Grand Iftar UNIKL RCMP
Date : 18th July 2014
Location : MPH RCMP .
i was having a general studies class when wani kena panggil dengan ardani huda , my gedik manja batchmate ;)
Huda : wani nak tak jadi committee protocol grand iftar unikl ?
Wani : eh huda ,serious lah ? ada lagi tempat kosong ke utk comittee ? bukan dah penuh ke?
huda : ada akak y3 ni tak dapat nak jadi comittee sebb dia ada hal on that day . tu nak mintak wani ganti dia . boleh ?
wani : ohh okayy . boleh je *rejekiiii alhamdulillah :DD
huda : okay , nnti wani ajak la lagi sorang kawan wani tau sbb tempat kosong ni dua orang .
wani : okay huda no problem
Huda :ok thanks wani ! oh btw ajk protocol ketua nya wahida so nnti tanya lah wahida nak kena buat apa eh :)
so immediately i texted tsam ajak dia jadi part of the committees . later then that night , wani whatsapp wahida , asking her what to do . then wahida kata suruh contact faizin , mpp rcmp since he was one of the kepala for the event besides kak nadiah
sekali kitaorg mesej si faizin tuu . tahu apa kitaorg kena buat ? dia suruh kitaorg buat text speech utk dato zamani ! lawak apa doee mintak buat text speech -_______________- mula mula tu takde la rasa susah sgt sbb text speech tu kitaorg just ubah ubah ikut sedappp je . so wani dengan tsam pulun aa brainstorm create ayat lawa lawa sikittt , mesej kawan2 sbb nak tahu aktiviti rcmp sepanjang ramadhan . yang wani igt sahur piala dunia je haha -,-
so after a few episodes of typo , tukar guests dan bilangan penerima sumbangan and zakat , finally the speech was done . we must gave to faizin since nanti dia yang kena hulur kertas tu dekat dato'. masa tu tsam dah macam give up . dia rasa it was wasting her time . tak silap masa tu not only speech tu kena buat , we also had to prepare ourselves for the english mock meeting which fall on the same day with gand iftar tu . i dont want to comment anything lah kan but the way she expressed her unsatisfactory feeling had disappoint me . i only asked her to help me and at the same time to help her get a conass marks since she had said that kalau ada nak kena jadi comiitee ajak lah dia . ok wani faham kita dua busy dengan mock meeting yet quite upset jugak la kan sbb kena edit and print benda ( text speech ) yang sama . tapi , kalau tak rasa tak puas hati dekat sesuatu jangan lah tunjuk obviously macam tu doe . sumpah terasa :( nvmlah benda dah lepas .
so on hari grand iftar tu , i was quite busy actually since a night before sbb wani kena siapkan attendance , memo , minute meeting and proposal utk mock meeting ( i am the secretary ) . i was very thankful to have nadhirah as one of my english group member . she helped me a lot to make everything was done before it's time . thanks nadh . awak selalu ada time kita susah :') kebetulan nadh pun tahu wani kena buat two things dalam satu masa : text speech utk dato ' and english homework .
later when the english class started after lunch , we tried to gave name awal so that our mock meeting started awal and boleh habis awal since wani jadi ajk dinner . madam nora was already informed about that . then suddenly she changed her mind . she cancelled the class ! kitaorg punya lah happy tak terkata ( wowww free ! ) without wasting time , wani and other ajk dinner terus lari to mph to help the others .
basically untuk dinner malam nnti , ikut plan dalam mph tu ada tabels and chairs . then , at the both sides of dewan ada disediakan food catering .it looked simple yet nice :D
after azan maghrib , we break our fast with something light : dates and mineral water . after performed our solat maghrib , all the students were waiting outside the mph hall . sementara tunggu VIP turun tu , i was glad to see some of my batch mates :D pehh sebab markah conas sanggup bayar utk dinner ni . so far i can see the boys laa paling ramai . when fahmi asked apa yang menariknya psl dinner ni , i told that there would be a performance ! :D then i asked him to ajak the other boys to rebut meja yang ada dekat dalam dewan . satu sbb selesa , dua sebab nnti boleh tengok performance
I've never been experienced doing job as ajk protocol tau . so when being asked on what to do , they said ajk protocol ni time dinner tugas cm berat sket . selain kena usher VIP pergi seat ( i jadi usher prof osman masa tu ) , kitaorg kena make sure that everything was running smoothly ----> make sure semua orang dapat tempat and duduk , jaga adab ( nama pun protocol ) and kawal suara .
