Final Year Project 2015
a week after i got back from South Korea, i received calls from hana. when i called her back she told me about our SSM group had been selected to represent RCMP in final year competition in UniKL MIMET .
what ? walawehhh dah kenapa lah dean pilih group kita ? zzzz -___________-
* dalam hati , but it was a good chance. i meant wakil college kut. since it was quite hard to represent college .. . nak harapkan sukan , emph turun training netball pun malas . haha
so .. dalam dua tiga hari after class year 3 started , hari rabu petang , we departed from college to Lumut .
oh btw lupa nak cakap , sekarang i am having a public health posting. this posting awal awal memang boring sebab we have lectures from 8 am to 5 pm . badan beku , otak tepu. hell this is so different when i was in year 2 . at least masa y2 , sepanjang panjang lecture pun ada lah initiate cell cell otak untuk berhubung .. but this time ...oh no no . i must be grateful . this is His knowledge. we shall no take it for granted kan :')
around 6 , we arrived UniKL MIMET .. we were the last group yang datang . HAHA. alaa sorry laa ada kelas lah ;) bila dah takde registration tu , abang van bawa kitaorg to Rindu Alam Chalet. yang pelik nyaa .. bila dah sampai tu ( we used GPS ) , tak macam chalet pun .it was a homestay ! and.. takde orang . dalam kawasan perumhan pulak tu . i pun dah rasa pelik . because i thought chalet is located in front of the beach or sea ... so kitaorang pun patah lah balik to unikl mimet sambil membebel bebel pasal how the peeple who had been assigned in accomodation did their job . bak kata abang , " staff unikl memang macam ni " hehe ;pp
but the reality was , the chalet provided tu sebenarnya was VERY CLOSE to unikl mimet ! ya allah kemain jauh GPS tu bawa tauu -____________- ..
damn hell tired ! standing up the whole day sambil mulut buih buih present dekat orang . oh ya got story to tell :D
masa tu around 9.40 macam tu . actually i've read the tentative . katanya pukul 9.40 judging process started . tapi pagi tu there was no opening ceremoy tau . so i thought the judging process wont start until the opening ceremony was done . tapi masa tu i was so relaxed and talking to hana .ellina dengan ainal ntah kemana dah pergi masa tu. lepas tu tiba tiba there were two guys , wearing F1 shirts while holding some papers.
judges : ini unikl rcmp ke ?
me and hana : yea, this is rcmp booth
judges : ok you may present what you have here
me and hana : *speechless ........... tergamam tekejut tertakut terscary tercuak
later on after the judges left...............
fyi , unikl mimet ni engineering college . so , warga lelaki sangatlah mendominasi tempat ni. and even masa dekat dewan pun,, boleh kira berapa orang female participants whom all the girls were from rcmp , haha kelakar. they looked at us as if diorang dah berzaman zaman tak pernah nampak perempuan :D
ada la jugak at few times tu i jalan jalan tengok booth oranng lain . since it was a final year 'project' so mostly dekat sana memang dah ada product . nama pun intervention . ada yang very very cool . every project has its own wow , awful and uniqueness :D
since our 'project' was merely a research survey , so the other participants from other college ramai jugak yang datang booth kitarog . bukan nya apa .. tajuk ssm kitaorg ni controversial sikit.... knowledge , attitude , and practice of female genital mutilaion . sunat perempaun kan ... yang i hairanya ,, warga warga perempuan mimet ni pandang booth kitaorg sebelah mata je . padahal kita tengah cakap pasal 'dia ' tu . guys were more interested to listen . aduh .
ada jugak yang sangat sangat interested sampai tanya macam macam dekat kitaorg . so we had to be open minded when they asked questions . i was shocked to see them suddenly appeared at our booth. lepas tu buat gaya macam dah kamcheng gila gila dengan kitaorg. er... hahaha .then ainal cakap tadi dia dengan hana pergi booth diorang . so they thought that they should pay a visit lah as a sign of gratitude . ye laa orang dah visit booth awak , so balas lah balik kan :D , they are final year students of mimet and their project was awesome too. dengar cite dah menang banyak kali . uuuuuu :D
that night , we had bbq dinner. the food were all delicious and varies ! from traditional nasi goreng until to the western mashed potato . since beratur panjang , so i gathered all kinds of dishes in one plate . agak berhati hati jugak la nak ambik . part nak senduk mashed potato tu lah tak leh bla. punya melekat kat senduk sampai rasa nak ketukkk je senduk tu. or maybe satu tahap tu nak korek pakai tangan je ? (euww ) hahaha . k tak beradab nyaaa =pp
but hell no , i wont do that . jatuh maruah i :')
masa dinner ada prize giving ceremony . well we have to admit that all the inventory projects deserved to win. they met the requirements kut . ours were merely a research and we dont have any pattern. but i think that in a positive way . maybe this is the medan where we proudly say that we come from RCMP. ( nak naik kan nama college ) ... masa ni lah nak kenal kenal dengan orang lain. takde lah bosan hari hari tengok muka budak budak laki rcmp en . haha ...
