Tak Baik Tauuu :')

7th March 2016

8.00 pm , at G Resort , Kuantan .

Sambil tengah tunggu dekat room , suddenly mama called us . she told us that phone syafiq hilang after balik from water park this evening . To make  the story gone short  , we suspected that it must be the workers from the room service sebab from what we had been informed , memang ada workers masuk room our parents, bersihkan bilik while we were at the gambang water park this morning .

yang menambahkan lagi syaknyaa tu , this 'guy' was obviously had taken a small gadget rather than the big one sebab masa syafiq tengah charge phone tu , abah also biarkan laptop dia atas katil . however , laptop tu tak pulak diusik . hahaha .

then , malam tu juga abah buat report to the customer service . and we did not surprise when we found that our family was not the only victim . at the same time , other customers yang bilik sebaris abah pun lodged the same report - " gadgets were stolen " . aduhhh

so bila jumpa our parents masa dinner tu ( bilik kitaorang yang girls separated sebenarnyaa  , abah block  1 while us was block 3 ;p ) , my brother was looking expressionless . i think because sebelum ni  dia dah pernah ada a few episodes of fon hilang , jatuh , tercicir dekat kedai mamak katanya poket koyak -_-  , so dia macam tak rasa apa apa  . but of course , he felt a little bit upset and burdened to the fact that phone was not belonged to him . a few months ago , his kind hearted friend had borrowed that phone to him sebab phone dia hilang . pehh baik betul kau ni dik. boleh percaya kau dekat si syafiq ni. hahaha ;p

8th March 2016

10.00 am . At the lobby  ..

Bila semua dah packing barang , it was time to check out . this was our last day dekat gambang resort . by the time nak balik tu , while at the lobby , i saw dad was talking with one of the resort's worker and had gone somewhere . then mama bagitahu yang phone syafiq tu dah jumpaa and now abah was following the worker to the police office . wow dah jadi kes polis kayy benda niee . jangan main mainnnn. ayyokk 

after waited for an hour , dalam kereta tu abah cerita semua benda . maka ter reveleaed lah segala mystery phone hilang beramai ramai semalam

kata abah , it was true that the phone was stolen . so did the others . The one yang curi phone phone tersebut were the workers yang kerja part time dekat resort . they were a group of  school aged guys yang kerja part time  dekat resort tu untuk side income lah orang kata . so,  bila ada report beramai ramai pasal phone hilang ni , the resort asked some help from the polic bantuan . so yang coolnya police ni sampai trace budak ni punya tempat tinggal and cari budak tu dekat rumah. asalnya budak ni tak nak mengaku tau tapi bila dah kena 'gertak' tu , dia takut then dia mengaku yang memang dia ada curi phone dekat room customer masa tengah kemas . then dia handed the phone to the police . abah cakap lagi , budak ni not only comes from keluarga susah ,his family was also broken - parents were separated :( 

em memang sedih kan kalau dengar tapi bila fikir balik memang dissappointed jugak la dengan budak tuu . yea kita pun faham dia datang dari keluarga yang tak berkemampuan , tapi bukan ke bagus kalau side income yang dia dapat tu datang nya dari kerja yang jujur ? ni kalau dah mencuri...then macam mana allah nak redha and berkati kerja kita ? betul tak?


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