
Showing posts from April, 2015

South Korea Trip 5

Day 8  Lotte World  wuuu dah dekat seminggu dekat sini kut . haha! today was sunny day ! so hello Lotte World ! Lotte World senang . take subway to Jamsil Station and exit 4 . mula mula akan lalu Lotte Department Store dulu , then nanti akan ada entrance to Lotte World . The entrance fee was 36,800 won . oh murah sikit lah compared to Everland . haha . after put all bags into locker , our plan was Outdoor Activites dulu , then dah petang sikit baru Indoor . so wani dah niat  awal awal nak jamak takhir . Hai :D A) Bungee Drop . this was the first thing yang kitaorang naik masa dekat outdoor . tengok benda tu tiba tiba naik ....  lepas tu turun balik laju nak mampus . then atas bawah atas bawah macam nak goncang gituuu . gila lah benda ni . tapi rugi weh ticket mahal kutt -_______- . apa jadi ? jangan tanya , wani jerit kuat gila masa ni hahahah p/s sorry all the pictures below were taken from the website because i didnot bring my phone masa nak mai...

South Korea Trip 4

Day 6  Gyeongbukgung Palace  suka lahh duduk rumah oppa Ben nieee ! rasa macam well - welcomed sangat sangat . oppa dah la baik . lepas tu kan, dia ada jugak housemates tau . Australian guy , his name was Dylan  . Dylan ni since the first day datang korea lagi dah jumpa . siap ada introducing session weh on first day tu ! lepas tu terus tangkap gambar as kenang kenangan  . kamcheng tak kitaorg ? HAHA ! another thing that i like about the house besides wifi yang laju  , rumah yang rasa suam suam warm macam tu ( ye la kat luar dah naturally sejuk -.- ) , guesthouse ni kalau you  sidai kain kan , satu hari je dah kering tau .even though you sidai dalam rumah and baju yang you sidai tu jet jet tebal cam seluar jeans . seluar jeans pun , semalaman dah boleh kering  ! cuba buat macam tu kat malaysia , uishh jangan kan semalaman , sidai kat luar rumah pun belum tentu kering babe  . hahaha ;p ok lah back to our trip . haa palace . harini hujan la...

South Korea Trip 3

Day 4 . Myeongdong Street  take subway to Myeongdong station . the duration is 29 mins journey and the T card basis is 1,150 won  . then sampai je myeongdong station  , go to exit 6 to the myeongdong street . waahhh , there were a lot of cosmetic and make up shops . Nature Republic , Uniqlo , Etude House , Innisfree , It's Skin , Body Shop , Face Shop , Skin Food , Tony Molly , and many more ! ya allah heaven gila shopping dekat siniiiiiiiiiiiiii . >< semua barang make up  , mask and cosmetic yang di jual are all korean product . therefore , barang barang tersebut dijual pada harga yang sangat murah ! kalau beli dekat Malaysia , confirm mahal -__________- . but make sure to be careful semasa shopping dekat myeongdong street sebab takut ter over bajet pula kan... lagipun , orang kalau datang myeongdong street tak kan datang sekali je tau . mesti akan datang balik for the second or third time hahaha lagi satu yang bestnya shopping dekat sini , they...

South Korea Trip 2

Day 3 . Everland Theme Park . from our house , we walked to Gangnam station and search for bus stand no 22 . then we wait for bus 5213 to go straight  to Everland  normal all day pass is 48,000 won  .. tapi kitaorang dapat coupun . plus we were foreigners . untuk foreigners , ada discount . so seorang  cuma perlu bayar 38,000 won sahaja . sambil tu sorang wakil tunjukkan malaysian passport masa nak membeli tiket . the discount coupun .. we spent the whole day dekat sana ! pagi sampai malam . seriously ! :D unfortunately , we forgot to check the weather before nak pergi . so kitaorg tak tahu pula hari tu hujan .. quite sad because due to weather condition , banyak benda tutup ... and tak dapat nak main semua . another important things , each time nak main or masuk any games , kena tunjuk ticket pass  . so simpan the ticket pass tu elok elok dalam pocket or your coat . DAN jangan lupa untuk simpan receipt sebab there was one time , our friend ezza...

South Korea Trip 1

안녕하세요 !  It means annyeong haseyo or hello in korea ! :D baru dua hari balik from South Korea and sekarang still terbayang bayang lagi lagu EXO dekat myeongdong street . hahaha ;p Since a lot of people asked me about this trip , therefore this entry is specially made for those who are planning to there . may it help you guys !  :) Initial budget was RM3000 With AirAsia promotion , return ticket price was rm990 . *kira murah sebab if the ticket price alone dah rm 1000, mcm tak best sikit laa ;p   since we booked the tickets together , therefore we shared the baggage . masa pergi 60 kg , but masa balik we added up until 80 kg ( sebab shopping barang ) . therefore  , so total ticket + meals + baggage approximately  is RM 1,000 .  for allowance , i decided to exchange RM2300, 20% of it into USD and the rest into KOREA WON  and simpan rm350 dalam purse as a standby money  in case terjadi apa apa dekat airport or tak cukup duit...