Farewell , South Korea
Day 10
9.00 pm , guesthouse ....
9.00 pm , guesthouse ....
it was our last night before our flight to Kuala Lumpur tomorrow evening ...
as we reached guesthouse at 9 pm , we were shocked to see so many people in that house . wow .. ni malam keraian kee malam farewell kee macam mana ni . haha . what we saw was oppa and his friends were sitting together , including Unni SeHee , dicussing business thingy at living room..
bila perhatikan muka satu satu , oh muka kawan oppa ni semua pernah datang rumah except seorang ni.. haha .
masuk je bilik , one of us said " weh jadi en plan kita nak masak tomyam malam ni ?"
"weh apa kata dodol dengan serunding ni kita hidang je dulu sementara tunggu nak masak tomyam "
" weh cane nak approach diorang ni eh? ala segannnyaa -___- "
gelabah tak habis habis ! haha .
at last , tomyam was ready to be served ! comel ohh tengok semua orang rasa masakan tomyam tu. oppa , unni and the other two :') ..
oh kebetulan masa tu we have another new guest dalam rumah tu . we had just met this guy today ,in the morning before we went out.. kebetulan after Unni and friends dia lagi dua orang tu dah balik , kitaorg tengah lepak dekat living room sambil borak2 dengan Oppa Ben. lepas tu dia balik . ya allah baru perasan , he was TALL . i mean VERY TALL:OO berapa tinggi dia ni ??
my friends were like so beriya iya nak borak with this 'Oppa' >< after 'Oppa' tu habis mandi , dia duduk depan ktaorg . Yang lain sibuk tnaya dia macam wartawan . kerja apa ? dekat mana ? ohh rupa rupanya dapat tahu dia kerja as a model under the same entertainment with BIGBANG . deheckk. hahaha
but he was a nice guy lah.. i mean he could mix well with us . mula mula je la awkward . me ? oh man , i tak tanya apa ap langsung dekat dia. tak tahu nak tanya apa sehh semua diorag dah tanya -,-
by 1 am , masing2 dah rasa ngantuk and nak masuk bilik . but then i went out again sebab nak pergi toilet.. tiba tiba , that 'Oppa' said Goodnight to me . at that time , i was shocked and terkejut . haha >< ok goodnight Oppa :D *sempat selfie with him , picture to be uploaded soon :)
Day 11
Incheon International Airport
Good day to all .
I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to Ben Oppa for letting us staying in his house , treating us nicely and being so friendly to us . also to his friends , Unni SeHee especially for acting like our sister which made us felt like in home in Malaysia ..
to our friends who are studying in Sindorim , Alia Bushra and Marni . without you guys , we would be lost here in Seoul . and thanks guys for introducing us various delicious korean food like Al Bap , Tteobokki , Jang Ui and Samgyetang ! :D
To all Korean people yang friendly and tegur us dekat dalam subway or tepi jalan .
To mum and dad for blessing us throughout this trip and supporting us !
last but not least , to our ownselves because making this dream came truee ! *congratulations to all for passed the final exam with flying colour! :D
oh wait ! sebenarnya ada story tau before nak ke airport ni . asalnya plan nak naik subway ke Incheon Int' Airport . tapi sebab haritu kitaorang dah terlewat atas sebab tertentu , so kitaorg panggil teksi ! teksi tu tunggu depan rumah . masa nak ambil luggage dekat rumah Ben Oppa , kebetulan 'Oppa ' Tinggi tu ada dekat rumah tau . tak pergi kerja lagi lah kut . lepas tu dia nampak kitaorang terkocoh kocoh angkat luggage . muka dia memang blur habis . haha . comel XD
then he asked us , nak pergi mana ? then we said oh we are going back to Malaysia lah Oppa . tak tahu la dia faham ke tak sebab .... he kept asking the same question . haha ! tapi yang bagusnya dia ni, dia nampak kitaorg susah . suddenly, he offered a help ! :D bagus kan ! he asked , "do you want Oppa to help you ? " . cakap korea sebenarnya tapi faham je body language dia .
angkat pakai SATU TANGAN je weh , . SADO LAH ABANG NI . hahaha XD
lepas settle beg letak dalam teksi , kitaorang pandang dia . aduhh masa tu , wani dah start rasa sedih sikit sebenarnya ... lagi lagi bila pandang muka oppa tu dekat pintu teksi . dont forget us , Oppa ! :') *nangis dalam hati ...
