South Korea Trip 6

Day 9

OMG  frankly speaking  , i'm going to blame hologram concert sebab dah bagi effect  kpop . just so you remembered the everland and hologram concert stories ( Hologram Concert in Everland ) .. so after that day , i searched the song and sing everyday  #BigBang #BadBoy  muehehehe

( p/s : stylo laa GD . TOP has a husky and unique voice :D ) 


Good Morning ! Harinikan, nak cakap pasal ezza sebenarnya . she is a truly kpop fan ! she admires EXO so much . like VERY MUCH. and antara salah satu  niat dia nak datang south korea ni sebenarnya because of EXO  . HAHA  . even i pun tak se obses like her ;pp .

so today , kitaorang follow dia untuk jalan jalan to Apgujeoung and cari a few entertainments yang menguruskan group group kpop ni . for example like SM ENTERTAINMENT  yang uruskan EXO, GG , then ... JYP ENTERTAINMENT dan  tak silap lagi satu .. er apa ntah tapi this company uruskan kump FT ISLAND..

so we took subway and stop at Apgujeong Rodeo Station ( Bundang Line ) . kitaorang pakai Subway Korea . so from there , we followed ezza from behind .. macam biasalah mana tahu jalan . so mengharapkan direction from blog yang orang bagi lah :') .. nama pun entertainment kann mana boleh letak dekat tengah tengah jalan raya macam tv station tu . so , kawasan entertainment ni terletak nya dekat dalam kawasan perumahan . sangat tenang and sesuai lah untuk status celebrity macam diorang kan :D 

so far , i only remembered that we passed by an elementary school . hmm . first sekali sampai SM ENTERTAINMENT . masa sampai tu kitaorang je lah yang tercegat dekat depan building tu . opposite to the building tu ada taman permainan tau . then diorang decide nak tunggu dekat taman permainan tu . katanya manalha tahu ada rezeki nampak lah EXO keluar . Ya Allah whatever lah . layankan je lah . kita kena appreciate kawan . hahaha 

while we were 'waiting '  , tiba tiba ada sorang 'ahjussi' ( pakcik)  tegur kitaorg . dia tanya from mana ? apa buat dekat sini ? haha tu lahh buat lagi kerja gila . kan dah kena soal ;pp

agak sejam jugak kut tunggu , sampai i pun tertidur weh ? -_______- . lepas tu semua muka dah macam putus harapan en , kitaorang pun teruskan perjalanan ke entertainment yang uruskan FT ISLAND and lastly to JYP ENT. masa tengok muka JYP tu i was like , " LAAAHH DIA NI KE JYP ?! " wehh i've seen him lahhh ! in a korean drama yang i pernah tengok . tapi tak ingat cerita apa . he was so funny in that drama :DD 

Back to Apgujeong Rodeo Station . there , i performed prayer . then kitaorg cepat cepat naik subway sebab nak pergi ke SM TOWN . so we took subway to Samseong ( Line 2 ) .. 


Ok time to dinner with alia and marni ! :D They are our friends yang studying dekat Seoul . they stay dekat Sindorim , dekat dengan university diorang . We went to Alia's apartment . Wow, macam hostel dekat USM-KLE tu laaa . room for two , two single beds , one private bathroom, and a kitchen. and Alia has a cat ! her name is Lily ! hewhew 

lepas tu diorang bawa pergi dinner dekat area area situ juga. they said, malam ni kita makan belut panggang. sekali bila dah makan... sedap lahhhh . semua sedap ! :D pastu belut tu dia dah marinated with sweet red chilli pepper flakes ( gochugaru )  , so bila grilled, rasa sedappp. tak rasa belut pun .. rasa ikan sembilang adalah hehe  :D . also there were squid chilli ,  a bowl of rice , some fresh salads , and fried egg  . chilli dia tak pedas and sedap . in korea , they call these dishes as Jang uh gui :D . the price per person is 9,000 won . 

asalnyaaa after dinner , kitaorg semua  plan nak 'norebang' tau , sekali tiba tiba ezza cakap purse dia takde . kitaorng pun gelabah laa mencari . we even walked back to alia's apartment untuk cari purse ezza. tak jumpa . so kitaorg plan nak balik right now and pergi balik SM TOWN ( kalau sempat ) ...

alia pesan to take bus with no 5321. kitaorg pula rushing en.. so we went back to the bus station yang kitaorg turun depan kolej alia and naik bus 5321 . ingat kan dah boleh lega tau sebab tak jauh pun station sindorim tu . sekali bus tu masuk housing area and berhenti dekat bus terminal ! kitaorang gelabah gila waktu tu ! *ngaaa nak balik :(  nak  nangis pun ada ! fikir fikir macam mana nak balik en.. nak call oppa , wifi takde :((

nasib baik laa driver bus tu baik.. dia suruh kitaorg tunggu dekat another bus and waiting for another driver to come . masa tu dah rasa lega sikit . dah la dia cakap hangeul ! satu benda pun tak faham .then , bila dah nak sampai station sindorim baru faham .. bus ni one way jeee tak buat round trip pun.. em maybe alia 'forgot' to tell us to wait at the bus station yang opposite ( yang nak ke sindorim station ) . bukan naik bus tadi . its okay . never intend to blame anyone .. :))

unfortunately , we did not manage to go to SM TOWN sebab .. hari dah lewat malam and we really wanted to arrive home ASAP.  *trauma trauma sesat sesat . haha

Day 10 

Ezza told us today EXO was coming to Myeongdong Street for launching Nature Republic. They are the ambassador for the product . sejak semalam dah ezza bagitahu . so ceritianya semua orang kena bangun as early as possible .. at first , wani macam tak percaya jugak laa . weh celah celah myeongdong pun boleh datang ke ? cehh ;p 

bila dah sampai Myeongdong tu, as we walked out from the station exit , we saw people started to crowd and gather in front of nature republic . so , actually , today i've got a mission . a shopping mission . i 've got listed all things that i wanted to buy di samping pesan from orang Malaysia . Balqis , ezza and ahsha dah kumpul dekat crowded tu while i was walking myself , alone go for shopping ... 

alhamdulillah segala barang yang wani nak tu semua dah beli include a bag ! wehihihi . emm seronok jugak shopping sorang2 ni sebenarnya . kau tak terbatas dekat satu tempat je tau . macam haritu kitaorg takat jalan area depan depan je . tak pusing2 sampai belakang pun . since i am a curios typed person , wani jalan sorang2 sampai belakang . i was so grateful to find a bag shop . already bought it with 10,000 won . murah dan girlish . sesuai untk people like me hihihi :DD 

after 2 hours walking , i decided to search my friends . sekali dah ramai gila . lepas tu i could hear fans shouting EXO name . ohhh ok baru percaya sekarang . EXO was really here ! in myeongdong street ! i dont admire EXO . so i did not feel as excited as a fan would have done if he / she meet their beloved celebrity :) 

Then , that night Ezza dengan Balqis puas hati gilaa sebab dapat jumpa in real ! :DD .
Update :
72,800 won - shopppinggg ;p


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