Pantai Teluk Ketapang , Kuala Terengganu :)
assalamualaikum readers ! :)
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri Maaf Zahir dan Batin saya ucapkan kepada abah mama dan keluarga di Puchong Selangor , kepada rakan rakan yang mengenali dan menyayangi saya , kepada guru guru SKS1 Kinrara , SMKS4 Kinrara , SESERI , Uitm Puncak Alam , KMKN Kuala Nerang dan RCMP Ipoh dan penaja saya MARA . Semoga anda semua bahagia di samping keluarga tercinta . daripada Nurhazwani bt Othman ,UniKL Royal College of Medicine Perak Ipoh , Perak . ( RCMP )
hehehehehehehehe ;pp
alaa kita pun belajar jauh jugaa . nak la juga merasa 'salam perantauan ' tuwww . kihkih ;pp
after a few months away from blog , harini terasa nak menulis and share story :)
last June , i was doing my elective posting at my own villlage , Kuala Terengganu . i was attached at Hospital Sultanah Nur Zahirah ( HSNZ ) with my other colleuges yazreen , nisa , imran , epy and syamim ...
a few days before the elective at terengganu started , i was online on twitter and saw my friend , Amirah Zahirah ( Zack ) tweeted something about eating Seoul Garden . tak tahu lah kenapa tapi that time tiba tiba rasa nak reply tweet zack and at the same time tegur dia lah because we havent contacted each other quite some time .
throughout the conversations , i found out yang Zack sekarang tengah belajar dekat Kuala Terengganu . and to my excitement , tengah clinical dekat HSNZ . weh lagi lah excited kan ! because manalah tahu ada jodoh , we might bumped each other somewhere in the health centre or ada planning to meet up ( er which we did actually . benda wajib ! haha ) . so on my way to terengganu i was so happy at the same time sebab zack kata once dah sampai terengganu je we were going to meet up somewhere in KT . hehe .
so first day dekat terengganu je zack ajak pergi dinner . sampai je dekat tempat dinner tu , the view was so beautiful weh ! actually zack brought me dinner dekat bukit panorama . so nak dijadikan cerita , that restaurant memang dekat atas bukit . bila dah nak sampai waktu maghrib tu , the view was soo beautiful and amazing ! tak tahu pulak terengganu ni cantik jugak laa bila malam malam :) . haha . sorry i wasnt able to capture the view during dawn tu sebab sibuk sangat nak borak dgn zack so terlupa . kahkah :D
the next day , zack message me and asked if we could go to Teluk Ketapang this evening sebab dia pun dah habis kelas semua . hen i asked her what was so special about the beach . then she asked , " weh kau pernah makan sotong celup tepung tak ? " i shoke my head in front of phone screen .haha . lepas tu , like a promoter she told that sotong celup tepung ni memang popular dekat terengganu . just like nasi dagang :) so i terus agreed to follow her ! :DD . i think rugi lah kalau datang terengganu tapi tak merasa sotong celup tepung ! hehe .
gerai yang jual sotong celup tepung tu ada banyak tapi you could some how recognize which stalls yang memang jual the real sotong celup tepung tu by looking at how many customers yang datang waktu tuu . so there was this one gerai and there were a lot of customers macam dekat laksa saranghae dekat kg manjoi ramainya .. we bought sebungkus sotong celup tepung in this small polisterene with rm7 each .. normal lah .. terengganu ni memang mahal sikit ..
lepas tu zack kata you could choose whether to eat here or find some other places to lepak depan pantai sambil makan sotong celup tepung tuuu . she told that there was one place callaed Dapo Pata , a place where a lot of cabin style hipster restaurants dekat sana and the cabins tu semuanya memang betul betul dekat beach . when we reached there , mulut i ternganga because for the past 22 years of my life , going back to terengganu each time holiday comes and raya eid , this was the first time ever i saw the other interesting side of terengganu . weyyy ingat ipoh and selangor je ke yang ada kedai makan hipsters .
terengganu pun dah ada tauuu . siap tepi laut laaagi . cantik gilaaa! :DD . there , we ordered beverages and ate the sotong sambil menikmati pandangan laut pada waktu senja ( ececehh ;p ) .. sambil sambil tu selfies sikitttt . hehe .
then after performing solat maghrib , on our way back to home , zack kata dekat area area airport ada satu gerai ni nama dia Gelas Besar . gerai tu memang jual all sorts of blended fruity drinks which you guys can mix up while ordering ( apple + orange kee ) and drink it from a very biggggggg glass ! giant glass weh! dia punya besar tu satu family punya portion ! masha allahh :O . hahahaha . but then becuse only two of us , therfore we ordered the medium size punya glass . kehkehkeh . regardless how big the cup is , it was a worthful trip ! :) .
