last month , i have recieved my november muet 2013 result after cheking it by myself . and as i was less expected yet unbelievable , i got band 3 with another 5 marks to go to get band 4 .
it was quite frustrating and i still cant accept the fact that my " best trial " n " best work done " was only up to that level .
maybe the trial wasn't enough ... ( means that i have to work more and more )
maybe i have broken up my promises to Allah and now i am receiving His punishment
maybe i am full of sins and will always be until i die ( i am not prophet , the only maksum )
maybe this is not my lucky day or year or moment .....
i was puzzled and at the same time i was trying to accept the fact ..
and lastly , i made a decision . to recheck my paper . as saying goes , when there is a will , there is a way . atau orang melayu pula akan cakap , bila ada kemahuan di situ ada jalan , alang2 menyeluk pekasam biarlah sampai ke pangkal lengan . tak nak seribu daya , tak nak seribu dalih .
so i decided to delay the registration for the next muet which is on july while waiting for the recheck result to appear . i was hoping . yes , tak tipu . aku sangat berharap . harapan yang agak tinggi .
throughout the days , i have been receiving a lot of supports from ms kang sendiri , from my parents , friends and uncommon friend , si addin el shahir . eerrrr macam pelikkan tapi benar :)
addin greeted me in fb and asked about my result .
" weh , macam mana muet ? lepas tak ? "
and this is what i replied
" er weh , kau memang cakap dengan aku ke ? " hahahahahaha dasar wani pelik ;pp
" ye ah -_____________- aku tengah cakap dengan kau lah ni .
* act , he has asked the same ques earlier today but then i said that i havent checked yet . malas , kataku :)
" oh emm .. aku tak lepas ah . band 3 lagi . tapi lagi 5 markah nak ke band 4 . aku fikir nak recheck paper "
" oh . belum ada rezeki lagi tuu . takpe , kami di sini sentiasa doakan kau yea :D "
"thanks bro :') "
ok that was such rare conversation . pasai apa ? cheq tak pernah sekaaaaaaaaliiii pun im chat dengan this guy tau . tup tup tiba tiba dia teguq cheq .
as a friend , i wont ditch :) i was acting cool . hihi :pp
abah also asked me to do a lottt of solat hajat and pray to Allah . alhamdulillah i managed to do that even though it didnt as much as i / abah expected . well , at least , i have done rather than doing nothing :)
during that time , i tried to munasabah diri and say to myself everyday , " if you have got the result , be patient and dont be sad . never expect high . it might be worst than u have imagined .
and so , the result was there . it was still the same . abah sounded quite sad and so did i . act , i was even sadder than him because i am the one who sitting for the exam so i know how tired it is !
terlalu penat ... terlalu penat .....
i couldnt stop my tears from flowing down . lastly, i broke down and crying . allah maha mengetahui segala galanya .......