
Showing posts from December, 2012


we have done our research . yeahh ! thank u oh Allah :) we only did in couple of weeks . not 'only' but we 'determined' :) so , in this oppurtinity ,allow me to type down the names that have helped us out with the best effort they  have ever given and  i felt sooo appreciated of what they have done :) THEY ARE :) Prof. Zulkiflle bin Leman - a lecturer in Mechanical Engineering Department Abu Hatim bin Ibrahim - he is one of  prof zul's postgraduate students . now studying Master in Mechanical Engineering . Gooduck abang ! :) Puan NorHasni - Sc officer in Chemical Engineering  Department Kak Maslinda - technician in chemical lab  Mei Yi - student Master of Chemical Engineering. thanks for taught us how to use bombcaloric meter :D

Hangout With DakDak KMKN

since it was the  last day  TWILIGHT SAGA  BREAKING DAWN PART 2   showed off , 5 TH DECEMBER 2012 , sooo here we are in MIDVALLEY MEGAMALL :DDDDDD . oh apparently , they were my friends in KMKN  . coolioooo ,  was it ? :) how the plan be made ? it was all about TWITTER ! it was Mia Nasir whom twit about this breaking news. and so Iqmalo and me commented the status  . lastly , Mia set the date and place to meet up . we spread the news to others who free to go along with us . hehehehe :D  From left, kobe,jelin,iqmal,amir hamzah,*tak igt nama, me, mia, *tak igt nama, and teo. The front : from left, pah, sani, adila hanani hehe ;p