after makan , we went back to bilik but the dinner was still on. diorang baru nak karaoke . ok to be truth , ini kalau dekat seseri , dah lama aku request nak nyanyi tau . hehehe ..
in conclusion, i had such a great time here in unikl mimet , new experience . also i felt proud with myself for what i've done to myself and my friends * dapat kan markah conass hihi :')
but the reality was , the chalet provided tu sebenarnya was VERY CLOSE to unikl mimet ! ya allah kemain jauh GPS tu bawa tauu -____________- ..
damn hell tired ! standing up the whole day sambil mulut buih buih present dekat orang . oh ya got story to tell :D
masa tu around 9.40 macam tu . actually i've read the tentative . katanya pukul 9.40 judging process started . tapi pagi tu there was no opening ceremoy tau . so i thought the judging process wont start until the opening ceremony was done . tapi masa tu i was so relaxed and talking to hana .ellina dengan ainal ntah kemana dah pergi masa tu. lepas tu tiba tiba there were two guys , wearing F1 shirts while holding some papers.
judges : ini unikl rcmp ke ?
me and hana : yea, this is rcmp booth
judges : ok you may present what you have here
me and hana : *speechless ........... tergamam tekejut tertakut terscary tercuak
later on after the judges left...............
fyi , unikl mimet ni engineering college . so , warga lelaki sangatlah mendominasi tempat ni. and even masa dekat dewan pun,, boleh kira berapa orang female participants whom all the girls were from rcmp , haha kelakar. they looked at us as if diorang dah berzaman zaman tak pernah nampak perempuan :D
ada la jugak at few times tu i jalan jalan tengok booth oranng lain . since it was a final year 'project' so mostly dekat sana memang dah ada product . nama pun intervention . ada yang very very cool . every project has its own wow , awful and uniqueness :D
since our 'project' was merely a research survey , so the other participants from other college ramai jugak yang datang booth kitarog . bukan nya apa .. tajuk ssm kitaorg ni controversial sikit.... knowledge , attitude , and practice of female genital mutilaion . sunat perempaun kan ... yang i hairanya ,, warga warga perempuan mimet ni pandang booth kitaorg sebelah mata je . padahal kita tengah cakap pasal 'dia ' tu . guys were more interested to listen . aduh .
ada jugak yang sangat sangat interested sampai tanya macam macam dekat kitaorg . so we had to be open minded when they asked questions . i was shocked to see them suddenly appeared at our booth. lepas tu buat gaya macam dah kamcheng gila gila dengan kitaorg. er... hahaha .then ainal cakap tadi dia dengan hana pergi booth diorang . so they thought that they should pay a visit lah as a sign of gratitude . ye laa orang dah visit booth awak , so balas lah balik kan :D , they are final year students of mimet and their project was awesome too. dengar cite dah menang banyak kali . uuuuuu :D
that night , we had bbq dinner. the food were all delicious and varies ! from traditional nasi goreng until to the western mashed potato . since beratur panjang , so i gathered all kinds of dishes in one plate . agak berhati hati jugak la nak ambik . part nak senduk mashed potato tu lah tak leh bla. punya melekat kat senduk sampai rasa nak ketukkk je senduk tu. or maybe satu tahap tu nak korek pakai tangan je ? (euww ) hahaha . k tak beradab nyaaa =pp
but hell no , i wont do that . jatuh maruah i :')
masa dinner ada prize giving ceremony . well we have to admit that all the inventory projects deserved to win. they met the requirements kut . ours were merely a research and we dont have any pattern. but i think that in a positive way . maybe this is the medan where we proudly say that we come from RCMP. ( nak naik kan nama college ) ... masa ni lah nak kenal kenal dengan orang lain. takde lah bosan hari hari tengok muka budak budak laki rcmp en . haha ...
after makan , we went back to bilik but the dinner was still on. diorang baru nak karaoke . ok to be truth , ini kalau dekat seseri , dah lama aku request nak nyanyi tau . hehehe ..
in conclusion, i had such a great time here in unikl mimet , new experience . also i felt proud with myself for what i've done to myself and my friends * dapat kan markah conass hihi :')
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