge trees with heavy leaves .That speciality gives the park users would get a lottt of fresh oxygen and feel protected by the harm rays  . It also has two comfortable gazeboes.

Ok ok ok , stop feel amaze with the park . hahaha  , mcm ni sampai esok pun tak habis .  pftt ;pp .

Back to our preparation , we did some eventually . we hanged up the banner   , shaped and joined up some balloons .

Cute banner . Buat sendiri niii :DD
Just about  10 minutes preparing , suddenly a guy with his motorcyle and a guy with his car arrived quietly  and parked besides the park . we were puzzling at first . sekali pandang , laaaa wan nasrul and kiwak  ( aiman amran )  ;)  . they are aiman's buddies  . STARians . at first they gave the 'salam' and sit neither so far nor so close next to us . aaaaa malu2 kucingg niee ;)

Later , nani and MJ arrived while holding plastic bags and secret recipe's cake  .

And during the waiting of Aiman with his  another two buddies from sbpi selandar melaka * nani said one of them was Fahmi Omar  . after all , we were quite murky - Mayam was on the phone ordering the pizzas . nasrul and kiwak were practising the birthday song with the guitar , MJ and nani was planning on how to prank aiman - whether throwing the flour straight to his face when he just arrived or singing a happy birthday song and have a meal with the pizzas at first  . then only we could punk'd  aiman .At last , we decided to choose the second plan :) .

Okayyyy , here's  the time ! he finally arrived ! :D with another two buddies . just like i told you before , they are from sbpi selandar  ,malacca . they were fahmi andddd acenossss acenoss acenoss . hahaha ;pp . Standing readily besides the small staircase  , we waited for him .

TARAAA ! :DD HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU ! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU ! LA LA LA :DD * what a lovely voice i have ? hahahaa ;pp .
Nak light up the candles tapi tak jadi sebab angin kuat sangat .

From left : Accenoss , Nasrul , Fahmi , Aiman , Kiwak

I could see aiman's happiest smile on his face . He was soo happy and keen .His expressions already shows that  he felt appreciated with all the effort . Also , he  thanked to us especially the mastermind of the plan - his sweet gf , Khairani Khairuddin <3<3<3
Nani and Aiman
While we have our great time eating the pizzas , suddenly Kiwak , one of the buddies who voluntarily  responsible for the prank , trying to hit and cracking up an egg towards Aiman's . Or precisely  , on his head  . Actually , kiwak's birthday was just a few days left , and unluckily the cracked egg backfired to hiimself . Unpurposely , he was 'planning a prank' upon  himself ! hahaha  . what a lucky egg you have ;)

After that , they were all throwing the flour towards aiman . He was raining by the flour .It was great and they really try the best effort to 'hit' him . Aiman said that this was all the epic-fail  . *tak habis habis dengan epic fail dia =.=

Haa yang ini Nani yang buat ;pp
 It would be boring  if the birthday party was being too formal on its way ,  right ?

Spontaneously , we asked aiman to perform . Since he is a pro guitarist and we have the best singer ever in the birthday party , Nasrul , we asked them to perform a  show . which means they have to sing a song . nasrul was quite shy at first . but then he managed to suit himself and started to sing . 


Aiman kata suara dia tak sedap ;pp

"Woww" . Thats all we could say
This time the performance was getting amazing and rockin' . Aiman choosed to play song that he knows how to play . And guess what the song was ?

PRESENT YOUUUU : YOUR GUARDIAN ANGEL ! hey , everyone love that song! :DD   . The lyrics and melody are just so lovely thus made everyone feel 'lost' and attracted . The song is like a magnet . hahaha .  Next ,  he played HERE WITHOUT YOU . This time i was feel excited because i was one of the fan's. hahaha . siap hafal lagi lirikkk . jangan main2 . haaa ;DD

Aiman attempted to ask nani to join him but nani was too shy and low profile to accept the invitation . alolololo ;) . sweet betul ;) .

From left : mayam,safa, me ( wani) , nani

oh , say Hye to Airina Roslan

Kiwak and fahmi

Seseri's Girls <3<3
The sun was getting hot as with the time , 12 o clock . we were getting close to the end . But then, at that time , Airina arrived with her jersery  and a school bag behind her back . Everyone were starting to pack all the things up.Since it was Aiman's birthday , we counted on him to bring all the foods , drinks and also birthday indulgence chocolate cake back to his home . Besides  , he has his own car !

