South Korea Trip 2

Day 3 .
Everland Theme Park .

from our house , we walked to Gangnam station and search for bus stand no 22 . then we wait for bus 5213 to go straight  to Everland 

normal all day pass is 48,000 won  .. tapi kitaorang dapat coupun . plus we were foreigners . untuk foreigners , ada discount . so seorang  cuma perlu bayar 38,000 won sahaja . sambil tu sorang wakil tunjukkan malaysian passport masa nak membeli tiket .

the discount coupun ..

we spent the whole day dekat sana ! pagi sampai malam . seriously ! :D unfortunately , we forgot to check the weather before nak pergi . so kitaorg tak tahu pula hari tu hujan .. quite sad because due to weather condition , banyak benda tutup ... and tak dapat nak main semua . another important things , each time nak main or masuk any games , kena tunjuk ticket pass  . so simpan the ticket pass tu elok elok dalam pocket or your coat . DAN jangan lupa untuk simpan receipt sebab there was one time , our friend ezza lost her pass ticket . so we showed the receipt as a prove . then she got another new ticket  :) 

to all muslims , jangan risau to perform your prayer . sebab dekat sini  ada surau or prayer's room . surau dekat everland ni terletak next to  Mystery Mansion .. since prayer's room nya satu , so female and male kena share tempat solat yang sama . dalam tu ada sinki . actually it was not propriate to take wudhu there sebab nanti karpet dalam surau tu basah tapi sebab haritu hujan tambah pula dengan toilet yang jauh , so i decided to take wudhu dekat sinki. luckily dalam tu ada jugak malaysians and perempuan . so takde lah segan sangat kann :D
the signboard on the wool door next to Mystery Mansion
we were so lucky to meet them . they were all satu family and baik gilaa . we told them that we were coming by ourselves and takde under agensi semua . before separated , they give us kek pelangi sekali dengan buah epal . KEK PELANGI KUT -___________-  sekali dapat , kitaorg makan dengan lahap nya . macam jakun tak pernah makan kuih pelangi . nampak tak lapar nya di situ ? we were so hungry ! OMG  haha . they were staying in itaewon . they said dekat itaewon senang . ada masjid and banyak restaurant halal . yup it ;s true  . dekat seoul , ada satu je masjid and  it is located in itaewon :')

okay dalam everland resort tu jugak ada hologram concert . kalau tak tahu , you may google la what is hologram concert . artist yang would 'perform' haritu PSY , BIGBANG AND 2NE1 . ezza , ahsha and balqis macam beriya sangat tau nak tengok hologram concert ni . i was like apa benda ni weh ? kalau ikut schedule dalam pukul 3.30 pm BIGBANG yang 'perform' . ekekeke . i pun suka lah juga  . well , siapa je tak suka BIGBANG kann  ;pp ( yang tak suka tu , boleh diam kut ....pft )  sekali masuk , OH MY GOD BEST NAK MAMPUS ! HAHAHA  *ok sorry for the harsh word :') i am too excited right now ! :DD  BESTTT . i was enjoying the concert . satu sebab RASA MACAM BIGBANG BETUL2 ADA padahal sebenarnya computer je , which made they looked so REAL . , second sebab i love their songs . BAD BOY , FANTASTIC BABY , CROOKED . all their latest songs lah ! WEEEE tak sia sia tunggu lama XDD

Hologram Concert

haaa ok ok . bab extreme . do you know that everland resort has one of the steepest and fastest express train / roller coster ride in the world ?  to be truth , i am actually afraid of high . tapi bak kata orang ,  rugi gila lah kalau kau penat penat terbang jauh ke korea tapi kau tak naik t express train dia . sampai je kat sana , we lined up and rupan rupanya memang panjang sangat beratur ! we qued up for almost one hour tapi ride the train for 3 minutes je -________________- . this is the first rolleer coster i've ever afraid of sebenarnya sebab bayang kan the highest peak that the train could reach tu , kau sebenarnya dah boleh nampak the ENTIRE everland resort ! THIS IS CRAZYY ! whatever it is , i was so scared until i closed my eyes along the ride . ada lah buka sikit sikit masa tengah pusing tuu
hahaha ;pp .
T Express Train :D

habis naik t espress , tiba tiba nampak Safari . balqis pun cam . " eh kita tak pergi lagi safari kan ? " . so we entered the building and tiba tiba sampai depan bus safari. haha . blur jap . almaklumlah tengah menahan diri kesejukan malam with temperature 7 degree . ( during daytime , the temp is around 16 degree . so kalau tak pakai coat pun tak pe . but bila masuk senja , the temp can drop as low as 6 degree . grr gr grgr ) . then bus tu bawa kitaorg jalan jalan around the mini zoo . sampai dekat tempat bear , bus tu stop . ahjussi tu kasi bear bear dekat situ makan . yang lawak nya bear tu boleh berdiri ! hahaha comel sangat!!  ^_^

Hello Boo Boo Bear ! 

by 9 0 clock , we decided to leave the place . therefore , we called it a d-d-d-d-d-d dayyyy . *mengigil kesejukan , suhu drop 6 degree malam tu !  . kamsahamnida , Everland !

balik guesthouse terus mandi, makan panadol sebab takut demam pula esok pagi  and dinner maggi ( jimat jimat ! ) :D

Update :
Everland - 38,000 won 
2,100 won - churos 
500 won - sewa locker Everland 

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