assalamualaikum ! :DD
harini nak cakap pasal this AWESOME thing that has happened to me since i was in primary school .
awesome awesome jugak , nyampah nyampah jugak ! HIHIHI ;3
straight to the point , i am going to tell you about my nicknames and how did i get it .
2005 .
the first and foremost wani dapat nickname ! igt lagi masa tu orang yang mula2 bagi nickname dekat wani is Zulaika . now , she is studying at UTP :DD dia panggil wani HAWAII ? pekena mengena dengan i ntah . i dah la tak pernah berangan nak pegi hawaii pun -____________- masa ni tension jugak . first time dpt nickname and it happened when i was in darjah lima . until now, she still call me that nickname. kuang ajo.hahaha
since my name is hazwani so the gegeguys , who were my classmates , sesedap orennn jea tambah TA kat belakang tu . so it turned up to HAZWANITA . memang nak kena smack down lah diaorg nie =..= yang paling suka panggil macam tak lain tak bukan Ibrahim Faiesall . dia ni memang nakal weh kat sekolah. hahaha
this time i was studying at Sekolah Menengah Sains Seri Puteri , KL . this is the best school i ever had !. haha .
i just want to be myself but i dont know why i spotted something different . i was acting weirdly. " kau ni pelik la wani " "pelik pelik pelik ! " "wani pelik!" .
i have a dormmate , her name is Nuryn Nabila . tiba tiba at one point , she told me , KAU NI PELIK TAU . SESUAI LAH KALAU AKU PANGGIL KAU MOP . MASTER OF PELIK ! once she 'cursed' me ,suddenly clouds changed from blue to grey . it started to 'raining cats and dogs' . the dorm was shaked at 5.0 magnitude of earthquake with full of laughter . BAHAHAHA ! XD they laughed out loud .
ever since, the whole CLARION called me MOP and i even got an special award for that title during barbeque night (after SPM end ) ! honestly it was really awesome ! kalau pegi mana2 or tegur SESERIANS , they call me MOP . kalau panggil hazwani they might be forgotten how do i look like , tapi kalau MOP yes they will . dahsyat enn :D i ve decided that ONLY seserians are allowed to call me MOP :') . .
A : kenal wani tak ?
A : huh ? :O *terpinga pinga sbb mmg tak tahu apa2 .
i am 19 years old girl and i am getting older =.= . i am studying at Kolej MARA Kuala Nerang , Kedah .bila dah addicted to twitter , susah sgt nak logout .masa tu tgh comment dgn DINNAN and NADHIL . they put their twitcon name as Ned Stark and Jon Snow respectively. dinnan said it was characters from games of throne . i tak layan laa cerita2 macam ni . layan drama jea . then suddenly nadhil asked me to join them .
nadhil : meh la join kitaorg wani
me : hah ? tak de kerja aku . tak nak lah =..=
nadhil : kau kena join jugak . kau kan geng kitaorang
me : *hm sejak bila ntah aku jadi geng diaorg . hahaha
nadhil : aku bagi kau arya . arya stark
me: -___________________-
In conclusion , layan je la bila ada orang bagi nicname pelik2 dekat you sebab nanti bila dah besar benda tu lah yang dapat connect kita balik dengan kawan2 . benda tu jugak laa yang buatkan you rasa special antara kawan2 . soo hargailah ! :)))
harini nak cakap pasal this AWESOME thing that has happened to me since i was in primary school .
awesome awesome jugak , nyampah nyampah jugak ! HIHIHI ;3
straight to the point , i am going to tell you about my nicknames and how did i get it .
2005 .
the first and foremost wani dapat nickname ! igt lagi masa tu orang yang mula2 bagi nickname dekat wani is Zulaika . now , she is studying at UTP :DD dia panggil wani HAWAII ? pekena mengena dengan i ntah . i dah la tak pernah berangan nak pegi hawaii pun -____________- masa ni tension jugak . first time dpt nickname and it happened when i was in darjah lima . until now, she still call me that nickname. kuang ajo.hahaha
since my name is hazwani so the gegeguys , who were my classmates , sesedap orennn jea tambah TA kat belakang tu . so it turned up to HAZWANITA . memang nak kena smack down lah diaorg nie =..= yang paling suka panggil macam tak lain tak bukan Ibrahim Faiesall . dia ni memang nakal weh kat sekolah. hahaha
this time i was studying at Sekolah Menengah Sains Seri Puteri , KL . this is the best school i ever had !. haha .
i just want to be myself but i dont know why i spotted something different . i was acting weirdly. " kau ni pelik la wani " "pelik pelik pelik ! " "wani pelik!" .
i have a dormmate , her name is Nuryn Nabila . tiba tiba at one point , she told me , KAU NI PELIK TAU . SESUAI LAH KALAU AKU PANGGIL KAU MOP . MASTER OF PELIK ! once she 'cursed' me ,suddenly clouds changed from blue to grey . it started to 'raining cats and dogs' . the dorm was shaked at 5.0 magnitude of earthquake with full of laughter . BAHAHAHA ! XD they laughed out loud .
ever since, the whole CLARION called me MOP and i even got an special award for that title during barbeque night (after SPM end ) ! honestly it was really awesome ! kalau pegi mana2 or tegur SESERIANS , they call me MOP . kalau panggil hazwani they might be forgotten how do i look like , tapi kalau MOP yes they will . dahsyat enn :D i ve decided that ONLY seserians are allowed to call me MOP :') . .
A : kenal wani tak ?
A : huh ? :O *terpinga pinga sbb mmg tak tahu apa2 .
i am 19 years old girl and i am getting older =.= . i am studying at Kolej MARA Kuala Nerang , Kedah .bila dah addicted to twitter , susah sgt nak logout .masa tu tgh comment dgn DINNAN and NADHIL . they put their twitcon name as Ned Stark and Jon Snow respectively. dinnan said it was characters from games of throne . i tak layan laa cerita2 macam ni . layan drama jea . then suddenly nadhil asked me to join them .
nadhil : meh la join kitaorg wani
me : hah ? tak de kerja aku . tak nak lah =..=
nadhil : kau kena join jugak . kau kan geng kitaorang
me : *hm sejak bila ntah aku jadi geng diaorg . hahaha
nadhil : aku bagi kau arya . arya stark
me: -___________________-
In conclusion , layan je la bila ada orang bagi nicname pelik2 dekat you sebab nanti bila dah besar benda tu lah yang dapat connect kita balik dengan kawan2 . benda tu jugak laa yang buatkan you rasa special antara kawan2 . soo hargailah ! :)))