South Korea Trip 5

Day 8 
Lotte World 

wuuu dah dekat seminggu dekat sini kut . haha! today was sunny day ! so hello Lotte World !Lotte World senang . take subway to Jamsil Station and exit 4 . mula mula akan lalu Lotte Department Store dulu , then nanti akan ada entrance to Lotte World .

The entrance fee was 36,800 won . oh murah sikit lah compared to Everland . haha . after put all bags into locker , our plan was Outdoor Activites dulu , then dah petang sikit baru Indoor . so wani dah niat  awal awal nak jamak takhir .

Hai :D

A) Bungee Drop .
this was the first thing yang kitaorang naik masa dekat outdoor . tengok benda tu tiba tiba naik ....  lepas tu turun balik laju nak mampus . then atas bawah atas bawah macam nak goncang gituuu . gila lah benda ni . tapi rugi weh ticket mahal kutt -_______- . apa jadi ? jangan tanya , wani jerit kuat gila masa ni hahahah

p/s sorry all the pictures below were taken from the website because i didnot bring my phone masa nak main haritu . haha .
Bungee Drop 

B ) Gyro Spin .
lepas dah 'bungee jumping ' dengan  bungee drop , kitaorg pergi Gyro Spin pulak . haa yang ni kan macam okay sikit lah . sebab i saw couples yang naik , diorang nampak relax .. siap borak borak lagii . so i was thinking , one of the way nak hilangkan rasa takut ni sebenarnya kau kena bercakap . hehe  :D

so bila naik tu , i was sitting next to ezza . i pesan ezza awal untuk talked to each other masa tengah spin nanti . HAHAH SUMPAH LAWAK . YEAH WE TALKED ! XD . seriously masa cakap denga ezza while the thing was spinning ( makin lama makin tinggi ) , i did not feel afraid as before :D . woww berkesan ! hahahaha

Gyro Spin :D

C ) Gyro Drop .
just want to say that THIS IS THE MOST EXTREME ONE ! EXTREME SANGAT . as the name implied , that thing rises up slowly sambil spinning around , then when it reaches its peak , it stops for a while . after 3 to 4 seconds BUMPPP ! IT FELLS DOWN TIBA TIBA ! damn you gyro drop ! i hate you! hahahaha . JERIT KUAT GILA TIME NIE  ! turun je from gyro drop , kitaorang terus mencarut  . haha astaghfirullahalazim . siapa lah yang bijak sangat create benda nie pfttt

oh sebenarnya tak semua benda wani main tau dekat situ . sebab there was one moment i felt tired dengan terkejut takut takut tinggi ni sebenarnya . haha . so ada lah satu game ni , i tak main tapi others still teruskan main  . it was Gyro Swing . do you why i refuse to play this ? sebab ,,,,
em tengok sendiri lah gambar ...

Guys ,can you see sampai mana dia swing ? sampai langit weh sampai langit!  boleh sentuh awan kutttt !. oh NO NO NO . I DONT WANT ! -_________________-

do you know what . i could ride all types of roller coster but bukan jenis yang pusing 360 darjah . dah lah pusing terbalik ,lepas tu slow  gila . ya allah benci nya tengok ! hahaha :P  because i have seen that kind of ride masa dekat lotte world . the name was Giant Loop

Giant Loop

by the time nak balik tu kan  . tiba tiba ada satu roller coster lalu depan kitaorang tau . balqis pun yang asalnya plan nal balik tu , tiba tiba dia cam weh ni datang dari mana eh ? asal kita tak nampak pun entrance dia ? nama pun balqis  . selagi tak jumpa , jangan harap you can go out from lotte world . haha . sekali kitaorang jumpa tempat tu . and again panjang nya beratuuurr ! :OOO . masa tengah lined up, nampak  satu couple  . bf dia handsome sangat . it was not a typical korean face lah. memang handsome . tak tipu ! 

kitaorang ni kalau ikut line memang after this handsome guy punya ride lah . lepas tu masa we all tengah beratur nak tunggu turn masuk ride tu , dia punya train sampai . lepas tu ntah kenapa tiba tiba dia buat sign yang NO NO NO DONT RIDE dekat kitaorang .or to be specific , to ahsha lah sebab ahsha beratur depan . haha . ya allah terkejut gila tengok dia buat macam tu. like so sudden ! nasib baik kau handsome . so layan kan je lah... buat buat friendly . gelak gelak . hahahaha  *awkward ;p

Update : 
Lotte World - 36,800 won

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