
Showing posts from 2016

Pantai Teluk Ketapang , Kuala Terengganu :)

assalamualaikum readers ! :) Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri Maaf Zahir dan Batin saya ucapkan kepada abah mama dan keluarga di Puchong Selangor , kepada rakan rakan yang mengenali dan menyayangi saya , kepada guru guru SKS1 Kinrara , SMKS4 Kinrara , SESERI , Uitm Puncak Alam , KMKN Kuala Nerang dan RCMP Ipoh dan penaja saya MARA .  Semoga anda semua bahagia di samping keluarga tercinta . daripada Nurhazwani bt Othman ,UniKL Royal College of Medicine Perak Ipoh , Perak .  ( RCMP ) hehehehehehehehe ;pp alaa kita pun belajar jauh jugaa . nak la juga merasa 'salam perantauan ' tuwww . kihkih ;pp after a few months away from blog , harini terasa nak menulis and share story :) last June , i was doing my elective posting at my own villlage , Kuala Terengganu . i was attached at Hospital Sultanah Nur Zahirah ( HSNZ ) with my other colleuges  yazreen , nisa , imran , epy and syamim ... a few days before the elective at terengganu started , i was online on twitter and s...

Abandoned House

assalamualaikum semuaaa :) hehe  tak tahu lah kenapa asyik nak buat throwback mood jee . but truthfully i do remember the past memories / events a lot rather than the recent ones . lagi lagi kalau pasal life dekat my own hometown . kinrara :) tadi , while i was driving back from giant kinrara to my home ( hantar surat reject dekat hospital . LOL ) , i passed by a house which a long time ago when i was in high school , the house had seem to be abandoned for about a decade . ye laaa rumah tu tak berpanghuni since i was in primary school . sampai masuk sekolah menengah pun , rumah tu takde orang beliiii . so kitaorang fikir rumah tu mmg macam 'berhantu' sikit laaa .  so memang ada cerita lawak laa pasal rumah ni sebab each i time i passed by this house , mesti akan teringat balik time sekolah menengah dulu what we had done to this house . hahahahaha . tapi sekarang rumah tu dah ada orang beliii .yeayyy ! finally! tengah renovate dekat house lawn skrg . hewhew ;p ...

Chatime Storyyy

SEMUANYA GARA GARA CHAT TIME . SALAHKAN CHAT TIME ! hahahahaha to be honest siapa je yang tak tertarik dengan chat time . a lot favourite choices , ada latte , ada milk tea , ada fresh fruit yogurt . emmm yummyyy . sedap sangat sangat sangat  :D . well , mine will always be  HAZELNUT CHOCOLATE WITH PEARL . kachinkkk winkwink ^^ .  mesti you all pelikkan why suddenly i mentioned about chattime ? sebenarnya ada cerita tak kurang lawak lah jugak pasal chat time ni do.  last year ,  masa bulan july 2015 , kan i was involved in a volunteer programme with my seseri juniors . i went there with own car , datang dengan jeje and paah.  on our second night dekat sana, lepas kitaorang habis dinner dekat dm tu , kitaorang lepak laa dekat bilik jap sambil nak tunggu programme seterusnya yang sepatutnya dalan schedule after juniors solat isya . sambil dok tengah lepak lepak tu , suddenly syahindah apporached me. dia kata "mop , kau ada kereta kan ? ...

Tak Baik Tauuu :')

7th March 2016 8.00 pm , at G Resort , Kuantan . Sambil tengah tunggu dekat room , suddenly mama called us . she told us that phone syafiq hilang after balik from water park this evening . To make  the story gone short  , we suspected that it must be the workers from the room service sebab from what we had been informed , memang ada workers masuk room our parents, bersihkan bilik while we were at the gambang water park this morning . yang menambahkan lagi syaknyaa tu , this 'guy' was obviously had taken a small gadget rather than the big one sebab masa syafiq tengah charge phone tu , abah also biarkan laptop dia atas katil . however , laptop tu tak pulak diusik . hahaha . then , malam tu juga abah buat report to the customer service . and we did not surprise when we found that our family was not the only victim . at the same time , other customers yang bilik sebaris abah pun lodged the same report - " gadgets were stolen " . aduhhh so bila jumpa our parents...

Love Letter

It has been a month since budak vinayaka left Malaysia and further their studies to India . No exception to my two ex housemates , hana and nadhirah. To be honest i 'm missing them actually ... #tb  December 2015 ,  There was one night , i rode a ets train back to ipoh . A few hours before, at home  i was busy doing things and  packing up my stuffs . By 8 pm , my family and i gerak keluar . While in the car , i really didnt remember about thinking of who would fetch me bila dah sampai dekat ipoh nanti .. I was totally  lost in my own thoughts , in the middle of silence in the car . hahahaha >< tapi bila  the train dah nak dekat sampai kampar   (if i'm not mistaken) suddenly i realized somethinggg ! i had not contact anyone to fetch me bila dah sampai ipoh ! . then , I got panic. at the same time i scrolled the contact number . tengah scrolling tu kan .. i saw Hana punya number . Suddenly, i teringat dekat Hana . You know what , while she w...