English Week KMKN
OH huh . kmkn stage's lights were being switched on ! SPC were having a very big project ! jeeyah :D
Adiib looked worried , cool but miserable . later on , it was our batch meeting. all i could see that everyone was worried but excited . even adiib , as a project manager couldn't sent the message about the English week clearly to us because he was too confused and worried. haha ! at one time , he had to explain the english week's tentative programme thrice because we were so blur and loading ! hewhew soo funny ! XD
at the second day of English week , teacher Syafeeza called us to gather ourselves at anjung budiman during mentor mentee . she scolded us for not taking the English week seriously . she said " SPC must show the batch spirit like they should . not humiliating ourselves ! . "she even gave a warn alarm to those who don't giving their best cooperation for the games and also for the English week overall - speaking enthusiastically in the college everyday . ngehe :D
every SPC class was busy preparing and creating a game for our batch .
U2 - bomber man
U1 - running man
V2 - guess what?
M2 - oh my English
M1 - snake and ladder
M3 - battleship * of course i did . it was my own class ! ^^
lets see how havoc the games were !
Bomberman . |
oh my english ! |
Snake and Ladder |
Besarnya daduuu :p |
Guess what |
Hangman |
The Three Director were having serious discussion :D |
Explorace |
Bleachers *lah sangatt . hahaha |