assalamualaikum readers :)

post kali ini ingin menceritakan satu pengalaman yang sangat menyeronokkan !

so nak dijadikan cerita , a few days before final exam tu  , i've made a vow " rewarding all my hard works  with something that is valuable and worth to fight for " .  so in order to claim the reward , no matter how , wani kena jugak pass final exam y1 !

mesti korang pelik kan reward apa lahh yg wani nak claim sgt ni . act , i was joining a rapport programme RCMP with USM KLE  . " usm kle ? dekat usm  ke ? " " tak dik , usm kle tu dekat belgaum ,  India :) "  since wani suka sangat travelling  so i'd decided to join the programme . briefly ,  the program was held after our final exam . so rieza kata kalau korang pass final , korang dapat lah join programme  . sbb kalau tak pass final , student kena stay dekat rcmp and have  supplement classes for 2 weeks before the repeated exam . susah kannn . 

meanwhile , tsam ni pulak tak habis habis nak ikea meatball .
" aku mengidam lah wani . aku tak pernah makan meatball ikea ...." 
" so i said to her : kalau kau nak meatball , kau kena pass final !
 i 've never thought that would be an encouragement for her to pass final because she'd said so! haha  :O 

alhamdulillah berkat doa dan usaha serta niat ikhlas nak belajar , Allah SWT  made us passed the final exam with flying colors ! Alhamdulillahhh :') 

ok dah dah merepek sgt ni . get ready lah tak mengantuk eh  sbb adalah  dalam .. 10 m/s kut nak cerita the next story ni . haha . k gurau jea ;p

basically i wont tell you the journey from the first time I arrived India until i went back to Msia . it will be such a long story and trust me you wont have time to read . haha . instead , wani akan list up a few best things that I 've ever experienced dekat sana .

The team :)

just after we reached Bangalore , we thought naik bas nak ke USM KLE  ada la dalam 3 jam lebih lagi kut  . taaapiii ,  dr giri cakap nak sampai Belgaum tu it took a half day trip ! nasib baik coach bas ni cool gilaaa . macam ktm  , ada katil katil tapi bas . can you imagine that ? :D

secondly , then bila sampai je USM KLE   , we got a  warm welcomed by the SRC  . from the day kitaorg sampai usm until kitaorg nak balik , layanan diorang baik sangattt ! ^^  they treated us like bro and sis :D . bawak kitaorg dinner dekat restoran sedap  and murah ,  organized a family day demi merapatkan ukhuwah . afterall   thanks SRC :) . haa not only that , the accommodation was totally superb ! kau bayangkan nama je hostel tapi bilik dia macam hotel ! 2 single beds , a kitchen cabinet  , a private toilet and beautiful view ! to USM KLE students , do appreciate every accommodation that you have cause it was totally awesome ! rasa macam tak nak balik pula  . haaha ><

 thirdly , crush . bhahaha ! ok yang ini memang tak boleh blah . honestly , kita as human memang tak boleh nak avoid daripada niat terpesong ni . i thought i was the only one yg ada perangai macam tu rupa rupanya ada jugak yang perangai busuk macam wani ni .hahaha . k gurau ;pp . sayangnya i met this  guy quite late  . dah 3 hari dekat sana baru jumpa. itupun sbb dia  join kitaorg jalan jalan  :D cute ,  chinese looking guy , nampak baik . em itu je lah wani boleh cerita . And  the vibe was so strong sbb balik je msia  , wani terus cari fb and insta dia . ya allah gatalnya ... kahkahakah ;pp

fourthly  , saree shoping spree ! masa dekat belgaum  , on the second day programme, petang tu dr giri dengan baik hatinya bawa kitaorg pergi ke kilang membuat saree . as we all know , saree comes from this colourful country . at the same time kilang tu juga ada jual saree  . however , i was not interested to buy them just like my friends did sbb satu corak nya yg wani tak berkenan  dua sbb harga nya bagi wani terlalu mahal with such that simple design . 1000 rupee per 6m saree   ! aigoo :O yet i don't feel regret for not buying it too early because i still can buy the sarees dekat Bangalore . thanks to lina yang bawakkan kami ke kedai jual saree dekat bangalore with veeeryyy beautiful designs and harga yang murahh . dgr cerita org tu jual murah dekat foreigner tp mahal dekat rakyat sendiri . em tak adil kan  . whatever it is , bygkan i only spend the max of 700 rupees je utk beli saree . better kannn :DD

fifth , the food ! one of the best thing that i love about India is the food . i ' ve fallen  in love with the food even though i tasted for the first time ! i like puri bhaji and butter chicken. thanks to dr giri yang introduced to us puri bhajii  and  SRC yang bawa kitaorg dinner and introduced us butter chicken yang sangaatt sedap and murah! i cant explain the taste because you have to go there and taste in by yourself . tak ter-explain sedap nyaa ! alas  ,  sgt sedih sbb bila dah balik msia , i cant find delicious puri bhajii and butter chicken anymore . mana mau cari ? ... :(

Butter chickenn :D

Upper left : tu lah puri bhajii . comel je kan haha 

sixth , jalan2 dekat old goa . ok kitaorg sampai old goa ni sbb masa ni kitaorg was on our way  nak ke goa beach   . so dah alang2 sampai dekat historical site( kata dr giri )  ,   kitaorg pun jalan jalan lah dekat situ . dr giri bawak kitaorg masuk satu old church ni . to be honest , sepanjang wani hidup  , tak pernah wani terfikir nak masuk rumah agama lain selain masjid . but this time i didnt know what attracted me to enter that church . kee sbb kena paksa dengan dr giri eh ? hahaha . k tak  gurau jea ;pp  alhamdulillah sepanjang tour guide tu explain dekat kitaorg and bawa kitaorg pusing2 , kami masih menjaga iman masing2 :D  . hehe

rasanya tu sahaja lah benda yang wani boleh cerita dekat korang semua . yang penting  , i miss the trip so much and i wish to come back India  one fine day . since ziya and lina pun ada dekat sana , so senang lah nak plan kan :DD

p/s : anjing dekat india is really passive and takut2  . kalau dia lalu sebelah kau , dia yang takut dekat kau :p

frankly speaking , i don't feel regret by spending some of my allowance to join the trip because the trip was too awesome ! di samping dapat ilmu , kita rehatkan fikiran and ber-enjoy  . ingat guys , you live only once :D .

sekian , wassalam :)

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