Suddenly ,  i saw the pizzas seemed like to be abandoned by everyone . At the same time , nasrul and kiwak were standing not so far from me. So , without hesitated , i offered them the left pizzas . They just received it with no objection nor doing their 'malu2' style . hahaha . You guys are so cute lah :) .

Ohh! we never forget to take some pictures . It was compulsory for every events we join up because we believe that by taking the pictures , we were actually let those  memories live forever and after  , not only in our mind but also anytime we feel like we want to recall the memories  ;)

After that , the barbiess  walking away with smiling heart and thankful to Allah for made the event going smoothly and successfully based on what we planned of .

While i was walking alone with Nani at the back of the rest  , suddenly we heard a motorcyle sound that were coming closer to us . Actually it was beside me . oh Nasrull :)  He said something to  Nani but i am not sure about what he said because i was get too nervous to be beside him .So my ears were half deaf . hahaha . I  think he thanked nani for the party .

Masa dia pergi , Mayam teased me . Dia cakap mcm ni " Mop  , aku rasa dia saja je hentikan motor dia tepi kau sebab dia nak kau naik motor dengan dia " and i was like , "euwww wehh memang tak la dia fikir mcm tu kan .  bf orang daaa =.= ." tak baik tak baik :)
Every road , there must be a footprint :)

Straightly   , we went to suria klcc . We booked the ticket - cabin in the woods . i heard it was 18's movie . hahahaa . takpe , kami 'cukup' umur .

The movie will start  whithin an hour but it was 2 o clock  . So we decided to do the thing that we suppose to do - perform zuhur prayer :)

While we at the surau  , this i would never forget . There was an aunty who was sitting at the corner of the surau . Not the location i was going to mention about  ,  but it was her annoying act in the surau . She didn't respect the other jemaah performing the prayers!  She was talking on the phone while laughing and giggling to the maximum pitch ! 

Our steps to the cinema box were getting closer . With happy face  , we strolled  into the cinema .There were a lot of people . Ignoring that  ,  we went to our seat .

Just after about 10 minutes of watching the movie , suddenly the screen was totally  blanked  . what da heck ???
apahal doee ? so kteorg pun tunggu la kt dalam tu mcm orang bodoh . pftt ;pp . sambil tu makan and borak2 . lepas tu gelak2 . ngeheheh ;pp .

5 minutes later , we received news that we should leave the cinema since the tgv was actually blackout  . pehhh LAME NYAA =.=  kami pun keluar dengan hati yang bebal -________________-
not only the tgv had the same thing , but it was the whole klcc having the blackout-ing . padanlaa byak kedai tutup .

mejeh suggested that we should having another entertainment to entertain ourselves . maklumlahhh klcc kan tgh blackout .

so we went to wangsa walk and had a great time rocking like a famous superstar .
KARAOKE  . breep breepppp :) !
Mj memang synonym dengan mic .

Our favourite pick up list :)
yeahhh aiman sporting . kasi redah je :D
While waiting the guys for coming  , we had a time to 'memekak' . We understand that we don't have a sweet voice like christina aguilera or taylor swift ,  even rock and roll soul and voice  like aerosmith ;pp

Unfortunately , me and mayam had to leave out earlier based on several reasons . *kena balik awal . nanti mak marah  .

Before leaving the wangsa walk , me and mayam decided to have chatime . It was mayam's suggestion . Lama nak tunggu tapi bila dapat minum , legaaa sangat . Thank you, mayam :) . The jellies were cool :)

I  managed to arrive home before maghrib . Alhamdulillah . mama pun tak marah .

In conclusion , do join up yourself into activities that involving people that besides than you have knowned . What i mean is , find new friends and you will feel that your life is going to be amazingly surprise and happy  .

Macam birthday party ni , aku rasa bangga sebab dapat berkenalan dengan kawan baru . bukan sahaja berkenalan tapi mengeratkan hubungan . kerana perkenalan hari ini telah membawa satu lagi hubungan famili SBP : SESERI - STAR - SBPI SELANDAR ;

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