Dinner SPC URV 12/13
Good day . may god bless on us :)
since i was kid , i love seeing and smell the flower's scents . but i don't plan to plant the flowers in my garden since i am busy like a bee and no time to hold a spade . haha .
since i was kid , i love seeing and smell the flower's scents . but i don't plan to plant the flowers in my garden since i am busy like a bee and no time to hold a spade . haha .
theme : vintage and roses . ( you might not see it clearly . it's quite blur . taken with a 8.0 MPix Nokia E6 =pp )
it was a beautiful invitation card , written with my full name upon it .dah macam ic dah itew tengok . hehe . oh yeah i was invited to a dinner ! :DD
very nice isn't it ?
kata ainal , ejaan nya salah . it supposed to be La Belle Nuit . dgr cakap org melayu france :)
i choosed goodies company which is under MPP Afdhal and MPP Liyana .my feeling was excited as if you got an important and urgent work to do and it was going to be a grand one . haha
i felt grateful for being part of the committees . i think all companies give great contributions to the dinner . if no goodies , then no gift partners and no gift for each person. the serious part , no invitation :O hm at least you wish to come to a grand dinner with an honour right ?
we were all cheered up to see our friend's great talents as some of them , besides of walking encyclopedia , they can dance , sing , play a guitar very well ! :DD *phewwittt ^^
AHA ! i almost forgot ! well , i never thought that this is gonna happened :D
adiib and syaamil were singing the most on heat-song in kmkn , when i was your man .kenapa aku rasa aku byak mention nama adiib dala blog ni ha ? suddenly i saw all the boys were standing up and walking around , holding flowers ! i was like : eh eh apa kena diorang ni ?
while i was questioning myself , i heard a voice from my back and he was dropping a flower to me : nah ini untuk hazoth . i turned and i saw KAM ! HAHA . OMGG comel siaaaa == the girls were all over the moon and excited ! THANK YOU GUYS :* xoxo !
lastly , my gift partner is Abdul Muhaimin from UK programme . so as an appreciation to him , i wrote his name on mr froggy's body . haha !