Love Letter

It has been a month since budak vinayaka left Malaysia and further their studies to India . No exception to my two ex housemates , hana and nadhirah. To be honest i 'm missing them actually ...

December 2015 , 

There was one night , i rode a ets train back to ipoh . A few hours before, at home  i was busy doing things and  packing up my stuffs . By 8 pm , my family and i gerak keluar . While in the car , i really didnt remember about thinking of who would fetch me bila dah sampai dekat ipoh nanti .. I was totally  lost in my own thoughts , in the middle of silence in the car . hahahaha ><

tapi bila  the train dah nak dekat sampai kampar  (if i'm not mistaken) suddenly i realized somethinggg ! i had not contact anyone to fetch me bila dah sampai ipoh ! . then , I got panic. at the same time i scrolled the contact number . tengah scrolling tu kan .. i saw Hana punya number . Suddenly, i teringat dekat Hana . You know what , while she was here ( in ipoh ) , she always asked me " wani , nanti dah sampai ipoh , ada siapa siapa nak ambil awak tak ? nak kita ambilkan ? :) " 

However , most of the times ... my answer would always be like " tak pe hana  . kita tumpang orang lain nanti balik . thank you :) " 

I still remember , ada satu hari ni , when i missed my train to ipoh * em well , it wasnot my mistake , it was abah's . lol nvm :')  , i took another train  but the train was soooo slow until it took about 4 hours to reach ipoh . lambat gila kan -.- . padahal naik ets tu 2 jam setengah jee . plus i was sooo exhausted because i couldnt sleep pun dalam train!  . i was sitting next to a guy and he was snorring while sleepingggg! -,- ... tapi tahu tak malam tu siapa yang sanggup woke up early hour in the morning ( 1 am ) and fetched me ? " it was my beloved friend , hana :) " . sebab masa tu she was the only person that i could ask a favor . She was the first person to cross in my mind when i reaaallly needed a help . dekat banyak kali juga kena call dia sebab dia takut masuk dalam mimpi and tak boleh bangun dah lepas tu . haha ;p

okay , back to the 'rushing ' story . haha . you know what masa tu sumpah rasa nak nangis because i felt clueless and at the same time i was missing hana! dalam hati ,  " nak minta tolong siapa ni ? " . "siapa yang available ? " 

at last , i found someone to pick me up at train station ..  . tak ingat pula siapa tapi alhamdulillah i managed to go  back home safe and sound ...:)

so the moral of the story is appreciate every of your friend while they are still around. especially to those who have been with you through ups and downs .  sebab nanti when she is no longer besides you , trust me , you will start to miss them like i do :)

p/s : Hopefully, when someone read this post in the future , he/ she will tell hana to read this :) hehe 


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