Final Year Project 2015

assalamualaikum. a week after i got back from South Korea, i received calls from hana. when i called her back she told me about our SSM group had been selected to represent RCMP in final year competition in UniKL MIMET . what ? walawehhh dah kenapa lah dean pilih group kita ? zzzz -___________- * dalam hati , but it was a good chance. i meant wakil college kut. since it was quite hard to represent college .. . nak harapkan sukan , emph turun training netball pun malas . haha so .. dalam dua tiga hari after class year 3 started , hari rabu petang , we departed from college to Lumut . oh btw lupa nak cakap , sekarang i am having a public health posting. this posting awal awal memang boring sebab we have lectures from 8 am to 5 pm . badan beku , otak tepu. hell this is so different when i was in year 2 . at least masa y2 , sepanjang panjang lecture pun ada lah initiate cell cell otak untuk berhubung .. but this time ...