
Showing posts from May, 2015

Final Year Project 2015

assalamualaikum.  a week after i got back from South Korea, i received calls from hana. when i called her back she told me about our SSM group had been selected to represent RCMP in final year competition in UniKL MIMET .  what ? walawehhh dah kenapa lah dean pilih group kita  ? zzzz -___________- * dalam hati , but it was a good chance. i meant wakil college kut. since it was quite hard to represent college .. . nak harapkan sukan  , emph turun training netball pun malas . haha  so .. dalam dua tiga hari after class year 3 started , hari rabu petang , we departed from college to Lumut .  oh btw lupa nak cakap , sekarang i  am having a public health posting. this posting awal awal memang boring sebab we have lectures from 8 am to 5 pm . badan beku , otak tepu. hell this is so different when i was in year 2 . at least masa y2 , sepanjang panjang lecture pun ada lah initiate cell cell otak untuk berhubung .. but this time ...

Farewell , South Korea

Day 10  9.00 pm , guesthouse .... it was our last night before our flight to Kuala Lumpur tomorrow evening ...  as we reached guesthouse at 9 pm , we were shocked to see so many people in that house . wow .. ni malam keraian kee malam farewell kee macam mana ni . haha . what we saw was oppa and his friends were sitting together , including Unni SeHee , dicussing business thingy at living room..  bila perhatikan muka satu satu , oh muka kawan oppa ni semua pernah datang rumah except seorang ni.. haha . masuk je bilik , one of us said " weh jadi en plan kita nak masak tomyam malam ni ?"  "weh apa kata dodol dengan serunding ni kita hidang je dulu sementara tunggu nak masak tomyam "  " weh cane nak approach diorang ni eh? ala segannnyaa -___- " gelabah tak habis habis ! haha .  at last , tomyam was ready to be served ! comel ohh tengok semua orang rasa masakan tomyam tu. oppa , unni and the other two :')  ..  oh kebetula...

South Korea Trip 6

Day 9 OMG  frankly speaking  , i'm going to blame hologram concert sebab dah bagi effect  kpop . just so you remembered the everland and hologram concert stories (  Hologram Concert in Everland  ) .. so after that day , i searched the song and sing everyday  #BigBang #BadBoy  muehehehe ( p/s : stylo laa GD . TOP has a husky and unique voice :D )  SM ENTERTAINMENT , SM TOWN Good Morning ! Harinikan, nak cakap pasal ezza sebenarnya . she is a truly kpop fan ! she admires EXO so much . like VERY MUCH . and antara salah satu  niat dia nak datang south korea ni sebenarnya because of EXO  . HAHA  . even i pun tak se obses like her ;pp . so today , kitaorang follow dia untuk jalan jalan to Apgujeoung and cari a few entertainments yang menguruskan group group kpop ni . for example like SM ENTERTAINMENT  yang uruskan EXO, GG , then ... JYP ENTERTAINMENT dan  tak silap lagi satu .. er apa ntah tapi this company uruskan ...