
Showing posts from July, 2012

UITM puncak alam will be missed :)

Feels like yesterday i was packing all the clothes up into the locker in my room at uitm puncak alam, Feels like yesterday the siswa and siswi were having their orientation - Minggu Destini Siswa, Feels like yesterday i was strolling with my the-only-lovely friend  Shafiqah Diana in the evening and watching our favourite movie Breaking Dawn Part 1 until late night, Feels like yesterday i was at the lecture hall , sitting besides my fellow friends and laughing at those jokes made by them . Feels like yesterday i was having my dinner at the Rafflesia  , gossipping about what we have been through on the whole day while stalking at some HANDSOME guys . HAHA :PP , Feels like yesterday i went for a hangout with my beloved classmates , C6 at Setia City Mall and we ended up stranded from 6 pm until 11 pm - waiting for a bus to take us back . Feels like yesterday i was stepping on TANGGA KEJAAYAAN and complaining the tiredness i ...

C6 Will Always Be In My Heart :)

Love can touch us one time and last for a life time . that's why i long to hear  the Titanic soundtrack everyday :) After 12 hours , yet i still remembered those moments :) ni comments kawan2 yang aku dapat daripada group c6 punya hangouts :) Watashiwa Aisyah : dah x blh nk tengok..sedih... Afif Syahmi : ni hangout perpisahan azam,wan n wani atau perpisahan ngan bob! penuh gambar dia je.. Dyanaa Razali:   jealous == Hanim Md Nordin : Saya TERAMAT sedih sebab tak boleh pergi SCM!! Ainn Pikahh : Aku tak kan pernah lupa hari ni :) Aku dgn Sha dah nampak bas ! OMGG , BAS RAPID BAS RAPID :D * sambil tu berkejar kejar mcm itik   . haishhh buruknya anak dara lari2 kejar bas dengan baju lawa2 .HAHAA ! :D  at the same time kteorg nampak erika and farah dah berlari lari kejar bus  .kah kah . okayy fineee missed out the bus =.= . second time pun sama . fine ! sabar je laa. Seriously dah  lmmbat so Sha...