It was 2nd January 2011 and we were going back to SESERI :'( . ok guys , say goodbye to your parents . OMGGG , the dormmates were all shuffled ?? 0,0 . from onci 1 , i went to onci 2 . guess my dormmates :D . they were Amirah Haziyah , Asiyah Wafa , Nuryn Nabila , Anis Nadzirah , Wawa , Azie , Syai , P-Qa , Ying Li , and the most important was the dedicated leader * dedicate la sangattt , pftt ;pp , Rohaya Suboh :) . the first day of school was really like a MESS -,- . we sang NEGARAKU song like kindergarten kids , mumblinggg and lost the track ;ppp . wahahaha . kan MISS VAS dah tegur :) . just 5 days in schools dah kena ada BENGKEL ADD MATHS EXCELLENT 3 days in a row pulakk 0,0 ? OHH MISS DING , you are the most energetic teacher that i've known in SESERI even though you are still new . p/s : kalah battery eveready . pftt ;pp . oppps ,lupa nak cakap , miss ding hong eng . GC add math...