
Showing posts from 2013

Pangkor Orientation

berlangsung selama  3 hari 2 malam  . rcmp - jeti lumut - teluk dalam resort , pulau pangkor .   so far , biasa jea orientasi nya . just unexpected thing like aku dilantik menjadi ketua bilik , unpurposely -.- .  rasa bertanggunjawab tu datang bila kena berkumpul and cari ahli bilik sampai cukup .  awesome chalet mate  . me , balqis, tifah , jaja , nisha , and another 3 - sorg mbbs , 2 nursing. tk tahu nama . tapi igt muka . hee heee :D group num 1 . from first ice breaking until the last day . biasela kalau jumpa org yang tak kenal , the awkward moment spreading quickly . like a disease . it appears naturally . geram jugak bila budak2 mbbs je bising . dak nursing diam seribu bahasa *BM ok lagi .  this was the cabin where we lived in  oh ya the most important part in orientation . jumpa retis . opps sorry celebrity . AARON AZIZ , ANZALNA NASIR , FASHA SANDHA . ohh yeahh .   rezeki kami . alhamdulillah :) part paling sick o...

Rambut Sama Hitam, Minat Lain Lain

i am having  one month holiday and i wish to fully utilize it before i start to pursue my MBBS . i will be registering by the end of this month of June  since yesterday ,  i have a flu and it really pissed me off . some times i even use mu mouth to help me breathing #gasp #need oxygen !  someone asked me  , don't you find any interest besides medic ?  my answer is  yes  i do have other interest besides medic :) travel   watch theatre / dance / band performance read novel hangout nature activities like camping , jungle trekking  people said if you want to find the happiness ,  do things that you love most and don't care about what people think or said how crazy silly you are kalau kau suka terjun bangunan pun terjun jea la  . asalkan kau happyy . gituu :)

Graduation Day KMKN

OK. Tak nak cakap banyak . just saying that the foods were all  good and superb ! hahaha .  macaroni ABC ( air batu campur )  fruits  nasi putih  ikan kukus  salads .  Seseri melahirkan srikandi :) tablemate M3  prep mate . Jannah Basri . 

Dinner SPC URV 12/13

Good day . may god bless on us :)  since i was kid , i love seeing and smell the flower's scents . but i don't plan to plant the flowers in my garden since i am busy like a bee  and no time to  hold a spade . haha .  theme : vintage and roses . ( you might not see it clearly . it's quite blur . taken with a 8.0 MPix Nokia E6 =pp ) it was  a beautiful invitation card , written with my full name upon it . dah macam ic dah itew tengok . hehe .   oh yeah i was invited to a dinner ! :DD very nice isn't it ?  kata ainal , ejaan nya salah . it supposed to be La Belle Nuit . dgr cakap org melayu france :) i  choosed goodies company which is under MPP Afdhal and MPP Liyana .my feeling was excited as if  you got an important and urgent work to do  and it was going to be a grand one . haha i felt grateful for being part of the committees .  i think all companies give great contributio...

Courage Vs Coward

Guys ,  if you want something  ,  please speak out !! don't afraid to tell what your heart feel about ! don't afraid to give your opinion ! don't afraid to tell your lover that she/he is the best thing that you ever had! don't afraid to tell your mother that you want to go out with your friends ! don't afraid to confront the most annoying fierce teacher in your school life! don't afraid to tell your big boss that he is doing wrong to the company ! don't afraid to tell your father that you want to use his car to learn driving!  don't afraid to fight back with the psychotic people who brings you down  ! don't afraid to tell the pengarah that she has made some good plan turned upside down! *eh alamak mati aku >< BE BRAVE AND TAKE THE CHALLENGE   BECAUSE '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''...

Theatre Musical KMKN

we heard the rumours ! at last , an announcement made . officially  , our musical theatre would be held on Friday night , 12 th April 2013 . #fireworks  #katy perry   The Three Directors , Fahmi Ezani represented RCMP  , Jaja represented the Vinayaka and lastly Shahirah Shamsudin represented UK .  they were  showing their  worried as the musical date was very close . yet they still got lots of unfinished props and lack of practises among the players .  while on that ,  the players and props were made the best effort as they could to make sure that everything was ready . i was giggling to see those peoples walking around the big hall like a lost one   : searching  , memorising the script , practising the dance part and so on . hehe  OH  me ? well umm as a technician , i had volunteered myself to control the curtain  because  i knew what would have  happened  if i be a DJ up there contro...

