It was 2nd January  2011 and we were going back to SESERI :'( . ok guys , say goodbye to your parents . OMGGG , the dormmates were all  shuffled ?? 0,0 . from onci 1 , i went to onci 2 . guess my dormmates :D . they were Amirah Haziyah , Asiyah Wafa , Nuryn Nabila  , Anis Nadzirah  , Wawa , Azie , Syai , P-Qa , Ying Li , and the most important was the dedicated leader * dedicate la sangattt , pftt ;pp , Rohaya Suboh :) .

the first day of school was really like a MESS -,- . we sang NEGARAKU song like kindergarten kids , mumblinggg and lost the track ;ppp . wahahaha . kan MISS  VAS dah tegur :) .

just 5 days in schools dah kena ada BENGKEL ADD MATHS EXCELLENT  3 days in a row pulakk 0,0 ?  OHH  MISS DING ,  you are the most energetic teacher that i've known in SESERI even though you are still new .  p/s : kalah  battery eveready . pftt ;pp . oppps ,lupa nak cakap , miss ding hong eng . GC add math  . she was from ASIS . dah ex okayy ? HAHA

yup , kuliah subuh . wow , everyone was like 'wilt' -________________-  . sneaking in sleeping  . mana tidaknya , dah la malam tadi tidur pukul 2 pagi . lepas tu kena ada kuliah subuh . huh ! tk pee , dapat pahalaa :) . Allah pun sayang <333 :DD .

aaa , ini yang tk leh blaaa nie  ! PENDAFTARAN PELAJAR TINGAKATAN 4 ! TARAAAA ! :DD .
sebab apa ? this is the day where we , the form 5 students , sharpened our best talent ever for the whole day . keep smiling and  act to the best ! . semua orang dapat anugerah 'PELAKON  PEMBANTU WANITA TERBAIK ' by bonda by the next day in SESERI AWARDS   * bonda saja je create award tuu ;pp, heheheh ~ ada je  kawan aku yang dah diiktiraf sebagai anak angkat family tersebutt . WHOAAAA , hebaddd ! :DD .

Minggu Asimilasi .  sepanjang 4 days and 3 nights nie , aku memang penattt . It was such a hectic life to me becuase  my PRS team was handling this programme for the f4s =.= . penatt bhaiii . tk boleh tidur anddd esoknya aku memang mengantuk gilaa dalam kelas . sobs sobs sob . hey , dont regret it but be thankful to it . yeah ! :D

ujian intervensi 1 ? hmmm . do your best ! :)

haaa , this month was really exciting . the f5 students had a summer camp ! ;DD - KEM SRI RAUDHAH  . dekat sekitar gombak tk silap aku . tk lah jauh sgt pun tpi tetap best sebabnya tk buat kt sekolah mcm last year -,- . but unfortunately , there were some conflict during the camp that we never expect and thought it would be . i was admit that at that time clarion's bond was not so strong and we were making a group by ourselves called 'puak' and this really dissapointed the motivator , ABANG JOE :( . from his gila - gila plans towards us in oder to strengthen the bonds , we really learnt something from that :) .

the buses that drove us there :)
yeah , dorexxians were really excited with this camp  ! some of us were left first . 

Masa cuti penggal satu . me dan beberapa rakan yang lain iaitu Sujutme , Fanana , Lina , Shaz , Anis Munirah ,Athirah Zuhdi and Fedd were having an humanity programme with other schools at Cambodia and Vietnam . COOLLLL GILAAA :DD  sumpah tk tipuuu !! ^_^  i wont forget all the moments i have been there for one week and the moment i step firstly on the floor of plane :) . yeahhh , first time naik flight ;pp .guru pengiring were puan zubidah and puan norsham :)  . garangggg tapiii bila dekat sana , they were sporting and havoc :DDD .
schools that joining us were ASIS , SAS , SEMESRA , STJ , MOZAC , AND SESERI itself . 

yet , i still remembered the time when  , we , the seserian , were practising the tarian tempurung in front of the Sungai Mekong River , the citizen and a group of ASiS boys ;ppp . malu deh =.=

the women that wearing balck baju kurung tell us that they were taken . in simple word , they had married :)

we were having the performance for the villagers  at Vietnam .

May :
it was teachers day ! everyone were get into an hectic life on the day before =,= . we decorated the DGP and stage . we set up the chairs , anddd also the PA system . ehhh lupa , tu kerja SERANTA lahh . * sebok jak , pftt ;pp =.=

this day will always kept safely in my memory box because i was one of the performers ! :DD   . aku masuk drama . jadi budak nerd , suka kacau org and then timbulkan pergaduhan dengan ziyaa . hebaddd :DD ha , nak cakap sket ,  yang menjayakan drama ini sehingga digilai ramai peminat ialah tk lain tk bukan ahli GAP sendiri . hehehe . bangga tak  , GAP sekalian ?  sangat menyayat hati until the teachers's eyes and ears were atrracted to us like a strongggg magnet :) . WOAAA . the moment lina saying that she was from CAMBODIA had made puan zubidah and puan norsham cracked up and laughed :) . mesti laa , siapa tk nak lupa kenangan di kemboja tuu :) . their eyes cant lie that still today  they missed those days , haaaa :) .

on 28 th of may . me , nana , jijah , edd and shaz went for cikgu atikah's wedding at kuala kubu bahru . waa cakap sama lu , kalau tk reti jalan , jangan pergy sorang2 =,= . menangiss woo . sob sobs sob . however i dont think that to - be- late for 3 hours was such a burden eventhough exhausted  but i considered it as one of my lesson's of the day and great experience with friends :)

EKIDEN RUN at  PUTRAJAYA :DD . aku tk pernah sampai kt putrajaya sharp at 7 o clock in the morning where i think that all the residents were still having their sweet dreams and sleep tight ? sape tak cuak -,- . geng geng aku pun tk sampai lagi . BUTT , aku palinng suka hari nie . disebabkan terlalu gelabah sebab sampai lambat , kteorg tersangkut kt tengah pdang2 pdhal ramai yang dah start lari . wakaka . kelakar gilaaa time tu :) . tak kan lupaa  :) . plan nak quit tpi diyana tk mahu . she said such a waste if she came longggg way from seremban tpi tk dapat medal apa2 . after that , ape lagiii ? lepak ahhh . HAHA . first , serangg rumah HILYAH dekat presint 11 . yang join , aku , mj , mayam , nani , asiyah , safa , and hilyah :) . then we attacked the ALAMANDA . tengook movie serammmm -,- . INSIDIOUS =,= . menjerit2 sampai tak igt duniaaa . dduk palling depan  . bagoss ! =,= . 2 jam dongak kepala . bila habis , tk tahu nak straight kan kepala balik . HAHAHAH .

disebabkan dua hari berturut turut aku keluar andd balik lambat , mama sampai complain dekat angah yang 2 hari aku travel tak balik2 pdhal mmg balik rumah punn . PB kann ? ;pp kesian mama :)

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