Tak Baik Tauuu :')
7th March 2016 8.00 pm , at G Resort , Kuantan . Sambil tengah tunggu dekat room , suddenly mama called us . she told us that phone syafiq hilang after balik from water park this evening . To make the story gone short , we suspected that it must be the workers from the room service sebab from what we had been informed , memang ada workers masuk room our parents, bersihkan bilik while we were at the gambang water park this morning . yang menambahkan lagi syaknyaa tu , this 'guy' was obviously had taken a small gadget rather than the big one sebab masa syafiq tengah charge phone tu , abah also biarkan laptop dia atas katil . however , laptop tu tak pulak diusik . hahaha . then , malam tu juga abah buat report to the customer service . and we did not surprise when we found that our family was not the only victim . at the same time , other customers yang bilik sebaris abah pun lodged the same report - " gadgets were stolen " . aduhhh so bila jumpa our parents...