seat ajk dinner dekat dengan stage and VIP . so masa performance i was quite enjoy it . dah la senior mbbs , suara sedap , enjoyyy hihi .
ada lah sikit problem yang tak dapat nak dielakkan like makanan and air dah habis ( mana tah ajk makanan tapi aku dengan imah pula yang pening kepala -,- ) and somebody dropped the water container's lid . pangggg ! . hmmm .
p/s : bengang sikit dengan epy sebab dia pun ajk protocol tapi dia boleh pulak sesedap hati enjoy makan masa tu -,-
dalam pukul 9 , the dinner ended and semua orang pergi solat isya and tarawikh . not all laa sbb ada yang lari pergi solat tempat lain waktu tu ( fikir positifff haha ) . habis isya ada moreh . lepas moreh , encik nizam suruh kitaorg ambik all the desserts and kuih yang tak habis bagi dekat students . at the same time , dia suruh kitaorg kemas meja ! we were like huh ? ajk kena buat semua tu ? tu bukan kerja orang catering ke ?!
at first , i decided to go back dalam pukul 10 . tapi bila encik nizam suruh buat mcm tu , they i stayed helping the others ( lipat alas meja , angkat meja , susun kerusi ) for one hours . then only i could go back *it was around 11 pm
bila sampai je rumah , i was looking for my bed . bumm ! terbang ke katil macam superman . suddenly , i was thinking . this whole day was awesome even though wani penat gila tahap dewaa oi . afterall i had to admit that i enjoyed myself being busy :) i was actually proud with myself that i could control my emotion even though i was a little bit screwed up with all the assignments and text speech utk dinner pagi tu . ( because i dont want my friends feel that they had put a burden on me ) . thus i tried my best to keep smile always no matter how i tired i was .
therefore , moral of the story is : life is simple , don't make it complicated and enjoy every moment that you have . keep yourself socialize all the time . i know somtetimes you screw up and little bit mess but keep smiling to people around you . trust me, you can fell the postive vibes . remember guys , we live only once :)
Location : MPH RCMP .
i was having a general studies class when wani kena panggil dengan ardani huda , my gedik manja batchmate ;)
Huda : wani nak tak jadi committee protocol grand iftar unikl ?
Wani : eh huda ,serious lah ? ada lagi tempat kosong ke utk comittee ? bukan dah penuh ke?
huda : ada akak y3 ni tak dapat nak jadi comittee sebb dia ada hal on that day . tu nak mintak wani ganti dia . boleh ?
wani : ohh okayy . boleh je *rejekiiii alhamdulillah :DD
huda : okay , nnti wani ajak la lagi sorang kawan wani tau sbb tempat kosong ni dua orang .
wani : okay huda no problem
Huda :ok thanks wani ! oh btw ajk protocol ketua nya wahida so nnti tanya lah wahida nak kena buat apa eh :)
so immediately i texted tsam ajak dia jadi part of the committees . later then that night , wani whatsapp wahida , asking her what to do . then wahida kata suruh contact faizin , mpp rcmp since he was one of the kepala for the event besides kak nadiah
sekali kitaorg mesej si faizin tuu . tahu apa kitaorg kena buat ? dia suruh kitaorg buat text speech utk dato zamani ! lawak apa doee mintak buat text speech -_______________- mula mula tu takde la rasa susah sgt sbb text speech tu kitaorg just ubah ubah ikut sedappp je . so wani dengan tsam pulun aa brainstorm create ayat lawa lawa sikittt , mesej kawan2 sbb nak tahu aktiviti rcmp sepanjang ramadhan . yang wani igt sahur piala dunia je haha -,-
so after a few episodes of typo , tukar guests dan bilangan penerima sumbangan and zakat , finally the speech was done . we must gave to faizin since nanti dia yang kena hulur kertas tu dekat dato'. masa tu tsam dah macam give up . dia rasa it was wasting her time . tak silap masa tu not only speech tu kena buat , we also had to prepare ourselves for the english mock meeting which fall on the same day with gand iftar tu . i dont want to comment anything lah kan but the way she expressed her unsatisfactory feeling had disappoint me . i only asked her to help me and at the same time to help her get a conass marks since she had said that kalau ada nak kena jadi comiitee ajak lah dia . ok wani faham kita dua busy dengan mock meeting yet quite upset jugak la kan sbb kena edit and print benda ( text speech ) yang sama . tapi , kalau tak rasa tak puas hati dekat sesuatu jangan lah tunjuk obviously macam tu doe . sumpah terasa :( nvmlah benda dah lepas .