Update :
duit taxi to airport - 14,300 won per person
We did not expect the trip to be like this but we were so grateful that it was blessed by Allah SWT . kata orang , jauh perjalanan luas pemandangan :)
Akhir kalam sampai di sini sahajalah coretan perjalanan musafir saya di bumi Seoul , South Korea :D . Assalamualaikum! :)
my friends were like so beriya iya nak borak with this 'Oppa' >< after 'Oppa' tu habis mandi , dia duduk depan ktaorg . Yang lain sibuk tnaya dia macam wartawan . kerja apa ? dekat mana ? ohh rupa rupanya dapat tahu dia kerja as a model under the same entertainment with BIGBANG . deheckk. hahaha
but he was a nice guy lah.. i mean he could mix well with us . mula mula je la awkward . me ? oh man , i tak tanya apa ap langsung dekat dia. tak tahu nak tanya apa sehh semua diorag dah tanya -,-
by 1 am , masing2 dah rasa ngantuk and nak masuk bilik . but then i went out again sebab nak pergi toilet.. tiba tiba , that 'Oppa' said Goodnight to me . at that time , i was shocked and terkejut . haha >< ok goodnight Oppa :D *sempat selfie with him , picture to be uploaded soon :)
Day 11
Incheon International Airport
Good day to all .
I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to Ben Oppa for letting us staying in his house , treating us nicely and being so friendly to us . also to his friends , Unni SeHee especially for acting like our sister which made us felt like in home in Malaysia ..
to our friends who are studying in Sindorim , Alia Bushra and Marni . without you guys , we would be lost here in Seoul . and thanks guys for introducing us various delicious korean food like Al Bap , Tteobokki , Jang Ui and Samgyetang ! :D
To all Korean people yang friendly and tegur us dekat dalam subway or tepi jalan .
To mum and dad for blessing us throughout this trip and supporting us !
last but not least , to our ownselves because making this dream came truee ! *congratulations to all for passed the final exam with flying colour! :D
oh wait ! sebenarnya ada story tau before nak ke airport ni . asalnya plan nak naik subway ke Incheon Int' Airport . tapi sebab haritu kitaorang dah terlewat atas sebab tertentu , so kitaorg panggil teksi ! teksi tu tunggu depan rumah . masa nak ambil luggage dekat rumah Ben Oppa , kebetulan 'Oppa ' Tinggi tu ada dekat rumah tau . tak pergi kerja lagi lah kut . lepas tu dia nampak kitaorang terkocoh kocoh angkat luggage . muka dia memang blur habis . haha . comel XD
then he asked us , nak pergi mana ? then we said oh we are going back to Malaysia lah Oppa . tak tahu la dia faham ke tak sebab .... he kept asking the same question . haha ! tapi yang bagusnya dia ni, dia nampak kitaorg susah . suddenly, he offered a help ! :D bagus kan ! he asked , "do you want Oppa to help you ? " . cakap korea sebenarnya tapi faham je body language dia .
angkat pakai SATU TANGAN je weh , . SADO LAH ABANG NI . hahaha XD
lepas settle beg letak dalam teksi , kitaorang pandang dia . aduhh masa tu , wani dah start rasa sedih sikit sebenarnya ... lagi lagi bila pandang muka oppa tu dekat pintu teksi . dont forget us , Oppa ! :') *nangis dalam hati ...
Update :
duit taxi to airport - 14,300 won per person
We did not expect the trip to be like this but we were so grateful that it was blessed by Allah SWT . kata orang , jauh perjalanan luas pemandangan :)
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Surah Al-'Ankabut ( 29 ) , ayat 20 |
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