
Showing posts from February, 2014


last month , i have recieved my november muet 2013 result after cheking it by myself . and as i was less expected yet unbelievable , i got band 3 with another 5 marks to go to get band 4 .  it was quite frustrating and i still cant accept the fact that my " best trial " n " best work done " was only up to that level .  maybe the trial wasn't enough ... ( means that i have to work more and more )  maybe i have broken up my promises to Allah and now i am receiving His  punishment  maybe i am full of sins and will always be until i die  ( i am not prophet , the only maksum )  maybe this is not my lucky day or year or moment  .....  i was puzzled and at the same time i was trying to accept the fact ..  and lastly , i made a decision   . to recheck my paper . as saying goes ,  when there is a will , there is a way .  atau orang melayu pula akan cakap ,  bila ada kemahuan di situ ada jalan , alang2 men...