Yes ! i was in a shopping spree fever today and this feeling was dread ! hahaha ;pp
Aduhhh pagi pagi lagi dah sakit perut ?
Tahann sampaii laaa aku sampai BDR TASIK SELATAN
Feeling lost and pain at the same time , i went to this small shop which everyone know what kind of shop i referred to . I found someone , a guy who was arranging the goods at of one the corners of the shop . i gave my 'salam' through my thin icy sexayy eyessss . hahahaha .I knew that my tounge gets tied .So i was a little speechless at the first sight .
wani : errr , tumpang tanya , toilet dekat mana ye ?
guy : with a lazy expression he had - toile ? dekat bts lah .
wani : knowing that he was not interested of being interviewed about where was the toilet, so i asked little silly question - ooo kena naik atas ke ?
guy : ha ah .
wani : okay , thanks * pusingg je terus aku buat muka -___________________-
Based on the conversation between us , you could predict what happen next .
How could you imagine to get not - so - clear about where the toilet is and what more if the person that you ask is likee have a less communication practice with the people ?
come on laa we . kau dah lama kerja dekat situ , tak kan tak tahu kt mana toilet ? kalau takde sekali pun bagi tahu je la kawasan terdekat . simple . tak payah nak buat buat malas sangat la kannnn.
even the passengers know where the nearest toilet that could get . Thank you nana for helping me by telling the location of the toilet - in the bus terminal . so i had to got a little walk to the terminal .
when we were in the lrt , syahindah called me for twice and asked where we were now . *syahindah syahindah . risau sangat . takut kteorang lari ke apa ni ? hahahaha ;pp
About 10.30 am , we arrived the pwtc station and straight to the starbucks coffee at SUNWAY PUTRA MALL aka THE MALL ;pp , searching for peng , ziya and zack whom were waiting for us patiently . sabar ke ? hahaha .
the book festival always maintains its havoc , cool and great standard every years . there are a lot of people rolling in and out from the booths while searching the books . Also there are writers attend at their own booth while giving the best serve for their faithful fanss .
since it open to public , no doubt if you see a group of your ex schoolmates walking passed by beside you . thats normal , dude ! HAHA . This was due to the bumping drama between me and Faiz , Ayna and Luqman in the crowdsss . and also Paah and Ezzati Amin ;) Kalau dah jumpa , kena lah tinggalkan kenangan . soo inilah diaa ..
Nothing much to story about the book fair because every year i feel the same thing about it . Exciting . Amazed :)
Exhausted yet hungry . Where to eat ? suddenly , There was something popped out in the three of us 's minds .
My heart's a stereo
It beats for you, so listen close
Hear my thoughts in every no-o-o-te
Make me your radio
And turn me up when you feel low
This melody was meant for you
Just sing along to my stereo
*my phone ringing . hahahaha . the person calling was Peng .
Asking me if i could join and accompany her trip to SESERI . school lover memang mcm tu . hahaha ;pp .
After lunch , Ziya Nana Peng and i took the same train but different stops . Zack was not follow with us since she did not have any programme that could make her took the train and travel further . so she waited for her elder brother at the mall instead . Kesian zackkk sorang sorang :(
Masa tu jugak la jumpa lagi Faiz , Ayna and Luqman Gayman :) .
kalau jumpa Peng Nana and Ziya , tak sah kalau tak bergurau and teasing each other . SESERI teaches us a lot of things on how to keep the friendship last long :) I found that our actions were being observed by certain people . hehehe , soryyyy ;)
masa Peng nak keluar dari train , i was drinking her starbuck's . tapi masa tu jugak la dah habis . ntah kenapa tiba2 on the way Peng tengah keluar aku sempat tarik tangan dia and gave back her beverage that she had offered to me before suruh dia buangkan dalam tong sampah . Sorry Syahindahhh . Didnt mean too :( . anyway, Thank you , Syinzzzz ;) Love youuu . Aww awww awww * gaya syahindah -,-
At Times Square :
performed the zuhur prayer ws the first thing we did as we arrived .Dahulukan yang wajib , baru lah yang sunat :)
Ya Allah , when the shopping moodd has come , kalau boleh semua nak beli ! :D .
tapi nasib baik after couple of hours , kteorang mulai sedar bahawaaaaa wang harus digunakan dengan sebaik mungkin ! jangan membazir ! hahahaa . * bajet . padahalllll only God know what happen to three of us at that time :)
we were strucked by the material and even the designs of the clothes . they were all beautiful ! and also the shawl and tudung too ;)
what even made us more atrracted was the reasonable anddd cheappp prize offered ! kalau dekat tempat lain , mesti mahal.
on each floor there will be about 20 shops sell all the clothes , bags and shoes . The time square mall itself has 10 floors . calculate by yourself ;)
syurga membeli belah dengan harga yang murah . datang lah beramai ramai ke times squareee . hahahha . i know that i am promoting the TS right now .
macam mana dengan kaki ? lenguh ke tak ? sakit pinggang tak ? jangan tanyaaa . semua tu terjawab dengan sendirinya bila anda shopping spree on one lucky day ;) . hahahah ;pp .