so on hari grand iftar tu , i was quite busy actually since a night before sbb wani kena siapkan attendance , memo , minute meeting and proposal utk mock meeting ( i am the secretary ) . i was very thankful to have nadhirah as one of my english group member . she helped me a lot to make everything was done before it's time . thanks nadh . awak selalu ada time kita susah :') kebetulan nadh pun tahu wani kena buat two things dalam satu masa : text speech utk dato ' and english homework .
later when the english class started after lunch , we tried to gave name awal so that our mock meeting started awal and boleh habis awal since wani jadi ajk dinner . madam nora was already informed about that . then suddenly she changed her mind . she cancelled the class ! kitaorg punya lah happy tak terkata ( wowww free ! ) without wasting time , wani and other ajk dinner terus lari to mph to help the others .
basically untuk dinner malam nnti , ikut plan dalam mph tu ada tabels and chairs . then , at the both sides of dewan ada disediakan food catering .it looked simple yet nice :D
after azan maghrib , we break our fast with something light : dates and mineral water . after performed our solat maghrib , all the students were waiting outside the mph hall . sementara tunggu VIP turun tu , i was glad to see some of my batch mates :D pehh sebab markah conas sanggup bayar utk dinner ni . so far i can see the boys laa paling ramai . when fahmi asked apa yang menariknya psl dinner ni , i told that there would be a performance ! :D then i asked him to ajak the other boys to rebut meja yang ada dekat dalam dewan . satu sbb selesa , dua sebab nnti boleh tengok performance
I've never been experienced doing job as ajk protocol tau . so when being asked on what to do , they said ajk protocol ni time dinner tugas cm berat sket . selain kena usher VIP pergi seat ( i jadi usher prof osman masa tu ) , kitaorg kena make sure that everything was running smoothly ----> make sure semua orang dapat tempat and duduk , jaga adab ( nama pun protocol ) and kawal suara .
seat ajk dinner dekat dengan stage and VIP . so masa performance i was quite enjoy it . dah la senior mbbs , suara sedap , enjoyyy hihi .
ada lah sikit problem yang tak dapat nak dielakkan like makanan and air dah habis ( mana tah ajk makanan tapi aku dengan imah pula yang pening kepala -,- ) and somebody dropped the water container's lid . pangggg ! . hmmm .
p/s : bengang sikit dengan epy sebab dia pun ajk protocol tapi dia boleh pulak sesedap hati enjoy makan masa tu -,-
dalam pukul 9 , the dinner ended and semua orang pergi solat isya and tarawikh . not all laa sbb ada yang lari pergi solat tempat lain waktu tu ( fikir positifff haha ) . habis isya ada moreh . lepas moreh , encik nizam suruh kitaorg ambik all the desserts and kuih yang tak habis bagi dekat students . at the same time , dia suruh kitaorg kemas meja ! we were like huh ? ajk kena buat semua tu ? tu bukan kerja orang catering ke ?!
at first , i decided to go back dalam pukul 10 . tapi bila encik nizam suruh buat mcm tu , they i stayed helping the others ( lipat alas meja , angkat meja , susun kerusi ) for one hours . then only i could go back *it was around 11 pm
bila sampai je rumah , i was looking for my bed . bumm ! terbang ke katil macam superman . suddenly , i was thinking . this whole day was awesome even though wani penat gila tahap dewaa oi . afterall i had to admit that i enjoyed myself being busy :) i was actually proud with myself that i could control my emotion even though i was a little bit screwed up with all the assignments and text speech utk dinner pagi tu . ( because i dont want my friends feel that they had put a burden on me ) . thus i tried my best to keep smile always no matter how i tired i was .
therefore , moral of the story is : life is simple , don't make it complicated and enjoy every moment that you have . keep yourself socialize all the time . i know somtetimes you screw up and little bit mess but keep smiling to people around you . trust me, you can fell the postive vibes . remember guys , we live only once :)