
Showing posts from December, 2011


It was 2nd January  2011 and we were going back to SESERI :'( . ok guys , say goodbye to your parents . OMGGG , the dormmates were all  shuffled ?? 0,0 . from onci 1 , i went to onci 2 . guess my dormmates :D . they were Amirah Haziyah , Asiyah Wafa , Nuryn Nabila  , Anis Nadzirah  , Wawa , Azie , Syai , P-Qa , Ying Li , and the most important was the dedicated leader * dedicate la sangattt , pftt ;pp , Rohaya Suboh :) . the first day of school was really like a MESS -,- . we sang NEGARAKU song like kindergarten kids , mumblinggg and lost the track ;ppp . wahahaha . kan MISS  VAS dah tegur :) . just 5 days in schools dah kena ada BENGKEL ADD MATHS EXCELLENT   3 days in a row pulakk 0,0 ?  OHH  MISS DING ,  you are the most energetic teacher that i've known in SESERI even though you are still new .  p/s : kalah  battery eveready . pftt ;pp . oppps ,lupa nak cakap , miss ding hong eng . GC add math...


Assalamualaikum . * syahindah ajar dekat blog dia :)  readers , if you were an ex of boarding schools students , i am very sure that you have been missing much at those words . correct me if i'm wrong  :)  ada after ? nak after boleh ?  perhatian kepada semua warga clarion  hari nie supper / lunch apa ?  hari ni makan sedap ! :) hari nie ada ais kirm lah ! :D  muslimat seseri , sila rapatkan saf anda .  prep petang / malam AFTER PAPER BH !  siapa last call ?  warden .  hari nie warden apa yg duty ? * haihh , lemah betul BM =,= nicknames of your friends :D dorm  DM =,= malasnya nak balik semula asrama -______________-  outing  'fly' , ngeheh ~  tegangkan cadar .


assalamualaikum and good afternoon , dear readers  , in this post, i would like to share with all of you about my trip to UIA ( UNIVERSITI ISLAM ANTARABANGSA , MALAYSIA )  in conjuction with seseri's  programme that was being held for 3 days and 2 night . briefly , this programme was only selected the top 40 students that came out with excellent result during midyear exam 2011  :) . i was being thakful to god because i was one of them .i thought that this programme would give its best facilities and memories to all the participants . truthly , it was and it had :) . we were trying to step on this onlyyy medium rock :) This is the in front view of UIA . The scenery was breath - taking in beauty :) We were much prettier than those flowers , dont we ? :D We were againsted the rules , pftt ;pp Seriously , i was enjoyed with all the slots in all subjects . surprisingly ! i didnt fall asleep...


YEHAOOO ! SPM was over ! . how YEAR END SALE comes to its  end of day , and so SPM was :) .  And now , i am going to make out my strategies and plans within this three months so that i won't feel bored because of doing nothing valuable  such as sleeping or sitting like a cowboy ! .  kata orang lepas SPM  bosan . well , i dont think so . Think postitvely :) . three months are  good enough for the lepasan SPM to be prepared for the fututre  . not only preparing your self-esteem confident but also sharpened your skills on something like cooking for example :) . plus , you could practising yourself for the scholarships . nak belajar oversea tak ? nak masuk u tak ? :) bukan kah itu bagus ? bukan sahaja  boleh berjimat cermat when you are studying in the campus ,  tp boleh juga buat persediaan nak masuk meminang . * ishh ape aku merepek nieyh =,=  . apa2 jea lah .  tp yang penting , you feel bored because you...