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri Maaf Zahir dan Batin saya ucapkan kepada abah mama dan keluarga di Puchong Selangor , kepada rakan rakan yang mengenali dan menyayangi saya , kepada guru guru SKS1 Kinrara , SMKS4 Kinrara , SESERI , Uitm Puncak Alam , KMKN Kuala Nerang dan RCMP Ipoh dan penaja saya MARA . Semoga anda semua bahagia di samping keluarga tercinta . daripada Nurhazwani bt Othman ,UniKL Royal College of Medicine Perak Ipoh , Perak . ( RCMP )
hehehehehehehehe ;pp
alaa kita pun belajar jauh jugaa . nak la juga merasa 'salam perantauan ' tuwww . kihkih ;pp
after a few months away from blog , harini terasa nak menulis and share story :)
last June , i was doing my elective posting at my own villlage , Kuala Terengganu . i was attached at Hospital Sultanah Nur Zahirah ( HSNZ ) with my other colleuges yazreen , nisa , imran , epy and syamim ...
a few days before the elective at terengganu started , i was online on twitter and saw my friend , Amirah Zahirah ( Zack ) tweeted something about eating Seoul Garden . tak tahu lah kenapa tapi that time tiba tiba rasa nak reply tweet zack and at the same time tegur dia lah because we havent contacted each other quite some time .
throughout the conversations , i found out yang Zack sekarang tengah belajar dekat Kuala Terengganu . and to my excitement , tengah clinical dekat HSNZ . weh lagi lah excited kan ! because manalah tahu ada jodoh , we might bumped each other somewhere in the health centre or ada planning to meet up ( er which we did actually . benda wajib ! haha ) . so on my way to terengganu i was so happy at the same time sebab zack kata once dah sampai terengganu je we were going to meet up somewhere in KT . hehe .
so first day dekat terengganu je zack ajak pergi dinner . sampai je dekat tempat dinner tu , the view was so beautiful weh ! actually zack brought me dinner dekat bukit panorama . so nak dijadikan cerita , that restaurant memang dekat atas bukit . bila dah nak sampai waktu maghrib tu , the view was soo beautiful and amazing ! tak tahu pulak terengganu ni cantik jugak laa bila malam malam :) . haha . sorry i wasnt able to capture the view during dawn tu sebab sibuk sangat nak borak dgn zack so terlupa . kahkah :D
the next day , zack message me and asked if we could go to Teluk Ketapang this evening sebab dia pun dah habis kelas semua . hen i asked her what was so special about the beach . then she asked , " weh kau pernah makan sotong celup tepung tak ? " i shoke my head in front of phone screen .haha . lepas tu , like a promoter she told that sotong celup tepung ni memang popular dekat terengganu . just like nasi dagang :) so i terus agreed to follow her ! :DD . i think rugi lah kalau datang terengganu tapi tak merasa sotong celup tepung ! hehe .
gerai yang jual sotong celup tepung tu ada banyak tapi you could some how recognize which stalls yang memang jual the real sotong celup tepung tu by looking at how many customers yang datang waktu tuu . so there was this one gerai and there were a lot of customers macam dekat laksa saranghae dekat kg manjoi ramainya .. we bought sebungkus sotong celup tepung in this small polisterene with rm7 each .. normal lah .. terengganu ni memang mahal sikit ..
lepas tu zack kata you could choose whether to eat here or find some other places to lepak depan pantai sambil makan sotong celup tepung tuuu . she told that there was one place callaed Dapo Pata , a place where a lot of cabin style hipster restaurants dekat sana and the cabins tu semuanya memang betul betul dekat beach . when we reached there , mulut i ternganga because for the past 22 years of my life , going back to terengganu each time holiday comes and raya eid , this was the first time ever i saw the other interesting side of terengganu . weyyy ingat ipoh and selangor je ke yang ada kedai makan hipsters .
terengganu pun dah ada tauuu . siap tepi laut laaagi . cantik gilaaa! :DD . there , we ordered beverages and ate the sotong sambil menikmati pandangan laut pada waktu senja ( ececehh ;p ) .. sambil sambil tu selfies sikitttt . hehe .
then after performing solat maghrib , on our way back to home , zack kata dekat area area airport ada satu gerai ni nama dia Gelas Besar . gerai tu memang jual all sorts of blended fruity drinks which you guys can mix up while ordering ( apple + orange kee ) and drink it from a very biggggggg glass ! giant glass weh! dia punya besar tu satu family punya portion ! masha allahh :O . hahahaha . but then becuse only two of us , therfore we ordered the medium size punya glass . kehkehkeh . regardless how big the cup is , it was a worthful trip ! :) .
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