Aduhhh pagi pagi lagi dah sakit perut ?
Tahann sampaii laaa aku sampai BDR TASIK SELATAN
Feeling lost and pain at the same time , i went to this small shop which everyone know what kind of shop i referred to . I found someone , a guy who was arranging the goods at of one the corners of the shop . i gave my 'salam' through my thin icy sexayy eyessss . hahahaha .I knew that my tounge gets tied .So i was a little speechless at the first sight .
wani : errr , tumpang tanya , toilet dekat mana ye ?
guy : with a lazy expression he had - toile ? dekat bts lah .
wani : knowing that he was not interested of being interviewed about where was the toilet, so i asked little silly question - ooo kena naik atas ke ?
guy : ha ah .
wani : okay , thanks * pusingg je terus aku buat muka -___________________-
Based on the conversation between us , you could predict what happen next .
How could you imagine to get not - so - clear about where the toilet is and what more if the person that you ask is likee have a less communication practice with the people ?
come on laa we . kau dah lama kerja dekat situ , tak kan tak tahu kt mana toilet ? kalau takde sekali pun bagi tahu je la kawasan terdekat . simple . tak payah nak buat buat malas sangat la kannnn.
even the passengers know where the nearest toilet that could get . Thank you nana for helping me by telling the location of the toilet - in the bus terminal . so i had to got a little walk to the terminal .
when we were in the lrt , syahindah called me for twice and asked where we were now . *syahindah syahindah . risau sangat . takut kteorang lari ke apa ni ? hahahaha ;pp
About 10.30 am , we arrived the pwtc station and straight to the starbucks coffee at SUNWAY PUTRA MALL aka THE MALL ;pp , searching for peng , ziya and zack whom were waiting for us patiently . sabar ke ? hahaha .
the book festival always maintains its havoc , cool and great standard every years . there are a lot of people rolling in and out from the booths while searching the books . Also there are writers attend at their own booth while giving the best serve for their faithful fanss .
since it open to public , no doubt if you see a group of your ex schoolmates walking passed by beside you . thats normal , dude ! HAHA . This was due to the bumping drama between me and Faiz , Ayna and Luqman in the crowdsss . and also Paah and Ezzati Amin ;) Kalau dah jumpa , kena lah tinggalkan kenangan . soo inilah diaa ..
Nothing much to story about the book fair because every year i feel the same thing about it . Exciting . Amazed :)
Exhausted yet hungry . Where to eat ? suddenly , There was something popped out in the three of us 's minds .
My heart's a stereo
It beats for you, so listen close
Hear my thoughts in every no-o-o-te
Make me your radio
And turn me up when you feel low
This melody was meant for you
Just sing along to my stereo
*my phone ringing . hahahaha . the person calling was Peng .
Asking me if i could join and accompany her trip to SESERI . school lover memang mcm tu . hahaha ;pp .
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Credit to : The coolest photographer ever -----> Hazwani |
Masa tu jugak la jumpa lagi Faiz , Ayna and Luqman Gayman :) .
kalau jumpa Peng Nana and Ziya , tak sah kalau tak bergurau and teasing each other . SESERI teaches us a lot of things on how to keep the friendship last long :) I found that our actions were being observed by certain people . hehehe , soryyyy ;)
masa Peng nak keluar dari train , i was drinking her starbuck's . tapi masa tu jugak la dah habis . ntah kenapa tiba2 on the way Peng tengah keluar aku sempat tarik tangan dia and gave back her beverage that she had offered to me before suruh dia buangkan dalam tong sampah . Sorry Syahindahhh . Didnt mean too :( . anyway, Thank you , Syinzzzz ;) Love youuu . Aww awww awww * gaya syahindah -,-
At Times Square :
performed the zuhur prayer ws the first thing we did as we arrived .Dahulukan yang wajib , baru lah yang sunat :)
Ya Allah , when the shopping moodd has come , kalau boleh semua nak beli ! :D .
tapi nasib baik after couple of hours , kteorang mulai sedar bahawaaaaa wang harus digunakan dengan sebaik mungkin ! jangan membazir ! hahahaa . * bajet . padahalllll only God know what happen to three of us at that time :)
we were strucked by the material and even the designs of the clothes . they were all beautiful ! and also the shawl and tudung too ;)
what even made us more atrracted was the reasonable anddd cheappp prize offered ! kalau dekat tempat lain , mesti mahal.
on each floor there will be about 20 shops sell all the clothes , bags and shoes . The time square mall itself has 10 floors . calculate by yourself ;)
syurga membeli belah dengan harga yang murah . datang lah beramai ramai ke times squareee . hahahha . i know that i am promoting the TS right now .
macam mana dengan kaki ? lenguh ke tak ? sakit pinggang tak ? jangan tanyaaa . semua tu terjawab dengan sendirinya bila anda shopping spree on one lucky day ;) . hahahah ;pp .
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ohh banyak nyaaa shopping. *padahal yang banyak nya ziya puny |