English Week KMKN

assalamualaikum readers ! :) OH huh . kmkn stage's lights were being switched on ! SPC were having a very big project ! jeeyah :D Adiib looked worried , cool but miserable . later on ,  it was our batch meeting. all i could see that everyone was worried but excited . even adiib , as a project manager  couldn't sent the message about the English week clearly to us because he was too confused and worried. haha ! at one time , he had to explain the english week's tentative programme thrice because we were so blur and loading  ! hewhew soo funny ! XD at the second day of English week , teacher Syafeeza called us to gather ourselves  at anjung budiman during mentor mentee . she scolded  us for not taking the English week seriously  . she said " SPC must show the batch spirit like they should . not humiliating ourselves ! . "she even gave a warn alarm  to those who don't giving their best cooperation for the games and also for the English week overal...


Mock Interview . 11th April 2013 being interviewed by two panels holding title DR . i was quite nervous since they had expected high from us - medical knowledge such as disease and personal survival . the interview was one to one session .  if you were asking me , i would answer that the interview session wasn't running quite so well because my body  shivering  , my voice shaking and my both legs were tapping . words flowing were scattered and less organised . yes ! i am nervous ! oh god bless on me :( at first ,  i felt confident to answer the question embarked by the panels but then it getting lesser when i suddenly realised that i have lack knowledge on that . Real Interview . 16th April 2013 A group interview   . andd guess what ? we found that , one of the panels was the dean of medicine itself . prof osman ! wuuuhh  == . deliberately arranged by sir azran , my group members were consist of nisha , aimi kay , ra...

SPC URV and SPC Aus/NZ Sports

A  very good morning i bid to all unknown readers  . May God bless you :) Now lets begin the storyline . On 25-27 March  2013 , we , the SPC - ians were given a fully sports spirits and die- hard - fan fanatic scene . every one was being so energetic as they able to shout out loud on the field . even hot rays from the sun was unable to kill the whutz shouts  threw by us . ngahaha ! :P    during the sports , every one got work to do . from the bleachers to the players and also those who handling the games  - the MPP   honestly , i was quite satisfied with myself as i able to make an achievement in sports since i had 'quited' in sports for ages . poor me == ' . nahh  i wasn't quit but i am resting . OK dude , that was 'bajet'  . haha . why did i was selected by the peak time of certain games ? not to say that i am a 'batu loncatan' but every time the game didn't have enough player , i was the one whom either volunteering or...

Every Girl Has Her Own One Minute Crush

Haritu, It was our KMKN science fair  there was one person but i know he was SPT guy , datang ke booth  when the presentation end .. he stared at me and said " goodluck for your project . in my opinion , it has a bright future " ..  *(pehhh ;p) then he left and i'd never seen him again until one day dekat dewan selera  while i was eating .. my eyes fall on one figure.   " hey macam pernah nampak lah this guy. kat mana eh? "  OH .  "eh dia ni pernah datang booth aku haritu ! "  :D hari ini untuk dinner , we all  makan chicken chop ! weh panjang nya barisan ! :O then , pergi  beratur belakang sorang laki ni  " eh ni laki haritu la !  alamak ! dia pandang belakang   "puasa ke ? "    "eh tak lah . tak puasa . " *senyum dekat dia  then pandang qeha yang tgh beratur kt belakang. malam tu nak ambik dbagus . qeha teman .  masa sampai depan surau terserempak  lagi ! :O mula...


assalamualaikum  ! :DD harini nak cakap pasal this AWESOME thing that has happened to me since i was in primary school . awesome awesome jugak , nyampah nyampah jugak ! HIHIHI ;3 straight to the point , i am going to tell you about my nicknames and how did i get it . 2005 . the first and foremost wani dapat nickname ! igt lagi masa tu orang yang mula2 bagi nickname dekat wani is Zulaika . now , she is studying at UTP :DD dia panggil wani  HAWAII ? pekena mengena dengan i ntah . i dah la tak pernah berangan nak pegi hawaii pun   -____________- masa ni tension jugak . first time dpt nickname  and it happened when i was in darjah lima . until now, she still call me that nickname. kuang ajo.hahaha 2007 since my name is hazwani so the gegeguys , who were my classmates , sesedap orennn jea tambah TA kat belakang tu . so it turned up to HAZWANITA . memang nak kena smack down  lah diaorg nie =..=  yang paling suka panggil macam tak lain tak bukan  Ib...