South Korea Trip 3

Day 4 .
Myeongdong Street 

take subway to Myeongdong station . the duration is 29 mins journey and the T card basis is 1,150 won  . then sampai je myeongdong station  , go to exit 6 to the myeongdong street .

waahhh , there were a lot of cosmetic and make up shops . Nature Republic , Uniqlo , Etude House , Innisfree , It's Skin , Body Shop , Face Shop , Skin Food , Tony Molly , and many more ! ya allah heaven gila shopping dekat siniiiiiiiiiiiiii . >< semua barang make up  , mask and cosmetic yang di jual are all korean product . therefore , barang barang tersebut dijual pada harga yang sangat murah ! kalau beli dekat Malaysia , confirm mahal -__________- . but make sure to be careful semasa shopping dekat myeongdong street sebab takut ter over bajet pula kan... lagipun , orang kalau datang myeongdong street tak kan datang sekali je tau . mesti akan datang balik for the second or third time hahaha

lagi satu yang bestnya shopping dekat sini , they love to give their customers free gifts once you entered thei shops . so kalau nak dapat free gift , masuk je lah mana mana kedai sebanyak mungkin even though korang tak berniat nak membeli pun dekat kedai tu . hahaaha . tips ni weh tips . i've seen ahsha doing like that for so many times and i laughed everytime i saw it . hahaha

jalan jalan sampai lah dekat myeongdong tourist centre . according to Unni SeHee , dekat tourist centre ni boleh tangkap gambar dengan hanbok . so kitaorg masuk lah bangunan tu . yeahh memang ada pun ! excited semacam je pakai hanbok dress  . it is korean tradtional dress :D

about 4 pm , kitaorg gerak from myeongdong station to itaewon . masa tu dah masuk waktu asar . we went to itaewon sebab marni dengan alia bushra ajak kitaorg dinner sekali dekat restaurant halal YEAYYY ! i was so happy ! akhirnya dapat makan nasi ! wehihihi . bergerak to masjid itaewon dengan kaki yang dah lebam lebam and luka . sakit tu sakit tapi sebab nak ke masjid kan , so i encouraged myself to reach the mosque yang terletak nya atas bukit ? T.T 

sampai masjid , solat jama' . habis solat tu  , ternampak kelibat someone ni . ya allah macam kenal . ALIA BUSHRA ! HAHA . peluk pelukk salam salammm ciumm ciumm  ! lepas tu terus jumpa yang lain and pergi dinner ! i was so impressed with alia sebab alia dah pandai cakap korea! fasih okayyy . she can speak hangeul with the owner . HAPPY GILA DAPAT MAKAN NASI  T.T

Samgyetang - Ginseng Chicken Soup .

then lepas shopping untuk tomyam ( oppa asked us to cook malaysian food for him ) dekat halal mart , alia and her roomate , marni brought us to eat supper . hahaha . kitaorg makan tteokbokki sambil lepak and borak . aaaa best sangat malam tu . it was so happening !

Update :
10,000 won - reload card T Money  * always reload kayyy kalau dah tahu nak habis tu :) 
39,900 won - shopping at myeongdong street 

DAY 5 
Namdaemun Market 

hari ni weather cakap hujan renyai renyai . haha . nak pergi lotte world tak boleh sebab kena pergi on sunny day . nanti jadi macam dekat everland . so we decided to go to Namdaemun Market

okay kalau pergi Namdaemun Market ni  , niat nya cuma nak membeli sourvenir sahaja . cara ke sana sangat mudah . take subway to Hoehyeon Station . then go to Exit 5 ( sumber : Visit Korea  )

okay bab shopping dekat sini malas nak cerita sebab takde apa apa yang menarik pun . cuma dekat sini lah the kpoperz ( ezza , ahsha dengan balqis ) start cari kedai yang jual poster artis pujaan diorang .. survey je lah . kata ezza , poster EXO ni patutnya boleh dapat free bila beli album . hahahaha . okay ezza :D

Ehwa Womans University 
then , bila dah masuk petang tu , balqis cakap marni nak jumpa . nak bawa pergi makan dinner . we were like yeayyyy nasi ! nasi ! hahaha bengonggg ;pp . so from hoehyeon station , we took subway and stopped at ehwa womans university . kata alia , ehwa university ni college for girls onlyy 

satu benda yang wani perasan lah kan pasal student korea ni , they were all so proud with their college's varsity jacket . yeah be proud lah with the place you studying kan . so dalam train tu memang ramai lah students uni pakai varsity jacket  ( i referred to ehwa 's students ) .
sampai sana , marni bawa pergi coffee house , named as singapore kopitiam .singapore sehh :DD . then dekat sana , wani solat jamak takhir . hati sangat lega sebab dapat solat :D
then , diorang bawa kitaorang pergi ehwa university . secara jujur nya , university ehwa tu cantikkk sangat . ada gaya modern campur classic . yang modern style tu dah acah acah macam library UTP kut ;pp 

then dah nak gelap sikit , dalam pukul 7 camtu , marni dengan alia bawa kitaorg pergi makan koreanf food , Al Bap  . it was a delicious type of kimbab ( korean mixed rice dish ) that include vegetable and fried eggs In a restaurant, Al Bap is often made and served in the traditional Korean stoneware bowls so that the rice becomes crisp, roasted and hot . so i decided to choose garlic al Bap . bila waiter served je , i could smell the garlic from the bowl. weh cam sedap je . sekali makan ................


VERY CHEAP ONE . 4,000 WON  only ! :D 

Al Bap yang dicintai <3

Update :
Souvenir utk family - 83,000 won
Dinner Kimbab - 4,000 won

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