Exam Mood + Freedom

i still remembered during my freshman year dekat rcmp , masa tu lagi two weeks je nak final exam year 1 MBBS . i attended pharmacology class dengan harapan dapat tahu apa yang masuk for exam final nanti . 

unfortunately , it was something terrible session whereby everybody including me were so stress and intense  . the moment when dr giri asked us questions and at last there would be always one person could answer the questions , precisely - Nadh . hahaha . 

apa lagi , nangis lah ! i ran out from BLT and went to library. there , i found tsam was studying alone . i reached her and crying in front of her . hahaha . ya allah betapa lemah nya hati masa tu :') masa tu baru tahu betapa berharga nya kehadiran seorang kawan :D 

itu cerita last year la .... 

but the point is when the exam mode is on , lots of things will happen . bila rasa tak boleh nak study sendiri , cari kawan and study sama sama . when you are doing discussion nanti , trust me it helped you a lot . ( eg : teringat apa yang kawan dah ajar  masa tengah buat exam MEQ. haha ) 

secondly , who are you nak jadi mr arrogant ? study study jugak , but solat 5 waktu kena jaga babe  . jangan lambat kan waktu solat . you are nothing without HIM ... kau belajar but DIA yang tentukan whether kau boleh berjaya atau tidak . never forget HIM ... because HE always aware of you ... 

third , know yourself  well . setiap orang lain cara belajar . so do i . to me , i could be soo panic if i'm doing job at last minutes ... and i 've learnt from my past mistakes .. :) 

yang paling penting , i just want to share this happiness moment in my life as a student . ALHAMDULILLAH DENGAN IZINNYAAA , I 'VE PASSED THE FINAL PROFESSIONAL EXAM  !! :DD which melayakkan saya untuk masuk ke clinical year next month . hehe

BYE BYE YEAR 2 ! HELLOO YEAR 3 ! xoxoxo 

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