
Showing posts from November, 2014

Ziya's Open House

Date : 2nd  August 2014  so after spent almost a week at village celebrating hari raya aidilfitri , we'd decided to go back home in selangor . at that night , when i opened my whatsapp i received a lot of notifications in my group dorexx  .  ziya was inviting us for her  open house and hari perpisahan day sempena dia fly to manipal india to pursue her dentist degree .  on this day , me , nana and shaz had planned to meet and gather at kl sentral before took off other train to kelana jaya . wani sampai dulu dekat kl sentral . so while waiting for them i ordered a hazelnut chocolate chatttime with pearl and loitering around . suddenly i felt like wanted to go for a pee .  tiba tiba ... " wani , kitaorang dah sampai , kau kat mana ? "  *takjadi pee  plus beratur panjang  , then patah balik haha  i saw them but they pretended not to see me and spinning around macam orang gila kat tengah tengah kl senral . hahahah sa...

Dendang Pengembara Ilmu

Date : 22nd July 2014 it was a sunny tuesday  . most second year MBBS student were  at the college spending  SDL  time to study and prepare for GIT EOM  . lusa nya dah exam . so memang semua buat muka cuak , macam cacing kepanasan , bajet nak duduk dekat cubbicle  , tak nak rehat ( weh bukan tengah puasa ke ? -,- opps ! ;pp ) tak nak lepak sangat sebab banyak lagi tak study  ... to make it simple , masa tengah study dekat cubbicle tu , wani baca buku sambil dengar radio . it was the last week before nak raya aidilfitri on the next monday  . so radio radio malaysia ni banyak lah memutarkan lagu lagu raya zaman zaman dulu . paling tak tahan tu bila hot fm putarkan lagu bersabarlah sayang by sanisah huri . ya allah homesick lah mamaaaa  . nak balik puchongggg T.T bayangkan dah berminggu minggu tak balik sebab eom ! -__________- darn you , EOM . hmm sabarlah wani ....

Grand Iftar UNIKL RCMP

Date : 18th July 2014 Location : MPH  RCMP .  i was having a  general studies class when wani kena panggil dengan ardani huda , my gedik manja batchmate ;) Huda : wani nak tak jadi committee protocol grand iftar unikl  ? Wani : eh huda  ,serious lah ? ada lagi tempat kosong ke utk comittee  ? bukan dah penuh ke? huda : ada akak y3 ni tak dapat nak jadi comittee sebb dia ada hal on that day . tu nak mintak wani ganti dia  .             boleh ? wani : ohh okayy . boleh je *rejekiiii alhamdulillah :DD huda : okay , nnti wani ajak la lagi sorang kawan wani tau sbb tempat kosong ni dua orang . wani : okay huda no problem Huda :ok thanks wani ! oh btw ajk protocol ketua nya wahida  so nnti tanya lah wahida nak kena buat apa eh :) so immediately i texted  tsam  ajak dia jadi part of the committees . later  then that night , wani whatsapp wahida , asking her what to do . then wahida...

Dear Leeds Girls ...

this entry  is specially dedicated to these two lovely friends of mine  :) dear faqihah and zarith   , it has  been 2 months since the two of you left malaysia and went to UK for further studying .honestly , i am so proud to both of you  , girls . wani ingat lagi masa dekat kmkn when these two girls were chatting so loudly in faqihah's room which was only next to mine . almost every nights , i would hear them chatting , talking and making noise .   padahal esok ada kelas tau  . hahaha .sometimes , mia and afi would be joining them which make the room turned into upside down ! almost every nights , i loved to spend my free time in faqihah's rooms besides bilik tv to join bising sekali  . hehe. despite  the riot sound  they made in the room  , there was something  what made me proud with them . they loved to share a big dream  ( flying to UK ) and hope to reach there .    "ish seronoknyaa kalau aku fly UK ...


assalamualaikum readers :) post kali ini ingin menceritakan satu pengalaman yang sangat menyeronokkan ! so nak dijadikan cerita , a few days before final exam tu  , i've made a vow " rewarding all my hard works  with something that is valuable and worth to fight for " .  so in order to claim the reward , no matter how , wani kena jugak pass final exam y1 ! mesti korang pelik kan reward apa lahh yg wani nak claim sgt ni . act , i was joining a rapport programme RCMP with USM KLE  . " usm kle ? dekat usm  ke ? " " tak dik , usm kle tu dekat belgaum ,  India :) "  since wani suka sangat travelling  so i'd decided to join the programme . briefly ,  the program was held after our final exam . so rieza kata kalau korang pass final , korang dapat lah join programme  . sbb kalau tak pass final , student kena stay dekat rcmp and have  supplement classes for 2 weeks before the repeated exam . susah kannn .  meanwhile ,...