Ziya's Open House

Date : 2nd  August 2014 

so after spent almost a week at village celebrating hari raya aidilfitri , we'd decided to go back home in selangor . at that night , when i opened my whatsapp i received a lot of notifications in my group dorexx  . 

ziya was inviting us for her  open house and hari perpisahan day sempena dia fly to manipal india to pursue her dentist degree . 

on this day , me , nana and shaz had planned to meet and gather at kl sentral before took off other train to kelana jaya . wani sampai dulu dekat kl sentral . so while waiting for them i ordered a hazelnut chocolate chatttime with pearl and loitering around . suddenly i felt like wanted to go for a pee . 

tiba tiba ... " wani , kitaorang dah sampai , kau kat mana ? "  *takjadi pee  plus beratur panjang  , then patah balik haha 

i saw them but they pretended not to see me and spinning around macam orang gila kat tengah tengah kl senral . hahahah sakai ;pp i was so excited until i forgot that my flat shoes dah tercabut tapak ! haha ! daripada lari macam sprinter terus mengesek lantai macam OKU haha ! sumpah lawak masa tu ! nana and shaz dah gelakkan wani dari jauh 

before leaving , wani beli falt shoes baru and kitaorg gerak ke KJ . sampai KJ nana cakap jijah ambik dekat sana naik kereta . so we thought jijah was driving alone . bila sampai je KJ , we saw someone was sitting next to driver seat aka jijah . eh DIYANA MAHASHIM ! ya allah rindu gilaaaaaaa hahahaha! ><  . masuk kereta je terus jerit kuat kuat ! weh sejak spm dah tak jumpa dee kutt ! which it was 3 years ago ? deheck -,- dee kata ziya tak tahu dia datang . so it was a surprise for her ! nyehihihi

sampai rumah ziya , me nana and shaz masuk dulu . dee sorok kat tangga . sekali ntah kenapa dee ni tak sabar sabar terus revealed diri dia . ziya terkejut but was so happy to her best gossip partner hehehe :D  kebetulan nik mira pun dah sampai  rumah ziya about 10 mins earlier than us . 

5 Dorisia's girls :D

then ziya terus ajak makan  . you know what ? bila makan ramai ramai , borak2  ( rasa macam dekat DM sekolah )   and reminiscing back the time ; how terrible our behaviours was masa dekat sekolah has made us missing SESERI so much ! kebetulan ziya ada kawan laki nama rauf . oh god kawan ziya ni boleh tahan putih dan handsome aa . tapi dee dah warning kitaorg awal awal . dia cop that guy . haha . damn u dee  . ambik lah ambik ! tak kisah pun okayy  ;pp

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