
Showing posts from August, 2011


ohh ya  , actually it's not a new  style raya card but we called it new because we used to use the 'real' factory made raya card that we bought them in packet at the supermarket . truthly  , it was an instant one . since i was living in a boarding school , so we made something  ' new ' style which everyone could feel a token of appreciation to the giver  . which wass  , a handmade - stick note - of raya card  . haha  . yaa , lameoooo ;pp  . here  , i would like to give some examples of what the boarding school student had done . example 1 :   nah , ini NSK yg bagi  . opps lupa , Nurul Syifaa Khalil :) perghh , memang GANAS cara dia bagi .by what ? by tampalling this card at my back . oi  ingat ini tonoplast ke ? -,-  btw , thank you a lot  , dearest syifaa :)  . Love you , muahh <3 example 2 :    this one  was given by miss Nashazreen Nasharuddin  . su...